Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Ascended Master Saint Germain is the Chohan of God's Violet Ray of Freedom, Mercy, and Transmutation..AND 3 X NEW ST, GERMAIN'S UP-DATE'S...ENJOY.

"Place the Violet Flame through your heart and then let go and know who you are."

" . . . Throughout the ages, before there was the Opportunity for the fullness of My Message to be released into the physical, I was able to work behind the scenes with many lifestreams who were receptive to My Flame. They were galvanized by Freedom, and what Freedom meant to the lifestream. They did not have to know that there was a Violet Flame. They did not have to know that there was an I AM Presence, but they felt the Fire of My Heart.

"You know of the Violet Flame. You know of your God Presence, and you know My Flame. Move into action. Take up the Sword. Allow for your calls to go forth to the Violet Flame, to release the planet from all of the burdens, all of the overlays of the astral and the psychic plane. Allow for the Freedom to come to the elemental kingdom. The burden alone that the elementals have carried for the lifestreams upon the planet is great. You should feel a sense of responsibility to lift that burden with your calls.

"But call as you will, that call must connect with your God Presence. And if there is too much of the human ego for you to give yourself over to your God Presence, it will always be 'another day' and 'another day' and 'another day' after that, before you will finally feel the release of the Light in your world.

"One of the most important reasons for transmuting the human ego is the learning process that is required for you to step aside with all of the human creation, and allow for your God Presence to manifest where you are. You are not giving yourself over to another lifestream. You are not giving yourself over to another Ascended Master. You are not winning your Victory through a vicarious atonement. It is, beloved hearts, your own Real God Presence.

"Allow for all that is of the human to dissolve into a total surrender into your Holy Christ Self, and then into your God Presence. Approach the altar with the intent and desire of communion with your God Presence - in Harmony with the expectation of the Love that will be released, and you lay all of your burdens aside. Place them physically on the altar if you must go through the exercise. You could even have a little box, not unlike Pandora's box, that you place all the ills of your life. Put the lid on it so that it's 'over there' - then enter into the Flame.

"You have nothing to lose. If you choose to pick up your human ego outside the sanctuary door, it will still be there - because you can recreate it. It is in your memory body. Or you can put it into the Flame and see what is left. I think you will be most surprised. For if you have been a most sincere student on the Path for many lifetimes, you will discover that not all was transmuted, not all went into the Flame and was no more. For lo and behold, you will turn around and discover that many of those aspects of you - that you thought perhaps might have been the human ego and the human pride, might have been the human creation - were, in fact, not at all - but the expression of your own God Presence already manifesting into the physical. But because there is such a fear of the surrender and the letting go, many do not ever get to the point of feeling the fullness of that Release and the Oneness with their God Presence.

"This is the Opportunity for Happiness, beloved ones. And I, Saint Germain, wish each and every one the fullness of Joy in living. For it should not be a drudgery, a depression, or a state of illness. And even when there is the physical outpicturing of this or that - that may not measure up to what you think is Perfection - it matters not. For the Flame, beloved ones, that is on your heart, that connects you with your God Presence and buoys you up into the fullness of that Light is all that matters.

"For you cannot take it all with you. Why would you wish to? You can even, beloved hearts, take the physical body with you, if you choose. There have been Those who have. But should you elect to leave part of it behind, to go back to the dust, you have that prerogative. It is no longer necessary to take the physical body with you in the Ascension.

"Do not be afraid. Do not sense the loss of something that is not Real, but allow yourself to step forward into the Flame that you invoke at your own private altar as an exercise of preparation for all of the Flames of God Quality that you will experience on your way to the Ascension.

"I promise you that, should you choose to exercise all of your options of free will in the application that has been laid before you this very weekend, you will see - if not today, tomorrow, or perhaps the next - it will take as long as the intent of your heart and the desiring for God in your life - but you will experience all that has been laid before you.

"It is Cosmic Law. It is a Science. And one day the Earth's scientists will wake up to how it all works. There are some, even today, that are beginning to question more and more, and find that the ways of the world and the outer intellect become confounded and they cannot explain all into the terms of esoterics. 'It is a mystery' indeed. But you, as Ascended Master students, know the Mysteries. You know the Light, and you know who you are. Recognize it. Become it, and expand it to others.

"This is My Message. This is the Desire of My Heart: that each of you exhibit the fullness of the Opportunity that is afforded you to become the Christed One, to walk in the Light of the Christ. And then take My Message and run with It. Collect together, do not put It, My Message, on the shelf, but put It on the altar and let It expand, and let the Fires of the Heart of your own God Presence bring into the fullness of your own life the Power, the Wisdom, and the Love of God, and all good things will come into your life. There will be a greater Abundance of Light than you will be able to keep in your members. You will be required to give It back to God in a figure eight flow, or to release It to others and to God in Life. You will not be able to contain It. And guess what? The more you give the more you will receive, until one day you will go spinning out of control right into the Ascension and you will not even know that you are there. It matters not where you are on the Path. It matters what you are doing on the Path. For there are victories and accomplishments each and every day that are joys to experience.

"Lighten the heart. Place a smile on your face and in your eyes, and know that you will truly be expressing the Smile and Twinkle of the Eye of your own God Presence right where you are in the physical. For that is the expression that exists at that Level of God Reality.

"I AM Grateful for your attention, and I understand the dilemma that some are in. Think not I am unaware. But trust, each and every one of you, the heart. Place the Violet Flame through your heart and then let go, and know who you are. That is My requirement as the Knight Commander, and the Directive for this next cycle.

"Yes, beloved ones, We are entering into an Age when you will see Me far more than you have ever seen Me in the past. For I AM directly involved in the affairs of the expansion of the Light for this next two thousand year cycle, and I will be in attendance wherever there are those who say they are students of the Light and are earnest and pure with that intent. But mark well, it must be of pure intent. For I do not have time to dally with anything that is less than the God Reality that will take Us into the Golden Age. There is no game playing. For the Dispensations are on the table. The Opportunity has been afforded, and the cycles are now to move into action to let the Earth know that Saint Germain is ready for the Golden Age, and ready to bring up those Christed individuals into the fullness of their God Presence.

"As you move forward, day to day, week, month, and lifetime, do not neglect the Flame on your heart. Should you elect at any time to move away from the active work of the Ascended Masters, I charge well that you will remember My Words, that you are required to maintain the Flame where ere you go, for the connection with My Heart will not be severed. For you are, beloved ones, too precious and too dear to be allowed to slip away in the night and pretend that I, Saint Germain, did never exist in your life.

"Allow for the Violet Flame that I have released this night to move through your bodies, to transmute all of the tensions of the solar plexus, and allow for the integration of your heart with your own God Presence. And be of Joy and Happiness to know that you have a God Presence that looks after you, that adores you, that is who you are. . . . "

Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain

St Germain: Join Wall St. Protestors-Take NESARA Flyers
Saturday, 08 October 2011

"Good evening. It is I, St Germain, and I am honored and overjoyed to be here in this company of Family once more! And yes you have heard the news, as it were, and you know how much is going on everywhere on this wonderful Planet Earth. And you know that I am here, indeed, with a particularly joyful mission and it is to inspire the members of the kingdom of humanity to move, to make great strides, as it were, upon their paths to Ascension.

"And yes, it is to inspire those who want to keep humanity on a lower path and in the boxes that they have contrived through their lies and deceits and their wars and all of the weapons that they have used. It is to inspire them to come forward into the light to stop fighting in the shadows. It is to inspire them to open their hearts to love and to stop hating. Believe it, Beloved Ones, when I tell you that for most of them, the ones they hate the most are themselves, and the parents who have brought them into the world to serve the dark.

"And so it is that there is a new wind blowing, and it is the wind of change, and it is empowered by these wondrous energies which are coming to the Planet. And it is enhanced and moved forward by the work of the Ashtar Command and the Ascended Masters and your angels and guides, and yes, even the members of the other kingdoms of Mother Gaia, and by Mother Gaia herself. This is indeed joyful!

"But we understand that at the moment when you look out upon the scene you see chaos, you see starvation, wars, people losing their homes everyday in record numbers, people without any kind of employment so as to earn the dollars they need to just maintain themselves and their families. That is a slice that is somewhat frozen on the timeline because it is your now moment. We see before, we see after, we see now, and we tell you that we have an opportunity to move the timelines forward in what you might call an upward manner.

"That is why we are so excited here, that is why Ashtar spoke with such great passion to you, and why I, St Germain, feel the fire, the flame of Freedom! Freedom from all that you might be perceiving in this moment that you want to see changed, it is done in your next moments. And as Ashtar told you, the NESARA Announcement** is the key.

"As you may already know, I myself, that is, the sprit I AM, helped to inspire the words, the concepts, the freedoms that NESARA gives to all, and it is not just for the United States of America, but it is for the United States of America and President Obama to lead the way. And even though President Obama has, like others, seemed to be following along the programs and agendas of the ones who wear the dark hats, be not mistaken, he is a Master of Light. He stands for Freedom and his expressions are of Love, but he has, of necessity, allowed these ones to come forward to show themselves so that everyone could understand their true agendas and the programs. That is why the Indigos have responded by moving onto Wall Street, because they know the heart of darkness is there. It exists in other places, too, that we are clearing.

"It is to bring to the attention of the world, not just what these ones have done -that is already out there - but to bring to the attention of the world the fact that now is the time for the people to rise up, to call forth the changes. Now, most of them do not know about NESARA, they do not know about it in their consciousness, and that is why we are asking you, Beloved Ones, to help them by Emailing,*** by joining this Facebook gathering,**** and yes, by marching with them or standing with them and showing them and telling them that the solution exists. It has been withheld from the people all these years - ITS TIME IS NOW!!!

"And so, Beloved Ones, what could be more appropriate for this gathering than that we go and stand together with these ones in the street of the Wall - they are there. And it is for us to go and be with them and shower them with our loving support, or encouragement, and yes, our thanks. And to invite others to come and to thank them for coming and being on the way, to open the doors wide on Wall Street, and everywhere, in this country and beyond. Yes, the neighbors in Canada are already joining, and it is for the world to join in. And it is to send the message loud and clear to Obama, 'Yes we are ready, yes, we welcome the changes that must be made, and by the way, we know about the answers, the solutions!'

"So here we are, Beloved Ones, in this grand gathering of Family. The violet flame is with us and surrounds us, and the golden white light of the Christ is here, and yes, the blue ray of Truth, and we are all here together. And it is for us to join our hands and our hearts. Welcome your beloved guides and angels, welcome the Masters and your starseed families and the magical kingdoms, not seen by everyone, but nevertheless a part of Planet Earth. The Divas and the spirits of the land, the Fairies and the Elementals, and yes, welcome the kingdoms of the Plants and the Animals and the Crystals, because they, too, are waiting for this grand event, this Announcement, this implementation, this moving forward. It will be like a rocket ship for everyone on the Ascension path!

"So let us gather around in our circle of Love, and let us hold out our hands, put your children, your grandchildren in the middle of the circle because this is the beginning for them and they know, and they know that Love empowers the changes, these wondrous ones. And let us travel up into higher dimensionality, the Christ Consciousness, 5th dimension. And let us bring all of us together, holding hands, joined in loving hearts.

"And now let us look down upon that place called Wall Street. We are directly above it and there is no cloud anywhere to obscure our view, and let us look at the bright faces there, and yes, some are weary but see the Lights, see the Indigo colors. And for those who are perhaps of the older generation see the violet in their auras, the Peace, the Love, and see all of the colors, the colors of action, the colors of creativity, the colors of healing, the colors of the Christ Consciousness.

"And now, let us reach to them and let us tell them, ‘We bring you great tidings, we bring you answers, solutions, and Peace on Earth. Let the violet light, the ray of transmutation, of transformation, enter into all hearts in this wondrous gathering and let it open the hearts to know - yes, yes you are doing it, change is happening! Yes, we stand here now with you, we lift you up to meet us in higher vibration, in loving Oneness. We stand with you in service, we add our voices to yours and We Are One Together, welcoming the changes that our connections are inspiring and creating even now.’

"Let that violet light flow everywhere, and now call forth the blue ray of Truth to accompany it so that these ones will have the guidance already that yes, NESARA really is the answer!!! And it is to stand tall and fast on Wall Street and on all the other Wall Streets across the country and beyond, and to raise voices together and know that it is working, that it is the call to Freedom and the call to Abundance for all, and yes, Justice, Compassionate Justice, and that this is getting it done!!!

"More and more will be called to come and join with these wondrous ones, and it is to be with them in our hearts, in our minds, and yes, in our highest vibrations so that together, they feel the lifting up, the empowering, that we bring to them, Beloved Ones, Family, together. And that they know that success is ordained because it is the Divine Birthright of all that this be done. It is time to change the timelines, and indeed they are changing. And it is time to bring forth the high vibrations from which this NESARA was created!!!

"And yes there is a being who stands in representation in the higher dimensionalities and we call her Lady NESARA. Now see her step forward into the middle of our circle, our circle that includes all of these wondrous ones in the streets who have joined with us and we with them. And let us just beam our Love beams at Lady NESARA and thank her for being with us. And here is Lady Liberty at her side and let us thank her, too, because NESARA needs the Freedom to be announced. We, Beloved Ones, are inspiring that Freedom by calling it forth into the reality that most people on the planet still see as being located in the third dimension - but it is rising!

"And there will be so much more information, and so many more will wake up and they, themselves will get upon the path to Ascension because there will be Freedom worldwide to say it’s time to wake up. That which you know in some part of your being but have not connected with yet, now is the time for the connection. It all comes with the Freedom, the Abundance and the Love that NESARA brings to the world.

"So let us be joyful together, let us dance with these ones, let us sing with them, and let us be totally in Joy, because we see the vision and we know that the world is coming into the high vibrations and the healing that Christ Consciousness creates, because now We Are Indeed One - One consciousness, One heart, One Love. Just feel the Love, just float in the Love - hugs all around! Hug these ones in the streets who have joined with us, hug each other, Beloved Ones, hug us - we hug you - and hug yourselves!!!

"Thank your wondrous beings, your hearts of Love, your knowing and your inspirations for being One With All and for being a shower of the way, a beamer of the Light of Love. Remember always that you came to this place, that you participated and that you were a part of this gathering and of our joining with the ones who are standing out in the cold, raising their voices to make the changes, and calling forth a better, brighter world!!!

"And now we have the roses of Kumara. Standing with me is my brother Sananda and his Beloved Marys - his Mother Mary and his Beloved Mary Magdeline. Come forward now and accept the roses of Kumara. They are most special, for they tell of your presence here in this gathering of Freedom, of Light and of Love. Let the roses come into your hearts and remain there always, so that you, Beloved Ones, will always shine forth the bright Lights of us together, One, in mission accomplished! And so it is. Namaste!"


"Well, that was huge! It is I, Sekhmet. I always like to get a word in. So I'm going to remind you to look for the emails, go to the websites,***** sign the petition,** get those flyers out,****** get those emails out!*** Action-action-action!!! We're with you - in all of it. And we're going to get it done, and we're going to have such Joy to the World! Ah, yes, well - I'm going to go dance with Froggy because I see what has been accomplished here already, and we'll have a lot more Joy to the World coming - stay tuned! Namaste!"

What Needs to be Deleted
9 October 2011 - ( Ascended Master Saint Germain )

What my words are telling you is that you can ascend. Make ascension your commitment and complete your deletion of negativity by not complaining or criticizing that which does not fit with your ego's desires. More and more details are being revealed daily about the lies you have been told by governments, corporate marketing specialists and drug companies. Are these details giving you any good feelings? Are you being grateful for these lies? No, you are getting negative. My messages are giving you the love of God in words that are meant to uplift you from this negativity.

How can anyone ascend their own negativity? By looking at all they observe as God's gift to their growth in awareness. Awareness can be expanded without negative attitudes put on what is being revealed. All is needed to grow in consciousness. There are no accidents at all. When you are given more awareness, the most developed thing you can do is be grateful for it. Attacking new awareness material deletes your consciousness quotient. What can you do to be a light in the midst of darkness? Be grateful. Shine that light on all negativity.

My dears, what is not considered acceptable on this blog is arrogance. When a comment contains a negative attack on anyone or any thing, or a comment degrades the messenger, it is not posted. Your ability to get comments posted can use this as a guideline. Another guideline is: do not include a link to a different site that does not add anything of value to this message delivery. Unrelated links that are for the purpose of marketing one's own beliefs are not accepted. These links cannot be removed by the blog moderator, so the entire comment must be deleted. The other criteria I use to moderate comments is whether the content can be understood. Some comments are not in English or or they are not written so they can be understood by English speaking readers. These too do not get published. Enough said.

Please ask questions. Please feel free to comment. But be aware that negative, arrogant attitudes don't go on this blog site. What do I call arrogance? Being against another's point of view and being dictatorial in attitude about your opinion. Making another appear disrespected is also arrogant. Not agreeing is fine, but disrespecting the one you disagree with is negative. Choosing words that are kind can allow for many points of view to be presented. Acting as a master does not include degrading another.

Every time you present yourself as a more knowledgeable commenter than either myself or other commenters, your attitude is degrading. Act like a divine being—loving and respectful of what others say—and you will be more credible.

False statements made as fact are not the way of a master either. Be careful to deliver an opinion as an opinion, not as a fact. Arrogance is making your opinions appear to be facts. There is no authority in this universe that claims total accuracy in its messages due to the nature of all things being a collective conclusion at that moment. No detail is conclusive, as nothing conceived by your mind is accurate. All is mentally conditioned to fit your attitudes and beliefs in this dream you are concluding is reality. Presenting anything as a concept means it is not claimed to be truth. This is much more accurate.

My words about ascension are to lead you in this direction. Are they accurate? We will soon see. When dates and times are mentioned they may not appear accurate, as time in our realm is non-existent.

My dear ones. Please get out of your mental attitudes and beliefs and read my messages with less attachment to details. Consider them your guide to possibility. Be a clear channel of your own Highest Awareness and develop humility. I Am That I Am is your true identity. All of you are Masters in God's creation. Your mind is what thinks otherwise.

As one wise man once said to another: My mind asks the questions and my heart answers them. Please keep asking and listening.

Ascended Master Saint Germain

Are You a Master? Say Yes!
9 October 2011 - ( Ascended Master Saint Germain )

Waking up to the truth of your existence is only one detail to be aware of. All the clearing of contractions in the body has helped to make you a light vessel in human form. When the ascension call comes, all light vessels will be called. No attitude about your worthiness to be called applies. Those who have really become lightworkers are now going to deliver the light.

Following a teacher that tells you otherwise will bring disappointing moments when the day of this next wave comes. No one can ascend who has not completed his/her homework. Are those completing it now still eligible? Absolutely! Always continue to let go of negativity as it appears. Once empty, the heart will be wide open. Teaching about doing nothing to ascend has been controller guidance. Stay on that track and your dream of ascension will be totally negated. Free yourself of negative thinking about all details of the human experience to be a true leader of light. Positive attitudes neutralize dark comments when they are made by others.

Children of God are all on the same clock as far as ascension is concerned. None are "chosen," all choose their own future. No great division exists between teacher and chela. All are equal in God's eyes. No group of humans is considered a more important group than others. When the bible was composed in the mode of historical data being created as law, the destiny of the group called Israelites was not certain. They chose an authority of divine control to acquiesce to and claimed him as their God. Was he the chooser or the chosen? Neither, he was their only contact and they accepted the demands he made for their own co-creation. Are they chosen or did they choose? All are chosen and they chose.

My dear ones, we are all God's children—even the divine Masters of God's creation are not more dear to God than any of you. No favorites! Can you become more favored? No, but you are able to deliver more of the dance of light to the co-creative nature of manifestation than those who are less conscious.

Twelve tribes were given the tablets on Mount Sinai and only one claims them. All the others chose not to, but they are not going to be deleted from God's memory. When they are called to ascend they are equal to all the others being called. No delineation will be made on this side of the veil.

Practices to get to ascension are not the delivery mode their initiators intended them to be. Welcoming all on an angelic level will be the Ascended Masters and Archangels who are the aspects of divine light asked by God to assist. Answer their call by going out to meet them.

Apathy is not the same as being content "no matter what happens." Can you get delighted that life for all can be improved as a consequence of your completion? How great can a consequence be?
We are not delivering you to anything you haven't experienced before—only the dross of mental negativity does that. We are out of that context and come as great friends to our own counterparts. Take our hands and go through the door to angelic bliss.

Today's message answers comments that are not being published because they are mis-directed in their details.

Ascended Master Saint Germain

On With Ascension
9 October 2011 - ( Ascended Master Saint Germain )
Change is imminent. Can you feel the mystery of all God's creations becoming more awesome in their magnitude? How could all of these complexities be imagined? We are only aware of the cause and effect attributes, but much more is not in our awareness. So that you become more aware, pay attention to nature. See how all of the elements are co-creating at the same moment. Each contributes the last bit of its caring to those who continue the cause. When one dies, the others go on, and they do not destroy themselves because of their loss. When new births come forth, all celebrate the arrival of the next generation's contributors.
Are we different from them? Only in the way the "All That Is" conceived us to be. I include Ascended Masters in this dialog as a way of leading you to more clarity about the dramas you are part of, as we are in most of them also. To let you think of yourself as separate from us would not be delivering an accurate account of this creation. We Ascended Masters are also creations of God's dream—not different from you, other than our level of awareness.

Many of you have been Masters before. Some will be Masters again when you wake-up. No one decides what is their own level of Mastery. My messages have given you many details about what it takes to become a Master. Not being an active meditator or channel does not disqualify you from ascension. Many of these messages list all the conditions that are needed for ascension. This is not new information. "No negativity" tops the list.

Even though my chelas are all Masters within, many of them are not ready to ascend due to negative beliefs and attitudes that are still needing to be deleted. Solve this now or later—your choice. Give your total life to God and become a master instantly.

I Am That I Am is your True Nature. Giving away the mental concepts of ego does away with all deceptive thinking. An awakening is this simple. A completed contract includes this new awareness, and no contract is complete without it.

Ascension is graduation from Earth school. It is not the mind's decision whether the exams have been passed or not. Graduation requires good grades and good test results. You designed your own curriculum, made up your own courses, and acted out the tests you needed to be graded on. The grade you got was by your own standard. Passing meant another test was needed to make certain the grade was accurate. Next lesson . . .

All of this is in the contract, and your True Nature cannot be fully available to live your life as a Master until you are able to go out of the classroom with a passing grade in all of your subjects.

Many demons are in your classes. They create obstacles for you to become challenged by. Gratitude to them is another test of Mastery.

Polish your great dream with a negative attitude and this deletes you from ascension. God and our beloved contributor to human mastery, Jeshua ben Joseph, are not the decision makers about ascension—only your own consciousness decides.

Can this message give you the incentive to be a master that can ascend? Why not? Are you too dense to accept this most critical challenge? No, you are not. Believing in ascension and deciding that you want it are the first qualifications. Next comes the completion of your contract. Work to negate negativity is not needed, only moving your decisions into choosing God over all of your dream's desires. Next is heart opening. Are you there? No "doing" is needed for this either, only living as though you are doing God's work in every moment. Angels do God's work.

Am I clear enough? Ascension is not an entitlement—it is graduation for those who are more aligned to their own True Nature than others. Pause and reflect on this.

Ascended Master Saint Germain

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Comment by Trudy on October 9, 2011 at 10:12am
Link Please Thank You ^L^   You can place a great message  but if you do not substantiated with a link, then this message might as well have been sucked out of your thumb. A data message  not be verified is meaningless. The mainstream media is acting the same ...nothing is to verify!!!

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