Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Any radical thinking Christians out there?

I have been a Christian all my life. When I was younger though I dabbled in the Occult and specifically Shamanism. A kind of transition trying to find meaning in my life.

I clearly remember a point though where I felt like I was on a small boat set adrift, moving further and further away from land. I decided that it was because I was loosing touch with God and realised how important God
was to me. Then I abandoned shamanism and the occult.

However over the last few years I have found myself disagreeing with and rejecting the dogma and traditions of the church.

Who told the pope that he was Gods representative on earth? Does he believe he’s equal to Christ?

How can Mary be the mother of God? Isn’t that heresy?


Isn’t there a special place in hell for all those who commit murder in God’s name?

For centuries the Catholic church has persecuted the Jews for killing Christ . . . er I’m not exactly a biblical scholar or anything, but wasn’t it the Romans who tortured and crucified Christ?

This and other things like how the church has supported murder, political intrigue, sexual and physical abuse and cruelty. Not only this but protecting those who commit such vile acts. Doest this Priest believe
he won’t be judged?

I’m not intentionally attacking the catholic church only, it’s just that they are a huge target.

Is there any other Christians out there who are what I’d call radical? What I mean by that is you follow your own heart and what you believe is right, not the bulshit that a religious organisation tells you just
because they’ve been telling you that for hundreds of years.

Would you sacrifice yourself for another?

Would you condemn another because of they’re lifestyle or would you say that’s Gods place to Judge not mine.

Would you do or say something that a religious organisation told you to say or do even when you know deep inside that Jesus would not.

Are you a radical Christian like me? Then please get in touch, I want to know you, share thoughts and ideas, break bread.

God Bless


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Comment by simpleman on April 11, 2010 at 6:00am
He came, it was loud and clear. He confirmed it with two other people plus my inner self know it all along. Its the brick wall I built in front of myself. Its fear of the future. Its fear of a false future that exist only in my mind and this false future keeps me from acting. I have to act or im standing still. Denial of this problem is pointless. It will keep slamming me in the face until I face my fear. This problem I have carried through out my whole life. Its been kicking my ass real hard lately like its my last chance to get it. and I have but this is not complete till I act on my realization.
Comment by Vaddix on April 10, 2010 at 10:51pm
Kal i have a friend who has been on happy pills for 7 years. I myself was on them before i realized they didn't do me a lick of good. The main reason it cures depression is the placebo effect. The placebo effect is incredibly strong has the ability to actually alter your genes. Bad beliefs?, genes cant copy themselves as well and your immune system can start to fail. That's why happy people heal tremendously faster than depressed people.
These videos go into the science of it.
Its all about perception and belief.
You find the route cause of a belief that is keeping you depressed and you change it. The whole way you perceive life is based on preconceived beliefs. Example. Fire hot, fire burns, fire bad. Just as with me, if i see a man in a business suit my mind automatically perceives them as corrupt.

Do you see what im getting at?If you want to be happy, you have to believe you will be happy. How do you change a belief?

Let me start by saying you have two minds. Your Conscious and your subconscious. Think of it like a computer, Your conscious is your Processor, Your subconscious is your hard drive. The processor can only load programs from the hard drive. You want to change a process? Install new programs(new beliefs)

Now this can be hard if you dont know where to look. people can convince you of your divinity, or you can go straight to the hard drive its self through meditation. Through meditation you access your subconscious, and it contains all the answers you can possibly need to change a perception.
Guided meditations are a form of hypnosis.
AND i know what your thinking, Hypnosis?!?! I dont want someone telling me to act like a chicken, but thats not how it works. Hypnosis is only a way of talking directly to your subconscious. You can do it to yourself.
These videos tell you how to change a limiting belief.

By all means if you believe the happy pills will work, keep taking them. cause nothing is more powerful than belief, its the way you perceive the world. That and yeah they do level out the chemicals in your brain so you are not as closed off to the idea of being happy.
Comment by simpleman on April 10, 2010 at 11:19am
thanks, Kal'Narred. Well he is definately there then, because i feel like a one legged man in a arse kicking contest :)))
Comment by Kal'Narred on April 10, 2010 at 10:11am
He's always there, He may not make his presence known when we think we need him. But sure enough, when we need a good kick up the arse, he's only too happy to oblige. I'm happy to hear about your experience simpleman, you are truely blessed
Comment by simpleman on April 10, 2010 at 12:29am
Have you ever deep deep gut feeling like you were alone in the void, like the only thing that exist anywhere and the fear that you will be living forever with no one there to spend it with?

He touched me once. It was over a year ago. The experience was similar and the words were simple.It wasnt threw the rib cage, it was my right shoulder. I never felt anything like it. My whole body was vibrating. I wish He would come back, I sure could use his help.
Comment by Kal'Narred on April 9, 2010 at 11:18pm
So there yes go
Comment by Kal'Narred on April 9, 2010 at 11:16pm
Let me share something with you, I, like a large percentage of humanity, suffers from depression. Right now I’m taking happy pills, which make me balanced, kinda. In the past I had suffered a huge emotional crash and had found a way to deal with it by building thick walls around my emotional centre (just like the character played by Bob Geldoff in the film of Pink Floyds The Wall). I had become in essence emotionless. I felt hollow inside, as if nothing was there. One night as I contemplated the fact, I decided that no force could reach my heart because there was nothing there. Just then I felt a presence, in my mind I heard the words “Who can’t?” and in my mind I saw a crucified Christ remove his hand from a nail, then his hand penetrated my rib cage and he touched my physical and emotional heart. I felt pain and relief and tears flowed freely from my eyes like a flood.

This is a very personal experience that I’m sharing right now, so I hope you all can appreciate that. It was the major turning point in my life.

I really don’t think it matters what your personal belief is, as long as you believe. Yes God has many names and many faces. Imagine if we were in open contact with a thousand Galactic or Intergalactic races, how many names or faces would God have then? He’d still be God and we still wouldn’t fully comprehend a fraction of what God is.
Comment by Kal'Narred on April 9, 2010 at 6:45pm
Ok, I’m starting to get the impression that I have a unique belief system (and no I’m not buying that I might be now or some day a light worker), but come on . . . dudes is there not one single Christian on this site?
Comment by Vaddix on April 8, 2010 at 5:29pm
Kal. Ive read a few of your post's, and our similarities are strikingly similar as with many on this website. You are not a radical christian. There isnt a name for what we are. I suppose if you wanted to label us it would be light worker. We bring truth to the world.
I started my light worker journey the exact same way you did. I was raised on the exact same dogma and coincidentally the exact same country Scotland. Beautiful place huh? How was the winter i herd it was harsh? anyway. I was sick of only believing in Christianity cause i was afraid of hell. I didn't accept everything the church told me. Some of it stuck. Most of it i didn't agree with. How could something so righteous be so contradictory?

Whats funny is that you sound like me from three years ago, going through the exact same crisis. Depression, loss of faith, beginning to notice the wrongs in the world, feeling hopeless. That was the start of my journey and it is far from over. Im not going to tell you where to look and whats to read cause i believe in your mind frame you will find your own answers, just as i did.

What really flipped my perception of god and the bible on its head for me was realizing that we are all one. We are all god. The good and the bad of us, we are all the same being living out infinite experiences. and that goes even further, some of this you'll know from shamanism, We are all one yes, but we are also everything, A blade of grass is and extension of the whole as is the feather of a dove or the petal of a rose.
This is what i think Jesus was getting at. But the people interpreted differently, like god was something external that needs worship. I feel the word of god has been soooooo distorted by the church and the bible.

One thing to keep in mind. Power corrupts, Absolute power corrupts absolutely. and this is what has happened with the church.

I wish you luck on your journey. May you find Revelation after Revelation.
Comment by Kal'Narred on April 8, 2010 at 11:53am
That's a good point. I just feel that humans have distorted the message, the actions of the church don't even match what's in the bible.

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