By Timothy Fitzpatrick
June 23, 2014 Anno Domini
In Is Alex Jones externalizing the hierarchy?, I discussed how Alex Jones serves as cathartic relief for those resisting the New World Order and how he helps to get the masses comfortable with the NWO, thereby diffusing their opposition to it, making for a smoother transition to the one-world government.
To expand on that, I will break down some of the more technical methods Jones uses to psychologically traumatize his audience into accepting the New World Order, including his use of subliminal messages and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), which is basically the manipulation of communication to provoke at the subconcious level (here is a good video example of how powerful NLP can be). NLP is most prominently used by salesman and mind programmers.
Suggestive Programming (NLP), Affirmations, and double meaning
The most obvious and ubiquitous programming Jones uses is the power of suggestion. You can set your watch by it. As of the writing of this article, Jones did it today on his show. He does it every single show. And that suggestion is the seemingly snide imitation of the elite. If you are listener, you know what I am talking about. It’s when Jones raises his voice and assumes the personality of one of the “elite” and then goes on to mock us victims of the NWO. He does not do this merely to entertain you. It is subtle suggestion and mockery of the victim—you, the listener. It’s a sort of psychodrama. What results from this process is the instilling of fear and learned helplessness into the listener (see Learned helplessness through the alternative media). And if I and many others are correct that Jones is working for the bad guys, then this suggestive programming is to mock us, which feeds their appetite as they destroy us with their world takeover.
As the mountebank delivered his harangue, the clown would repeatedly poke his head out from bemacabrehind the curtain, making fun of everything his master said, parodying his patter and twisting the meaning of his words. The mountebank played the perfect straight man, meanwhile. Here he was, trying so hard to hawk his wares, and his own assistant was doing everything possible to undermine sales.
The merriment was of course intentional. While the clown seemingly encouraged the public not to buy the proffered merchandise, the mountebank knew full well that the bystanders would easily be converted into customers as soon as they forgot that they were, in fact, supposed to be buying. Once the audience had been effectively hypnotized, once its judgment and willpower had been weakened, the real sales pitch could begin…[i]
Does not John H. Townsen’s quote above remind you of Jones as he disingenuously mocks the NWO elite, specifically when he dressed up in clown makeup in a seeming mockery of US President Barack Obama? Researcher Michael Hoffman describes this suggestive programming as part of the Judeo-Masonic revelation of the method:
The alchemical principle of the Revelation of the Method has as its chief component, a clown-like, grinning mockery of the victim(s) as a show of power and macabre arrogance. When this is performed in a veiled manner accompanied by certain occult signs and symbolical words and elicits no meaningful response of opposition or resistance from the target(s), it is one of the most efficacious techniques of psychological warfare and mind-rape.
This ceremonial nose-thumbing, this perverse jesting and clowning is taken to the highest level of intensity by the Truth or Consequences principle which ultimately hinges upon the issue of consent.[ii]
In other words, as it applies to this case, Jones is mocking the victims of the NWO whilst gaining their consent to the tyranny.
In case you doubt that Jones uses or is even aware of NLP, the proof that he at least knows about it is in his film 911 The Road To Tyranny, in which he accurately points out George W. Bush using an NLP technique on the American people. Jones has also admitted to being well read in Edward Bernays’ book Propaganda. Bernays, a pioneer in public relations, was the nephew of Jewish kabbalist Sigmund Freud, who created the black art of psychoanalysis—something Jones also admits to using, at least on himself.
Another type of suggestion that Jones uses is to speak from the point of view of an elitist telling us how we must obey. Again, he does this nearly every show. To this conscious mind, this may seem harmless, but the unconscious mind interprets this message as a command, no matter how facetious the message may appear. In this example, Jones says “You will accept the love of Lucifer.” Again, if you pay close attention to his speech patterns, you will notice and example of this this in almost every show he does. He is breaking you, the listener, down. Here is another example where Jones assumes the role of Satan. Someone discovered yet another clip of Jones, in reverse speech, saying “I am Satan.”
Another, less used, technique Jones uses is the classic repetition command. At times you will hear him repeat a word or phrase. In mind control, a repetition count of three is the most common. See if you can find it in Jones’ dialogues. In just one example, in 911 The Road To Tyranny, you can find a repetition count of three in a few instances. Here us another example. He probably does it every show.
Trauma-based mind control
The element of fear can never be overstated. If you put aside Jones’ loud-mouthed, charismatic act, all you are left with is bad news, fear, and negativity. Between all the bad news going on with the New World Order takeover and Jones’ shouting fits, the listener hasn’t got a chance.
One form of trauma involves opposites (alternating leniency with harshness, simultaneously endorsing two opposing positions). Jones will speak very calmly and eloquently one minute, and the next minute, he is shouting at the top of his lungs, snarling and flailing his arms about. He will go back and forth between these two extremes. This is designed to traumatize the listener: hot and cold, violence and peace, stress and calm.
When leniency is alternated with harshnessness, the effect is devastating and disconcerting because the person looses the ability to predict what is going to happen. Everyone likes to control his or her life. Predicting what is going to happen is part of a person’s mind gaining control over their environment. Even that control is stripped from a slave. They soon learn to quit trying to protect themselves, and they quit trying to think for themselves but docilely submit to whatever fate assigns them…. The slave must reorganize reality through identification with aggressor (Illuminati master). Strong identification is created with the master. The slave is programmed to protect the master.[iii]
See how many times Jones will take you through this process in one show. This is further breaking you down, weakening your spirit, and strengthening the state of helplessness in you. Note in the above quote how the trauma aids the victim in identifying with their aggressor, in this case, Alex Jones. Could this by why his followers hang on his every word and defend him as if he is completely infallible?
Another aspect of fear that I must mention is subliminal messaging. We have proof that Alex Jones has used this at least on one occasion. My guess is that there are probably many more such instances; we just haven’t detected them yet. In the following clip from Jones’ documentary Police State 4: The Rise of Fema, a subliminal is flashed that is read by the subconscious mind as “submit to fear.” But it’s not like Jones needs to use a lot of these, as his show is already saturated with fearmongering messages.
Hollywood programming

A scene from Scanner Darkly depicting a character wearing an obvious Judeo-Masonic Illuminati symbol.
The first thing one hears when they tune in to the Alex Jones show is the theme for the imperial forces of Darth Vader in the kabbalist-based Hollywood film The Empire Strikes Back, part of the Star Wars franchise. According to CIA MKUltra mind control researchers, Star Wars and even Star Trek are recurring themes in mind control programs. The music for the empire in Star Wars represents evil and darkness, at least as far as kabbalists understand it. Why would Jones use such a dark theme as the theme for his supposed resistance to the New World Order world empire? Contradictory, no? It is likely more suggestive programming.
Few people seem to have any problems with Jones’ close connections with Hollywood, whether it’s his friendship with the decadent drug addict Charlie Sheen, Jones appearing in two Zionist Hollywood films,[iv] or Jones making frequent analogous references to movies during the Infowars show. Anyone with any wisdom knows that television and Jewish-masonic Hollywood are key channels of control for the world conspirators. For Jones to be so closely tied to Hollywood is hypocritical at best or sinister at worst. Either he is in on the scam or just a dupe. But for someone as intelligent as Jones—one who executes the sophistication of such things as neuro-linguistic programming, the case seems to by the former.
Jones was featured as a “street prophet” in the 2006 film Scanner Darkly, starring Keanu Reeves, Robert Downey Jr., and the Winona Ryder. Those who have studied Hollywood mind control know that sigil magic is frequently used, so they shouldn’t be surprised when they see a character in Scanner Darkly wearing a T-shirt with a picture of the all-seeing eye encompassed by a pyramid. Apparently, Jones has no problem being a part of this. He also doesn’t seem to have a problem with the technocratic theme of the movie, even though he claims to oppose the “scientific dictatorship” and the technocracy.

Each one of these mnemonic circles is actually animated, so it swirls. Most of these examples are from June 2014 Infowars shows. Here are links to the actual animated video clips from the Alex Jones show: June 19, June 20, July 3, and unknown date.
Hypnotic spiral, Mnemonic circles
There are several ways to induce a hypnotic trance. Some of the more popular ones include the hypnosis spiral, the use of an object that glitters such as a piece of jewelry or a gold watch, and progressive relaxation.[v]
Most of you are probably familiar with the black and white spiral of the hypnotist that goes around and around until the viewer is lulled into a trance. Today the Zionist controlled press uses these hypnotic spirals, just in a much more sophisticated way. This example from TSN/ESPN sports show, SportsCenter, shows the hypnotic circles being flashed continuously at the introduction of the show, during, and at the conclusion of the show. You can find these mnemonic circles just about everywhere on TV, but mainly on news channels. BBC, Russia Today, and NBC are some of the many who are using them. You would expect it from the mainstream media, but not from alternative media. Sadly, Jones’ Infowars and PrisonPlanet presentations are chock full of them. Below are some examples with links to actual video showing animated swirling, designed to put Infowars listeners into a trance. The effect is that the trance will allow certain parts or all of the message to bypass the critical portion of the brain—where we analyze for truth what we are seeing and hearing—and seep into the subconscious. You might say that trances reaffirm other forms of mind manipulation—a sort of insurance policy on propaganda.
Sigils are symbols. And when used by occultists, these symbols are believed to induce spells and trances. Hand gestures, NLP body movements, and symbols—Jones uses them all. Most notable are his use of the “V” symbol, the 666 (A-OK), and baphomet hand gestures. According to one astute observer, Jones use the 666 sign any time he is talking about the elite (specifically the government or the European Union). In Is Alex Jones externalizing the hierarchy? I documented Jones’ fomenting of violence among his listeners. One observer has apparently discovered a call to violence through and NLP technique. One thing to note about the “V” symbol that Jones is always pushing is that in the TV series V, the alien subversion of Earth is represented by “V”. The V people are a euphemism for fifth column insurgents.
All of this is just too coincidental, especially considering what we already know about Jones, namely that he has close ties to the intelligence community and the Israel lobby. His tactics are becoming more and more transparent.
Alex Jones trained in NLP at Stratfor?
It is interesting that Stratfor—an Israeli-CIA intelligence gathering firm established in Austin, Texas in 1996— was on the mailing list of the International Hypnosis Research Institute, an organization that offers neuro-linghuistic programming training. The anonymous hack of Stratfor’s emails a few years ago also revealed that Marko Papic, a geopolitical analyst with Stratfor, discussed NLP with Kevin Leahy of Knowledge Advocate. With what we already know about Alex Jones’ connections to Stratfor, it wouldn’t be a stretch to see him getting trained through Stratfor. The various NLP groups could have contracts with the CIA.
Another Stratfor-Infowars-NLP connection is with a visual effects artist named Michael McWhirter, who worked on several of Alex Jones’ films, including TerrorStorm, The Obama Deception, and Fall of the Republic. Mcwhirter has also contributed to Hollywood films, but he is currently listed as systems developer for a company named Aon Hewitt, a provider of human capital and management services, in Austin, Texas. At the time of the hack, Stratfor had membership with Aon Hewitt. What’s more, McWhirter is a member of an NLP meetup in Austin, Texas. In his meetup profile, McWhirter writes of himself, “I’ve studied/practiced NLP and related therapies for about 8 years and have applied my studies towards my own system of personal navigation and belief pattern exploration.”
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