Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

~Another starseed transmission:~We've heard the call. Let's go!~

We always knew we were special. We always knew we were here for a reason.
We always knew this place felt so wrong and didn't make sense.
And everything we've experienced, and everything we've gone through has led us to
who and where we've found ourselves to be.
The picture is coming in more clear now then ever.
The pieces are coming together.
Everything is starting to make more sense.
We feel it. We know it. We've heard the call.
We are awakening at alarming rates.
The time is now.
We are figuring out we need to do, and we're realizing that we can not do it alone.
We did not come here to do it alone.

We can only do this if we all come together and unite. It's now or never.
This is what we came for. :)
What most people fail to realize, is that the christ consciousness, is just that.
A state of mind, or being. It comes from a higher dimension then the 3rd.
And in this 3rd dimensional reality, we are trapped in an illusion with a limited linear mind
and a body that is limited in many ways,
and so powerful in others if one learns how to control it
and use it as the vessel that it is instead of believing it is all that they are. You are not your body.
Please remember that. The Christ Consciences is not coming. It is here.
If that's the savior that the world has been waiting for, then what are we waiting for?
It's time to step out of the neutral, and step into  the light or the dark. It's time to chose.
It's time to act. It's time to shift the energy of this world so it is not lost and destroyed.
We can do it. But we can only do it if we unite and realize we are all one. 
Let's do this! This may be a bumpy ride.
But we all have to remember at all times that we are not alone!
We never have been and we never will be.
I've felt so much more energized since the Full Blood Moon Eclipse on the Solstice (21st of December).
All these feelings and information transmissions are becoming more intense and more frequent.
Starseed Claude

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