The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
An Update on
by Chris Thomas
© Chris Thomas August 2013 - (3)
1. Introduction 1
2. A History of “Nibiru” 1
3. Why Try to Make People Afraid? 2
4. Extra Terrestrial Races 3
5. Star Gates 8
6. Footnotes 9
7. Book & Recording List 10
I don’t know about you but I like looking at
sunsets. It doesn’t seem to matter how bad
a day it has been for me, or for anyone
else on the planet, taking a few minutes at
the end of the day to watch the sun drop
below the horizon just calms the nerves and
renews my sense of wellbeing.
During August, I have paid particular
attention to the sunsets; attempting to catch a
glimpse of the “new sun”, the one we are
assured is called “Nibiru” that has been
travelling through our solar system dragging
its seven planets along with it.
As I sit at my keyboard, I realise that I am
actually sitting at my keyboard. I am not
sitting at another keyboard in some alternate
universe. I have not been vapourised by the
bow “shock-wave” that this sun Nibiru was
reputedly pushing before it, destroying all
life in the solar system.
Funny that.
But on the other hand, it looks as though the
HGF (Human Gullibility Factor) has been
working overtime.
For several months we have been warned by
those who claim to have insider knowledge
from the NSA, CIA, NASA and the Vatican
telling us that Nibiru is on its way through
our solar system wreaking its destruction
despite any evidence that could support these
O how I long for the time when humans
finally wake up and re-integrate their souls
back into their bodies because then we
wouldn’t have to put up with any more of
this c**p.
A History of “Nibiru”
The name Nibiru is most usually
associated with the translations of the
Annunaki material by Zecharia Sitchin.
Sitchin was acknowledged as the world’s
leading expert at translating ancient
Sumerian “Cuneiform” writing into English.
In the 1960’s, Sitchin began translating a
collection of clay tablets that were reputed to
be about 5,000 years old. These tablets state
that the story they tell was dictated to a
Sumerian scribe who accurately recorded the
story being dictated to him.
*Note: the story was dictated to a scribe
therefore it had to be dictated by “someone”.
This someone is never identified in the story
the clay tablets tell. If, as claimed in the
story, the information was the actual history
of humanity then the history would have
been recorded as it happened. In other
words, the history was common knowledge
amongst all of the people; so why was it
necessary for a story to be dictated to a
The answer is that it is just that, a story and
not reality*.
I have commented on the lack of truth and
the lack of validity of this dictated story
many times in my books and essays and so
am not going to repeat the story here.
Enough to say is that it is a complete fantasy
deliberately designed to mislead people in
the current times into believing that our
“creators” are an alien race – known as the
Within this dictated fantasy story is the
“legend” of the planet Nibiru. Please note the
word planet.
The Velon/Annunaki fantasy story claims
that Nibiru is a “travelling” planet that
enters our solar system every 3,600 years.
Several of its orbits have caused problems
within our solar system, destroying one
planet with the Earth, and the asteroid belt,
being made from the debris of this collision.
According to Sitchin’s translations and
calculations, the last time that this fictitious
planet entered our solar system was about
2,200 years ago (about 200 BC). This means
that the next orbit is not due for another
1,400 years from now.
Are there any human traditions that have a
record of a “travelling planet”?
No there are not. Chinese records, Egyptian
records, Celtic traditions, Native American
traditions, Aboriginal traditions, Inuit
traditions, Eskimo traditions – not one of
them tell of a planet that travels in and out of
our solar system.
Is there an ancient Earth people who speak
of a planet called Nibiru?
Yes, there is. This is the ancient Assyrian
Empire centered around the ancient city of
Except, as far as the ancient Assyrians are
concerned, the name Nibiru was their name
for the planet Jupiter in our own solar system
although the Assyrians possibly spelled it
“Neberu” – meaning “The Ferry”.
However, the fear-mongering that has been
going on over the past few years, especially
in recent months, refer to a sun called Nibiru
that has entered our solar system, destroying
all in its advance.
Quite why Nibiru had changed from a single
“travelling planet” to a sun with seven
orbiting planets has been impossible to track
There does not appear to be any reason
whatsoever to explain why Nibiru has
changed from a single planet to a whole
solar system – at least none that I have been
able to find.
The only explanation seems to be that a
fictitious travelling whole solar system
engenders far more fear in people than a
fictitious single travelling planet does.
Why Try to Make People Afraid?
or the last 1,700 years, there have been
those on the planet who see themselves
as an “elite”.
In order to control the population and to
make them believe what this elite wants
them to believe, the elite have found that by
far the best way is to make people afraid.
By creating situations of fear, especially the
fear of things that do not exist, the elite have
created a society that is made up of
individuals that are extremely gullible and
can be forced to act in ways which go
against their intrinsic nature.
There are many, many examples of this
behavior throughout human history, both in
the past and in the present.
From the total annihilation of whole societies
who refused to accept the teachings of the
Vatican1 to the myth of man-made global
warming and climate change2 to the myth of
international terrorist groups3. All actions
taken by those who consider themselves to be
of the “elite” to create fear in those the elite
consider to be “useless eaters”.
With fear, comes control – if you can make
people afraid then you can control them. If
you control the people, you can make them
do whatever you want even though it is not
in the people’s best interests to do so.
Ever since the Roswell Crash in 1947,
another fear has been added to the elite’s
arsenal – “Aliens”.
Everything from Orson Wells’ radio play of
H.G. Wells’ book “The War of the Worlds”
through the “Alien” movies to the movie
“Independence Day” are all designed to
make us believe that there are thousands of
non-terrestrial races “out there” and all of
them are out to kill humans.
The truth is that none of the races with
which we share our Universe have
developed the kind of technology that could
be described as weapons. We’ll come on to
this later.
However, the race known as Velon do have
serious intentions as far as the Earth is
concerned but it is the human elite who have
created the weapons necessary to bring the
Velon plans about.
Sitchin is not the only one who knew about
the Annunaki (the Annunaki are a sub-race
within the Velon species. The Velon have
sub-divided themselves down into six races:-
Annunaki, Hathor, Jjundaa, Johnaan, Oa and
Mila. These racial divisions are along the
lines of humans dividing themselves up into
Japanese, German, French etc. or Jewish,
Muslim, Buddhist etc.).
In the mid 1800’s a new “Rite” was written
for the Freemasons called the “Palladian
Rites”. This new set of Rites applies only to
Freemasons of the 33rd level.
In this Rite, God did not Create humanity;
humanity was created by Lucifer (the name
“Lucifer” literally means “The Illuminated
One” or “The One Who Brings
The “consciousness” of the Velon (Velus)
also calls “himself” Lucifer.
From what I have been able to find out about
the Palladian Rites, they state that the
Annunaki created mankind under the
direction of Lucifer.
Given that the 33rd level Freemasons are
controlled by the Illuminati, all actions taken
by the elite are to gain favour from their
“god” of Lucifer (Velus).
The Velon see themselves as “god’s chosen
people” who should live on “god’s chosen
planet” – namely Earth and so Velus has
manipulated the elite into carrying out
Velus’s plans. These plans are to remove the
bulk of the human population off the planet
– except for the 500 million they would keep
as “slaves”4.
The elite seem to believe that they can prove
themselves at least equal to their “god” and
in order to do this they have been developing
genetic research – the original name for
genetic research being “Eugenics”.
What better way to prove to your “god” that
you are at least their equal than to create a
new human species of your own?
In order to bring about their plans, the elite
have to subdue the existing human
population and make them believe that
genetic research is a good thing.
In order to achieve this, the elite are trying to
make people believe that this research is the
only way in which a number of human
problems can be solved:
The world’s population number is out
of control and rising exponentially.
The only way in which the world can
be fed is through genetically modified
crops or, more recently, genetically
constructed meat grown in a
The illnesses that people suffer can
only be cured by “gene therapy”.
As well as many other “reasons” why genetic
research must go ahead.
Whilst at the same time hiding the fact that
the human population has literally halved
since 1996 (7.4 billion in 1996 down to 3.8
billion in 20135).
The real reason why people are starving in
the world is because of artificially raised
global food prices.
As someone who has worked as a psychic
surgeon for over 35 years, I can state
categorically that we all have the ability to
cure our own illnesses without the need even
for pharmaceutical interference let alone
gene therapy – all attempts at gene therapy
have resulted in the patient’s immediate
All of these claims, made by the elite, result
in the creation of a state of fear.
A fearful population is easily controlled and
A fearful population forgets about their true
purpose – to re-integrate their soul back into
the body.
Given that this fear-mongering applies
primarily to the westernized world, is it any
wonder that so few people in the west were
able to meet our December 21st 2012
Even the latest crop of “whistleblowers”,
particularly “Snowden”, are adding yet
another layer of fear6.
We need to snap out of our state of fear and
really look at ourselves and the world
around us.
Fortunately, there are many who are waking
up to the state the elite have forced upon us
and are seeing through the lies and
But not enough.
The western world is still too far behind
those in the non-westernised world and we
need to catch up quickly if we are to succeed
in fulfilling our destiny.
Extra Terrestrial Races
Given that so many people are waking
up to the fact that we do not live in a
life-less Universe, there is a huge
amount of confusion over who these other
races are and what their intentions are.
This topic is another region where the elite
have deliberately set out to mislead and to
confuse as well as to generate fear.
If you look through the internet, you will
find literally thousands of web pages
dedicated to “aliens” and their evil intent
and actions against the Earth and humans.
According to these web sites, there are
several thousand alien races, all with exotic
sounding names and exotic sounding home
Virtually all of these web pages are wrong.
Virtually all of these web pages are
disinformation put out by the elite to confuse
and mislead.
There are not thousands of races.
None of the non-terrestrial races have
developed weapons.
Only one of the non-terrestrial races has a
bad intent towards the Earth, the Velon, and
even these have not developed weapons that
could kill humans.
So who are these non-terrestrial races and
where do they come from?
To understand the answer to this question,
we have to take an overview of how our
Universe came into being and developed (for
greater detail than we have space for here,
see “Synthesis”).
The Beginning
There is a “Creator”, one that thinks, one
that wonders, one that has the energy
potential to bring “It’s” wonderings into
All that a Universe is is the “Thought” made
Our Universe was the first to be Created and
it was Created around the energy patterns
that give every soul Created to be in this
Universe the absolute right to choose their
own destiny – freedom of choice.
Freedom of choice is inherent in every form
of life that exists within this Universe and it
cannot be taken away – it can only be given
What the Creator uses to bring It’s thoughts
about is energy. Everything that we see on
earth or in the night sky is comprised of
energy – humans see everything as solid, 3
dimensional objects because our brains and
sensory systems are tuned to see things that
way (see below).
The most common form that these Created
energy patterns take is with consciousness or
soul energy. Everything that exists is
conscious in one way or another. The
Universe is conscious, the galaxies are
conscious, the solar systems are conscious
and planets are conscious.
It is consciousness that makes the Universe
work and explore the Creator’s questions.
There is only one fundamental state of being
that exists and that is soul, or consciousness,
energy. All else is comprised of these
energies in combination.
The “envelope” that encloses this Universe is
made up of thirteen beings, thirteen souls,
who maintain the balance of energies within
this Universe and act as co-creators. The
Akashic calls these beings “The Thirteen”.
The Universal envelope was Created
14,376,279,395 years ago (as of 2013). Into
this envelope were placed the souls who
make up the galaxies and planets.
However, in order to explore the Creator’s
questions, free-moving and free-acting souls
were required and their Creation began 100
million years ago.
For more details of this whole process and
the various races, see: “The Universal Soul”,
“The Human Soul” and “Synthesis”.
The Non-Physical Races
The first races to be Created for this
Universe are constructed of pure soul
energy. They have no physical form or
density and this is why the Akashic calls
them the non-physical races. They were all
brought into being about 100 million Earth
years ago.
There are six of these races, all originating
from very different parts of the Universe.
They do not need any kind of food, as they
draw nourishment from the energies around
them. They do not need any kind of craft to
travel as they just have to think themselves
somewhere and they travel instantly along
the thought. They can travel in this way from
one side of the Universe to the other in less
than the blink of an eye.
Although there are six of these races, we
would not be able to tell the difference
between them.
The difference in energy potential between
these races and humans is so vast that we
cannot detect their presence or communicate
with them when they are in their natural
Ninety nine point nine nine percent of the
souls that are in human form originate from
one of these six races.
The Semi-Physical Races
All of these races were brought into
being about 30 million Earth years ago.
It is with the semi-physical races that
our problems of identification really begin.
These are beings who do require craft to
travel (UFO’s) and have given rise to the
problems of identification of who is who and
from where they originate.
There are surprisingly few of these races but
each of them has spread out from their home
planet and their home galaxy and live on
numerous worlds.
The problem with names is that they can
confuse. Some beings have identical
appearances but claim to come from
different planets and therefore different
origins; whereas in reality, they have the
same “soul origin”. This is why, when
describing the different races, I use their soul
origin name – it avoids a great deal of
Another thing to bear in mind is that the
sighting of UFO’s and alien contact is a very
distracting, albeit fascinating, subject. Given
that our aim, as humans, is to re-integrate
the soul back into the body by the end of
2012, it was felt, by the Earth and Her
guardians, that the number of UFO visits
were distracting too many people away from
their purpose.
At the end of the year 2000, the Earth asked
all of the races, particularly those known as
“Greys” to stop visiting Earth. These races
have honoured the Earth’s request and so
since 2000 very, very few UFO’s have
entered the solar system.
This means that:
Since the year 2000, ninety nine percent of
all UFO sightings and abductions are of
military origin. In other words, people’s
experiences of sighting strange craft have
been of craft of human military origins.
Experiences of being abducted by “aliens”
are abductions carried out by the military.
There are seven “semi-physical” races in
By semi-physical I mean that they have a
physical form and a physical density. To each
other, these races seem as physical as
humans do to each other but if you had one
of these beings standing in front of you in
their natural state, the chances are that you
would not know they were there let alone see
The reason for this is that the human brain
and human senses are unable to bridge the
gap between our state of being, the energy
patterns at which we exist, and the energy
patterns at which the semi-physical races
However, the semi-physical races can
change their state of being. When they enter
our solar system, they have access to the
range of energies that exist here. If they
choose to do so, they can make use of our
“physical” energy range to alter their energy
patterns and make themselves visible to us or
even physical enough for us to touch them.
The semi-physical races are listed here in no
particular order:
NGC 584
NGC 584 is just an astronomer’s
catalogue number. It stands for Newly
Graded Catalogue. The galaxy NGC
584 is located in the constellation of Cetus
and is an unknown (to humans) distance
from the Earth.
The reason why the Akashic records them in
this way is because the name these people
have for themselves is unpronounceable by
the human voice box and, in written form,
their name does not translate into any
human alphabet.
Their original home world is an ice planet
where temperatures can drop to close to
absolute zero (minus 273 deg. C).
They are approximately 2ft 6in to 3ft tall
(0.8m to 1.0m). In appearance they look like
a two year old human child – slender arms,
legs and body with the head being
proportionately slightly larger. Their skin is a
reddish-brown colour. They are able to alter
their energy patterns to, at least temporarily,
live in any environment.
The NGC 584 have taken on the role of
master geneticists. They hold a record of
every form of life that has ever existed in this
Universe and are capable of modifying it to
suit the conditions on any planet.
They have been visiting and working with
the Earth for over 25 million years. Their
craft are cigar-like in shape and are also
usually coloured red.
The Pleiadeans
As their name suggests, these beings
originate in the star system we call the
In appearance, they are the most similar to
humans and average between 6ft and 7ft
(1.8m to 1.9m) in height. They also have
male and female forms although they do not
sexually reproduce.
They could be described as the Universe’s
“diplomatic corps” in that they are usually
involved in everything that occurs within
this Universe.
They have visited the Earth on numerous
occasions and have four “mother ships” in
permanent orbit around the Earth. These
ships are there by the Earth’s request.
The Pleiadeans monitor activities on Earth,
particularly the use of nuclear weapons.
When one of the super-powers has come
close to firing a nuclear missile, craft
launched from these mother-ships have
ensured that the missiles cannot be fired
usually by cutting all electricity to the
command centre.
The Pleiadeans live on many worlds in many
Other names by which they are known
include Ummites and Plejaran.
Their ships are saucer-shaped or saucershaped
with a raised “bridge”. The ships in
permanent orbit are shaped like a rounded
When two Velon ships managed to enter our
solar system, it was the Pleiadeans who
removed them.
The Sirians
These beings originate from the star
system we call Sirius.
They are about 5ft (1.5m) in height
with grey/green skin. They have large round
black eyes and should not be confused with
the “Greys”.
The Sirians have also had long-term contact
with the Earth as well as some humans –
particularly the Dugon people of north west
Theirs is a technological role in that they are
master technologists and can design and
build any “machine” that could be required
for work within the Universe.
As their name suggests, these life-forms
look like quartz crystals.
They live either individually or in
collectives that look like crystal “glaciers”.
Given their “body” form, they do not
physically travel but can project their
consciousness – an ultimate form of remote
viewing – across virtually the whole
Their home world is so far away from Earth
that we have not even identified it let alone
given it a name or catalogue number.
They have made contact with psychics on
Earth but only on extremely rare occasions.
The Greys
his race is the basis for so much
confusion about “aliens”.
They have been called by many names
which include: Zetas, Regillians, Reptilian
and many, many more.
Again, they originate from a galaxy that we
have not identified and so they remain
known as “Greys”.
The name originates from their skin colour
which is generally a uniform mid grey. They
appear to have large, “pointed oval”-shaped
black eyes but this is not true. Their home
world has a particular set of energy patterns
that require them to give themselves eye
protection whenever they leave their planet.
The black eye appearance is as a result of this
protection. When they remove their eye
protectors, their eyes are yellow with vertical
This eye shape and appearance seems to be
the main reason why they have sometimes
been called “Reptilian”.
The Greys are divided into two forms, both
with almost identical appearances except one
form is about 3ft 6in (1.2m) in height whilst
the other form can be up to about 6ft (1.8m)
in height.
They have been virtually constant visitors to
Earth and our solar system for the past
couple of million years. They came to our
attention after the Roswell Crash as it was a
Grey ship that made the headlines – a
number of other ships from other races also
crashed over New Mexico on that day but it
is the Grey ship that became the most well
Following that crash, the Greys have been in
almost permanent contact with the American
military who have allowed them to build
bases on Earth in exchange for their
technology. The Grey bases are built
underground in order to ease their eye
The Greys have been responsible for a
number of “Alien Abductions” as they are
studying human life. There are reasons for
their interest in the human body which
relates to their own physiology but it must be
stated that they have not killed any humans
and most of the abductions attributed to
them have actually been carried out by the
military and not the Greys.
Since 2000, the Greys have generally
complied with the Earth’s wishes and not
entered our solar system.
Note: it is widely reported by abductees that
the Greys travel with beings who look like
preying mantises. I have searched the
Akashic in great depth to try to identify these
beings. The Akashic does not record any such
life-form existing anywhere in this Universe.
The only conclusions I can reach is that the
praying mantises are either some kind of
artificial life-form (mechanical robots or
bio-robots) or a type of hologram.
The Blues
The Blues are another race whose home
galaxy is too far away from Earth for us
to have identified it.
These beings are called the Blues as their
bodies are covered in short blue hair – the
only race who have hair on their bodies.
They are about 2ft 6in (0.8m) in height with
barrel-shaped bodies.
The Blues are also interested in genetic
research and have visited earth on many,
many occasions to study the forms of life that
exist here.
They also work with some humans who have
healing capabilities.
The Blues also tend to travel with the Greys
and help the Greys with their physiological
studies of humans.
Those are very brief descriptions of six of the
seven semi-physical races.
All six races have only helpful and beneficial
intent towards humans and the Earth.
Stories of abductions involving body
mutilations, blood-letting or cannibalism by
any of these races, particularly the Greys, are
totally disinformation
The abductions, and the horrors inflicted, are
carried out by the military and make it
appear as though it is the Greys who are
I would repeat again:
None of these races have developed any form
of technology that could be described, or
used, as a weapon.
None of these races have any harmful intent
towards either the Earth or towards humans.
Claims to the contrary are all disinformation.
*Note. Virtually all of the souls that exist in
human form originate from the non-physical
races. These souls have come to earth to
experience what it is like to take on physical
form and physical density.
If you kill a human, the soul leaves the body,
hangs around for a while and then
reincarnates – if this is what that soul
chooses to do – by starting a new life in a
new body that is born in the normal way.
Another option for humans is for their souls
to leave the solar system and return to the
realms of the non-physical races – to return
to their soul origin.
In this way, all of the souls that make up the
non-physical races are about 100 million
years old and are, effectively, immortal. The
only way in which these souls can “die” is to
choose to return to the Creator or wait until
our Universe no longer exists.
With the semi-physical races, the situation is
very different.
They were Created about 30 million years
ago and their soul is integral to their bodies.
In other words, is they are killed their souls
have nowhere to go. They cannot reincarnate
in the way that humans do and so they must
leave the Universe and return to the Creator;
they have no other options.
Given their state of being, they have not
developed any technology that is capable of
killing them – it would not only kill the body
but also the soul. Deliberately destroying the
soul would be against the Creator and
nobody is prepared to do that. *
Since the year 2000, the Earth has requested
that the semi-physical races do not make
visits to our solar system that are not
absolutely necessary. The semi-physical races
have complied with this request. This
accounts for the huge drop in UFO sightings
since that date.
However, the number of UFO sightings have
been increasing in the last couple of years.
This increase is due entirely to ships built by
the military.
The development of “flying saucer-shaped”
craft was begun in the Second World War by
Nazi Germany at their research facility at
Peenemunde. The man behind these
developments was Werner von Braun who
was brought out of Germany at the end of
the War and worked in America to develop
its space programme.
Add to that early development the
understanding learned from downed alien
ships and we have a new breed of ultra
secret craft flying through our skies but they
were built and are flown by human crews.
There is nothing new about top secret
aircraft flying our skies that generally go
unnoticed by people – remember that the
“Stealth Bomber” flew for 25 years before it
was made public by the military.
What shapes do newer secret “planes” take?
Whatever shape they are, they are
responsible for the vast majority of UFO
sightings in recent years.
The Velon
The seventh semi-physical race is, of
course the Velon.
I have said more than enough about
these beings both above and in my books and
previous essays so there is no need to
describe them here.
One of the biggest problems that has been
brought about by the Velon is their use of
channeled messages to numerous human
channels on Earth.
Again, I am not going to list the individuals,
organisations, committees, federations and
several thousand races that the Velon have
claimed to be but, fortunately, since the 21st
of December 2012, the number of channeled
messages that originated from the Velon has
dropped drastically.
This begs the question of where the
disinformation about the “sun” called Nibiru
ploughing its way through our solar system
There seem to be a number of people
publicly claiming that they have “inside
information” that governments are
deliberately hiding this information from the
public, but who are they working for?
I must admit that I am having difficulty
answering that question but it all points
towards the elite attempting to generate even
more fear but, this time, the fear is aimed
more at those who are beginning to become
aware of the other races and aware of their
human potential.
It appears to me to be to be a deliberate
attempt to slow down the movement towards
soul re-integration.
Star Gates
A great deal has been made about the
existence of “Star Gates” into, and out
of, our solar system. Another word for
a star gate would be “portal”. But what is the
Our solar system is unique. Nowhere else in
our Universe does the combination of energy
frequencies that make up our solar system
As we saw above, the Universe is made up of
a combination of frequencies that allow for
the existence of several forms of life – the
combination of frequencies allow the nonphysical
races to exist and a different
combination of energies allow the semiphysical
races to exist. But on Earth, the
energy combinations are entirely different to
both of the other states of being.
In order to bring about fully physical forms
of life, an area of “containment” was
We could not be directly connected to the
energetic realms of the non-physical races
because we would then exist in a state no
different to theirs.
We could not be directly connected to the
energetic realms of the semi-physical races
because we would then exist in a state no
different to them.
So to create a new state of being – a physical
state – an area of the Universe had to be
partitioned off to ensure that the experiment
of physical life was not contaminated by the
energy patterns from which the other
regions of the Universe were comprised.
Our solar system is deliberately located on
the edge of nowhere. We are located where
we are in order to be separated from the rest
of the Universe and, as we are an
“experiment”, we also needed to be located
in a region where there was very little in the
way of other life as there was a chance that
we could become “contaminated” by other
It is for these reasons that our solar system is
“contained” in an energy “bubble”.
This bubble contains all of the combination
of energy frequencies that compress space,
time and light to the frequencies that
correspond to a “physical” state of being.
This bubble is shaped a little like a rugby ball
and contains 396 dimensions – a dimension
is a measure of energy frequencies and our
“bubble” is limited to this number of
dimensions as they correspond to the energy
patterns of physical existence (the Universe
contains a total of 3939 dimensions – that is
the number 39 followed by 39 zeros).
Whilst we needed to be totally separate from
the rest of the Universe, the other races also
needed to have access to our solar system.
The non-physical races needed access, as
they are the primary soul origins of the vast
majority of humans. The semi-physical races
needed access in order to provide us with
assistance should we require it.
So there are two “Star Gates” into and out of
our solar system.
One relates to the position of the stars on the
“belt” of the constellation of Orion. This star
gate opens directly into the rest of the
Universe and the energy patterns of the nonphysical
The second star gate opens through the
constellation of Draco to the energy patterns
of the semi-physical races (the actual gate is
located in the triangle created by the stars of
Grumium, Nodus Secundus and Aldhibah
just below the “head” of Draco).
These are the only two access points into and
out of our solar system – no other star gates
or portals exist.
In recent years, the Velon have attempted to
persuade people to build new “portals” into
and out of the solar system – all of those
attempts failed.
On the 9th of December 2009, an attempt
was made to use the HAARP station located
on the island of Tromsø in northern Norway
– the “Norwegian Spiral”. This attempt also
There were similar attempts made using
HAARP around the same time as the
Norwegian attempt as well as an attempt
using the particle accelerator in Cern on the
Swiss/French border.
All of these attempts failed as there is
insufficient energy available within our solar
system to build a new portal or star gate.
This is also quite deliberate. The energy
patterns we have available to us are strictly
limited. It was always feared that someone
would come along and attempt to build a
new opening in our enclosing “rugby ball”
and so limiting the amount of energy
available to us prevents the construction of
such a portal.
If there was a sufficient energy potential
available to allow the construction of a new
portal, and someone attempted to build one,
the opening of such a portal would destroy
our solar system and destroy all of the hard
work we had put into finding out how
physical life works.
As one of the questions asked by the Creator
of our Universe was “could life exist at
physical densities?” then creating a new
uncontrolled portal would not only destroy
our solar system it would also destroy the
Universe (one of the primary reasons for this
Universe to exist is to explore physicality. If
the potential to explore that question no
longer existed then there would be little
point in the rest of the Universe existing –
see my books for a more detailed explanation
of this possible problem).
The solar system has been closed to the Velon
ever since they began to cause problems.
They want a portal to be built so that they
could circumvent the solar system defences
and go against the wishes of the Earth.
That cannot happen.
So given our rugby ball energy bubble and
the limited number of star gates, how could
the sun Nibiru, and its seven orbiting planets
(which do not exist), have entered our solar
It cannot, it is impossible for anything to
enter our solar system except through one or
other of the existing star gates.
Even if Nibiru, either planet or sun, did exist,
it would be comprised of energy frequencies
that would be incompatible with the energy
frequencies of our solar system and therefore
could not enter.
But, let us also look at this Nibiru situation
from a practical viewpoint.
Let us assume for one minute that the story is
true and that a new sun has entered our
solar system and is heading towards Earth.
One of two things is going to happen:
1. If Nibiru’s orbit is bringing it into the
solar system from behind the sun and
we cannot actually see Nibiru from
Earth, it should, by now, be having a
strong influence on the Earth.
The last I heard was that Nibiru is
now in an orbit roughly equal to that
of Jupiter. Given that the Earth is
approximately an equal distance from
both the sun and Jupiter then we
should already be seeing an increase
in light levels and an increase of heat
as Nibiru’s energy was added to that
of the sun’s.
2. If Nibiru’s orbit brought it into the
solar system so that it was on the
Earth’s side of the sun then we would
not have any nighttime.
The energy of Nibiru would mean
that the half of the Earth that is
orbited away from the sun would
now be having the full effects of
Nibiru’s energy and therefore be
illuminated meaning that there
would be no night anywhere on
So far, I cannot detect any influence from
Nibiru whatsoever either on Earth or
anywhere else within the solar system and
there is absolutely no evidence at all that
there ever will be any influence from Nibiru
on the solar system or the Earth.
Total disinformation.
Incidentally, the predictions state that Nibiru
will begin to destroy the life on Earth
somewhere between the dates of the 17th to
the 26th of August 2013.
So, either way, we should know the truth of
this in the very near future.
If I have misread the situation and we do all
die before the end of this month, if you want
to tell me off, I will be sitting on a deckchair
on the 2nd planet in the Crystalline system
sunning myself – they have very good
beaches and palm trees there!
1. The first to realise the effectiveness of
instilling fear into a population in order to
control them was the Vatican.
Very early in its history, the Vatican adopted
a policy of “if you don’t believe what we tell
you to believe, we will kill you”. This policy
reaching its peak with the genocide of the
Cathars between 1209 and 1255 where an
estimated one million people were killed.
Unfortunately, it is still possible to instill fear
into the bulk of a population by using lies to
mislead them.
2. One of the biggest lies used by the elite to
instill fear into most of the population has
been the myth of man-made global warming
and the concept that humans can take
actions to prevent the Earth’s global
temperatures from rising.
The Earth has always undergone
temperature swings to meet Her
requirements for the life that inhabits the
planet. In this way, the current average
global temperature is about plus one point
five degrees Celsius but, in the past, global
temperatures are known to be as high as plus
six degrees Celsius.
The reason why the date 1850 is used by the
elite as the base line for measuring
temperature rise is because that is the last
year of the “mini-ice-age” that began
around about 1450 – this was when average
global temperatures dropped as low as minus
two point five degrees Celsius. 1850 was the
last time that the Thames froze sufficiently to
hold one of the winter fairs made famous by
the novels of Charles Dickens.
In 1850, average global temperatures rose
above zero and continued rising until 1996
where the temperature has stabilised at
about one point five degrees. Since 1996, the
global temperature has dropped very slightly
(by about 0.1 deg. C) and have not risen
since (raw data from the Met. Office and
analysed by Prof. David Bellamy).
3. I have carried out a great deal of research
into so-called international terrorist groups
such as al-Qaeda. The results are very
interesting but not enough room here to list
the references – if I can find this
information, so can anyone.
-The “Red Brigade” and “Bader Minehoff
Gang”, who blew up a number of targets in
Europe in the 1970’s and 1980’s, turn out to
be NATO troops.
-When Russia invaded Afghanistan in 1979,
the CIA financed and armed al-Qaeda, as
well as other resistance fighter groups, to
cause trouble for the Russians. The CIA have
remained in control of al-Qaeda ever since.
-Britain’s MI6 (also called SIS) admitted
publically on the BBC evening news that they
were responsible for the 2005 London
-In his book, “The Terror Factory: Inside the
FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism”,
author Trevor Aaronson points out that the
FBI are behind most of the so-called terrorists
that have been arrested in America in the last
ten years. The FBI sets up the attack and then
arrests the “terrorist” to make it look like the
FBI is doing its job. It also, of course keeps
Americans in a state of fear (Mr. Aaronson’s
book reported in the World News section of
Nexus Magazine Aug/ Sept 2013).
4. The reduction of the human population
down to 500 million is the stated aim of the
Illuminati. It is also the primary aim of the
agreement reached at the United Nations
Conference on Environment and
Development (UNCED) that took place in Rio
de Janeiro in 1992. This agreement has been
signed by the governments of over 120
countries – in other words, it is law in all of
these countries including the USA, the EU
and Britain.
A section within the UNCED agreement is
known as “Agenda 21” which presents
guidelines on how the aims of the UNCED
agreement can be achieved on a local level.
5. As of 13.36 on the 12th of August, the
global population was officially:
7,171,596,400 (
Yet, according to the Akashic the actual
figure is around 3.7 billion; less than half
that of the “official” figures.
When explaining about how the official
figures are arrived at, the worldometer site
states: “the current world population figure
is necessarily a projection based on assumed
Note the words “a projection based on
assumed trends”. In other words, the figures
are, at best, a guess at worse, an outright lie
deliberately intended to mislead and
generate fear.
6. There have been a number of
“whistleblowers” in the last couple of years
who have provided information about how
the secret services operate and how they
monitor everyone’s communications. Most
have been ignored by the media however,
there is one that has gained great notoriety
lately has been “Snowden”. His name is in
inverted commas as I have to ask if it is his
actual name.
For an in-depth analysis of his impact and
what he is really up to, listen to the interview
with journalist John Rappaport on Red Ice
One comment that struck me, from
Rappaport’s interview, was that by telling
everyone that the NSA monitors every phone
call or email on the planet is that the impact
is to make people self-censor their emails
and phone conversations.
Self-censorship relates back to footnote 1.
Self-censorship is the goal of everyone who
wants to control the population – it is the
greatest form of mind-control achievable.
An Update on Nibiru © Chris Thomas August 2013 (3)
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