Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Articles that have been banned from the search engines

It's a sad time in the U.S. when the truth will not be told. Government
forces the search engines to block well researched and completely
truthful articles that I've written for the online editions of the
American and California Chronicles, and their 81 subsidy publications.
Many have spoken of the Swine Flu Hoax, the dangers of vaccines, decent,
but truthful articles regarding global warming and climate change. To
say they are well hidden is an understatement.

The part that really perturbs me is that it took a long time to research
them. One speaks of the chemicals they are using to spray the air, and
that the EPA was told to keep their noses out of it and not test the
air quality when they're spraying.

I'm putting the links to those 'blocked' articles here, for
distribution, if you care to help me let the cats out of the bag. It
would also be helpful to get feedback as to whether or not the articles
are available from the links I provide, or if anyone gets blank pages or
an error code. I've written to the editor asking 'why' and if or not
it's them, or the search engines. If it is the search engines such as
Google and Yahoo, then we might as well face the true facts that we're
living in a communist police state, like China, but called America...and
NOT the America I ever knew. In short...we need to reclaim our rights,
as they're dwindling very quickly. These are just some of the articles
that cannot be picked up when I search for them.

Views: 45


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Comment by Mava on March 3, 2010 at 1:18pm
Try submitting your articles to they have a huge audience.
Comment by JIM4HOPE on March 2, 2010 at 5:39am
Lea iI viewed every one that you posted with no problems All were excellent articles I filed everyone away and then I printed out every article that was there so I could show my family and friends how a writer with integrity and dedication for the truth Thankyou for allowing me the oppurtunity to view these great post...
Comment by Alex of New Human New Earth on March 2, 2010 at 2:34am
Great articles...never give up...also I strongly encourage you to submit your articles to . They have clout and a massive number of supporters/readers worldwide.
Azlinn ;)

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