The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Accessing the New Expansion
Archangel Michael
Council of Radiant Light
via Ailia Mira
Divine Ones,
We greet you in love.
We begin now, with an energy infusion. We invite you to receive. If you welcome this support, please say, “Yes.”
We encircle you now, in light, infusing this field of co-creation and connection, collaboration and evolutionary activation with golden angelic light, and the activation codes and templates of the ascended planetary field.
Take a moment to close your eyes and receive. Allow your experience to be whatever it is, and trust that you are absorbing and integrating the most relevant and beneficial energies for you, now.
Earth's ascension is encoded within each of you and within the planet itself. From a non physical perspective, it's done. It exists and it can be accessed within you. When you go inward and invite a conscious connection with your Divine Self, and then open to receive consciousness, and energy support, and connection from all that you are, you are cultivating a state of resonance with your true self, the infinite field of light that you emanate from. And that field is in an experience of an ascended planet....+
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