Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

All is well, humanity is awakening Saul (Paul) via John Smallman

All is well, humanity is awakening
Saul (Paul) via John Smallman

Doubts are arising for you who are reading or listening to this, and of course for many, many others. And I can fully understand why they arise; it appears that you have already been waiting a long time for humanity’s collective awakening, a wonderful event that was seemingly promised for December 2003, and then again for 2012 . . . and still you wait. It is, quite understandably, very frustrating, and reduces your trust in us here in the non-physical realms whose only intent is to assist you all to awaken NOW!

Hang in there, it really is coming to fruition very soon, even as you continue to experience the unreality and confusion that is time in your illusory but very painful and frustrating dream state. Keep trusting us as you have been doing and are doing, because you do know deep within yourselves that to do so makes complete sense, and that all will be delivered in far greater wonder and abundance than you can conceive of...
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