Are we Protected? What is the Plan?By Steve BeckowPosted July 26, 2022’ve just had an enjoyable discussion with Avril on whether God has our back.
“God” for me means the Mother. That’s all the God I’ll ever know. (1)
If we take having our back to mean protection, which may only have been a part of what Avril was inquiring about, has the Mother ever said she’s protecting us lightworkers? Yes, she has.
She reassured some lightworkers who are serving by holding currency in the Reval or Global Currency Reset. I asked the Divine Mother if they were protected:
Steve: Are Lightworkers who deal in foreign currency for the purposes of irrigating planet Earth and undertaking the various programs like ridding the world of pollution and hunger and poverty protected from things like kidnappings, torture, etc?
Divine Mother: Yes. … Having encouraged you to go forth, having provided the mechanisms for that to occur, do you really think in our divinity, in our family, that we are going to arrange for a rogue bandit to harm you? You are mightily protected!
You often say, “What is the Company of Heaven doing?” Well, you can rest assured – we are protecting you. That is a promise. (2)
What more is there to say?
Kathleen once asked Archangel Michael if he protected her. I love his answer:
Michael: I will stand in front of you and I will stand behind you. I will stand next to you and beside you. Of course we will defend you... ...+
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