Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

An Urgent Call of Love, Light, and Prayers for the USA! By Don Spectacularis

An Urgent Call of Love, Light, and Prayers for the USA!
By Don Spectacularis

Greetings, fellow lights!

As many of you may already be well aware by now, a certain situation pertaining to the US Supreme Court is challenging many within that country (and even many more beyond it) at this time. As always, there are those entities of the negative variety who are all too glad to use such events for their own nefarious benefits and purposes. And so - and without getting into any endless (and pointless) online debates of which side is right and which one isn't - as an empowered collective of powerful light beings from all across the world, it then falls upon us all to prevent any planned shenanigans, violence, and other unwanted chaotic events from even taking off in the first place there to begin with.

And with that being said, I now call upon one and all to send this country your thoughts, prayers, and also your endless blessings of love, peace, forgiveness, healing, compassion, kindness, wisdom, and strength. Because this much, we all can easily do throughout the day. Even better if you could spend some time meditating and sending such helpful and useful energies in there, whilst also praying and asking for the highest divine good based outcome for all concerned over there. And as always, please do not forget to ask for the greatest possible divine intervention and higher assistance here from all angels, archangels, galactics, ascended masters, inner earth beings and all other higher beings that you could possibly think of in here!...+

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