Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

All Power is In the NOW, YOU Have the Power, Let’s Make Sure You Know How to USE it!

All Power is In the NOW, YOU Have the Power, Let’s Make Sure You Know How to USE it!


This is Judith (sorta… you know what I mean). For the last three days, I’ve been attempting to post as much information as I can about the energy laws that are at play NOW. Why? Because as Sovereign Reality -Creators, ir would be a REALLY GOOD IDEA to know what we are doing NOW!

And why is that? To review– many timelines converged in the unprecedented fulcrum of opportunity that we entered in March. The month was also a turning point into a New Paradigm of Sovereignty, and so our internal technology as reality-creators “upgraded” in alignment with our NEW energetic milieu. As you know, it was for both of these reasons that The Magic Sliding Scale Bridge Into SOVEREIGNTY manifested in March.

As we entered April, the point of convergence became less distinct. Only through experience have I discovered what that means for us, personally. The energy is still intense, but also somewhat convoluted (okay, intensely  convoluted). For those who are Energy Sensitive, the automatic (entrained) reaction would be to contract against the chaotic experience of being exposed to so many overlapping timelines. For those who have never been Energy Sensitive, well they are NOW, so they’re contracting against feeling these energies big-time.

If you know anything about physics, you know that contraction = resistance = amplifying whatever one is contracting against. NOT helpful at all, in other words. If you know anything about music, you also know that higher frequencies vibrate faster than lower ones. Depending on the focus of our own frequencies, we create an infinite number of variations of every one of them in every moment. Of course, that has always been true. We just didn’t know it because we didn’t change our focus very often (the Law of Entrainment) at least not intentionally (the Law of Inertia) and not for long enough to notice (the Law of Momentum). But NOW, as Sovereign Reality Creators, “the wind is at our back,” metaphorically speaking. Whatever we focus on, we manifest with more intensity, and faster than ever before.

 The reason I  haven’t been able to get this post written until NOW is for all of the above reasons, btw. The moment I begin, I’m flooded with too much information!  Too much to express through the written word, anyway. To try would take at least 48 hours straight, this post would be at least 48 pages long, and by the time I got it posted, it would be obsolete. That is how fast, we and our “realities” are changing! Besides, reading is conceptual, this energy and my own excitement about it and in it is very much alive, and only through sharing experience vibrationally and then applying it does one come to know it.

That is also why it is me fumbling my way through writing this post rather than The Frequency Technicians zapping it into the page wiith their laser focus. Apparently, my human attempts to articulate the complexity of the energies we are navigating through this month carries encodedhuman information that resonates more validly to a human reader than anything the Frequency Technicians would transmit far more succinctly. 

I sure hope I have given you a feel for how important it is for us to know what we are doing NOW! The best way to share all the reasons with you is through my own human frequencies. And so, here are two announcements that will create experiences to do just that–

THE MAGIC SLIDING SCALE BRIDGE INTO SOVEREIGNTY has been extended through the month of April for private sessions.
There are just too many energy laws at play to dissemble The Magic Bridge yet..Anyone one who wants a private session can have all the assistance they need at setting and maintaining their NEW template of Sovereignty. In case you didn’t know, there is no “fee.” Instead, you invest in yourself through a reciprocal energy exchange, and you determine what that is in yourself, not me. For more information about that, click this magic word.
To schedule your private session, email

THE FREQUENCY TELE-GATHERING, Sunday April 17th, 2:00- 3:30 pm pstd. 
That just manifested three days ago. The most basic, important, energy laws that we all need to use right NOW will be explained in this tele-gathering, and with laser focus, I am quite sure (this is The Frequency Technicians gig!). Please do join us, and bring your questions!

offer your reciprocal energy exchange  of $17.00 via Paypal to
The toll-free number and access code for wherever in the world you are will then be sent  to you.

* Just as a heads up, I’ll soon be announcing a monthly group for Energy Sensitives. To make sure you get that (and everything else that will be coming up soon, I’m sure) press the “follow” button in the right side bar.

There will be more transmissions to come about all of what is going ON in every moment NOW and from NOW ON. My mind keeps being blown by how radical this paradigm shift is, and I’m sure I didn’t do the best, job of  articulating it all here…. however, that might have taken me till next June, lol. I just wanted to finally get the announcements about The Magic Sliding Scale Bridge Into Sovereignty and THE FREQUENCY TELE-GATHERING to you!


White Heart in pink sky

Copyright©2016, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved.

You may copy and redistribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include the author’s name and  this copyright notice link:

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