Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Archangel Michael via Natalie Glasson: Experiencing Your Inner Truth

Archangel Michael via Natalie Glasson: Experiencing Your Inner Truth

Michael 2211Audio version.   Video version.

Your inner truth; precious experiences of the essence of the Creator.

The quest for transformation and ascension resides within the minds of many people upon the Earth. There are many pathways to achieving ascension and full being transformation. Some follow one pathway while others move through many methods. Some people endure hardship while others enjoy being guided by an already enlightened being.

For each person, no matter what pathway they consciously or unconsciously choose, their journey towards realizing their ascension is unique to them, with every moment serving their soul. Ascension and transformation have already taken place within each soul upon the Earth, it is just a matter of realizing and remembering this.

To become familiar with oneself and to allow oneself to melt into every level of being and consciousness especially beyond the Earthly level will allow for deep remembrance and embodiment of inner truth.

There are many levels and layers of inner truth. One level of inner truth is the feelings you are experiencing in every present moment. Whether these feelings are loving or critical, they are your truth, the essence of your experience at this moment. It is important to value your inner feelings whether you recognise them as truthful or not. They are an expression of you which will lead you to transformation with consideration and acceptance.

Your feelings are influenced by your experiences, your personality, ego, memories, conscious and subconscious mind. Whether you perceive your feelings as being influenced by illusion, fear or love, they act as an important access point and expression of the essence of your being.

The more you understand and evaluate your feelings, as well as bringing forth healing, the more your feelings will become aligned to the Creator. However, they are already aligned to the Creator and are an expression of the divine. Your feelings allow you to access your inner divine truth. When you clear and heal feelings you are actually more fully recognizing that your feelings reflect the truth within your being.

Even a negative feeling is your truth in that moment.

Your inner truth is your experience of the Creator in each present moment.

The next level of your inner truth is held within your conscious mind and the influence of your divine consciousness upon your mind. Inspirational thoughts and guidance which flows through your being can be recognized as your inner truth. It does not matter if the guidance concerns your spiritual or physical reality, encourages creative projects or allows you to be of service to others. The inspiration you receive on a daily basis is your inner truth.

Each person upon the Earth from birth and during their childhood is programed with information to sustain and support them in their Earthly existence. The programing can be recognized as two levels: The physical programming of parents, loved ones and surroundings and the spiritual programing which consists of sacred information, consciousness, skills and abilities from the soul being embedded within your auric field especially your spiritual body.

Each person whether they are engaged in spiritual practices or not holds both programming within their beings which can be activated to various degrees. The physical programming can be recognized as a person’s truth because the soul has chosen the programing therefore there is a reason and divine purpose to the programing which will influence the person’s reality in a significant way, encouraging the person to recognize deep er levels of truth.

The spiritual programing is a foundation which can be enhanced and developed. It is a reflection of the person’s reason for embodiment upon the Earth and insight into deeper levels of truth. Once the spiritual programming of a person begins to be activated and realized by the person, then new spiritual insights and awakening come forth.

A further level of your inner truth is your soul; whatever you choose to label this aspect of your being it is a reflection of the Creator like a portion of a greater source. Your soul group which is also your truth is a greater portion of the source. Your most expansive truth is of course, the Creator, the source of all that is. The Creator is the essence of all that is within the universe of the Creator and within the core of the Creator.

The Creator is an essence which resides within all things and all beings. Within every level of truth, I have made you aware of the presence of the essence of the Creator. Every aspect of your being holds a varying degree of the essence of the Creator, each level of inner truth guides you to recognize the essence of the Creator within you.

The essence of the Creator is not something which can even be described, it is the same within every being and yet it is expressed uniquely and diversely through each soul. To even try to define the essence of the Creator is to create illusion. Love, light and peace are all an essence of the Creator and yet they do not and cannot describe the Creator fully. They are expressions which lead you deeper into the familiar and yet seemingly unknown essence of the Creator.

With this in mind we can recognize that discovering where you come from allows you to align with your truth gaining wisdom and understanding however it does not represent a complete description of your truth. To understand your purpose upon the Earth and the inner planes allows you to align with your inner truth, your essence.

However, it only reveals to you an aspect of your inner truth. Each discovery of your inner truth encourages a deeper realized alignment with the Creator and essence; in truth your original energy. Your original energy is the Creator. It is from the Creator that you were truly born and therefore this is your essence and inner truth which flows throughout your entire being.

The Creator, your essence, can only be experienced through your expression and embodiment of all the numerous aspects of your inner truth. Embodiment is the key and yet it is more truthful to realize that you already embody the essence of the Creator. Therefore, experiencing is the true key to discovering and understanding your inner truth. It is to experience within your being more than outside of you. To experience is to become familiar within, involved with, and encounter the essence of the Creator, which is your inner truth.

While we recognize the many levels of your inner truth, the question still arises of what is your inner truth? We can recognize this as the Creator, however even giving a label such as the Creator to your inner truth does not describe or define your inner truth, making it more challenging to recognize what your inner truth actually is. Your inner truth is everything that the Creator is composed of, such as light frequencies, consciousness, love vibrations, sound frequencies and so much more.

When you recognize the many levels of your inner truth such as in your feelings, mind, soul, soul group then you begin to recognize a similar energy which is present within each level of your being. Becoming familiar with this continuously residing energy, you begin to align to it and explore it further. The more acquainted you become with the energy the more you realize its power. How it promotes transformation, feelings of unity with the Creator and insights or more truthful conscious experiences of the Creator.

Recognize all aspects of your being as your present moment truth, know that your truth will alter and transform as you delve deeper and transform, however your inner truth is predominantly your experience of the Creator in every present moment. Every moment is an experience of your inner truth because you are present with the Creator in every moment of your reality on the Earth and the inner planes.

‘I am continuously present experiencing the Creator.’

Let yourself affirm this affirmation and notice how it influences your being and the insights that arise from within you. Recognize all insights as your inner truth; a precious experience of the essence of the Creator.

With divine power born from love and Angelic blessings,

Archangel Michael
Read More Channeled Messages from Archangel Michael

“Archangel Michael: Experiencing Your Inner Truth,” Channeled by Natalie Glasson, April 15, 2016, at

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

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