Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


One of the more ridiculous rumors floating around last week was that Ben Fulford was kidnapped, imprisoned and tortured on the island of Montserrat and that a clone had taken his place.  Why anyone gave credence to this foolish idea is beyond me.  I didn't publish it because I knew it was false. This wacky rumor was spread by someone calling themselves "Former White Hat".  Apparently he's done this to more than one person and is now the subject of several investigations and lawsuits.  I'm not going to bother linking to his web site. Freelance Journalist Jim Stone, who runs the blog  has this to say about the rumor:

“Emperical evidence indicates Benjamin Fulford is REAL, To those of you who have sent mails or think Fulford is a fraud, consider the fact that AS SOON AS I mentioned his name, the Japanese embassy let me in, no questions asked, no ID shown, NO scanner NO NOTHING. They bypassed ordinary security protocols and just let me in. That’s not normal for an embassy and if Fulford was fake that NEVER would have happened. I’d say that not only is he real, he has clout.

Stone also has some rather interesting Fukushima high resolution photos which contradict mainstream news accounts of the damage and events. Ben Fulford has been saying for months that the situation is nothing like the fictional account that has been broadcast on the major news networks.  Take a look at his photos of Fukushima from above and Fukushima from the front.  These are very high resolution. Left click to enlarge on your browser.  He's made some interesting notes on the images.

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Comment by CHRISTINA on March 29, 2012 at 3:05am
Comment by Maia Makalii on March 28, 2012 at 10:33pm
Whatever happened with the supposed announcement on the 27th?
Comment by CHRISTINA on March 28, 2012 at 6:08pm

"In any case, truth-seekers must not fall for the old cabal tactic of getting their opponents to fight each other. We all agree we want to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, have world peace and enter a new age of discovery, abundance, wonder and freedom. Let us concentrate on that and avoid negativity whenever possible."

Sincerely yours,
Benjamin Fulford

Comment by CHRISTINA on March 26, 2012 at 5:42am

i share james gilliland's views and his insights might be helpful for those who feel a little bit confused.....

Comment by CHRISTINA on March 25, 2012 at 3:44pm

furthermore, have you read jose v's blog post "Please help to spread the news "Live announcement on March 27, 21:00 Japan time. "


i mean it when i suggest to bring down the house of cards. we can make it happen when we as a collective consciousness allow that to happen.


finally, never ever buy into fear and let our light shine as bright as we can!

Comment by CHRISTINA on March 25, 2012 at 3:28pm

ian, first and foremost we, the 99%, should remain at all times as ONE.




secondly, ben sounds like a human being with common sense saying it would help when

we all do, individually, our part with original research.


furthermore he suggests to not believe until we actually see the change happen..

"Only really believe in things when you see them with your own eyes. The White Dragon Society is trying to prove itself with actual results, not hollow announcements. Do not believe in us until you actually see the change happen."

Sincerely yours,

Benjamin Fulford

"Hopefully soon all the lies we were taught as history will be exposed. Every individual doing their part with original research helps because "the truth shall set us free."

Benjamin Fulford

Comment by Trudy on March 25, 2012 at 3:08pm

Follow You Heart.  dear brother ian... what ever resonates with you, is just fine ^L^

Comment by ian on March 25, 2012 at 2:50pm

Well it is hard to say what/who to believe.  The NWO's best weapon against us is confusion and it is working.  Yes Ben has credentials but at the same time, the NWO runs this planet and if they wanted to plant Ben at Forbes to give him credentials so we would believe him they would.  So is Ben a tactically planted disinfo agent or is FWH a nut job or is FWh a disinfo agent or telling the truth?  The NWO has us all confused and that is what they need.  What the hell do we do?

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