Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

A Vision for A Positive Outlook

The Vision Alignment Project 


Today's Vision comes, so sweetly, from Shelley Day in Canada. Thank you, Shelley! She says:

I envision a world where there is no need for doctors and prescriptions, because we all realize that we are perfect and radiating health and harmony from within. I see love, laughter, joy and a positive outlook being our only medicine.

I see a new earth-home where words like sickness and disease do not exist because we are so busy dancing and singing in perfect harmony with the angels,and rejoicing in our perfect health.

I see all of us living...


Tags: a vision, alignment project, positive outlook

Posted at: 21:36 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Time Is Now


Time Is Now

Ophelius is  the teacher

Received by Chris Maurus

Posted on May 13, 2023

Michigan, US of A, September 18, 2011.
Teacher Ophelius: “The time is ‘now’ my friends – there is no past or future. This is a very difficult concept for many to understand. You have all heard about this before, this ‘living in the now,’ or ‘living in the moment.’ What exactly do I mean by this? Let me explain. All that you are, all that you think and feel is happening now – not in the past, not in the future, but now. Yes, we all have our memory of past ‘now...

Tags: chris, chris maurus, circle of seven, ophelius, time is now

Posted at: 21:27 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

The Function of Gratitude in Our Lives


The Function of Gratitude in Our Lives

By Kenneth Schmitt

Posted on May 13, 2023



PWe all know what we feel when we resonate with another person, or even a group. We feel a sense of joy in connecting. When we are resonating with our heart-consciousness, we can feel this joy in every encounter. The feeling comes from within, and it is not in response to any outer situation. It is in alignment with our inner knowing. When we can realize the essence of the conscious life that we are living within, we can recognize the light of Being in everyone. We are all playing our roles and...

Tags: gratitude, heart-consciousness, kenneth schmitt, polarity, resonate, vibratory levels

Posted at: 23:58 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

How To Feel More Connected


How To Feel More Connected

The 9D Arcturian Council

Channel: Daniel Scranton

Posted on May 13, 2023 1024w, 768w, 600w, 1280w" alt="ask the arcturian council for what you want - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton- channeler of aliens" width="400" height="248" />
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are ready for anything that you want to throw at us here in the ninth dimension. We are open to all of your requests, and we seek to give you everything that you need and want because it is important to us that you remain at the very least comfortable, with an eye towards being joyous. We know that we continuously tell you that you create your own reality, but you also get to ask for help,...

Tags: .ninth dimension, arcturian council, daniel scranton, more connected

Posted at: 23:55 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

How To Feel More Connected


How To Feel More Connected

The Arcturians

Channel: Natalie Glasson

Posted on May 13, 2023

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa


Greetings, we are the Arcturians, we come forth with our love, wisdom and light to share with you in this moment.

We wish to encourage a deeper connection with all that is the Creator so that you may feel more grounded into the Earth, into your reality, into your existence, your life, and your spiritual growth. So you may feel more grounded in your relationships, in your creations and your abilities upon the Earth. When you feel more grounded in all that you are...


Tags: arcturians, more connected, natalie glasson, omna, spiritual growth

Posted at: 23:45 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

When Are Miracles Possible?


Are Miracles Possible?

By Master El Morya

Channel: Jahn J Kassl

Translation into English by


Post on May 13, 2023


Miracles and karma

JJK: When are miracles possible? When are miracles given?

MASTER EL MORYA: When the individual person has largely shed his karma and when this person is to be helped through a miracle to achieve a great leap in consciousness. This can also apply to a group of people or to the human collective as such. All current events on this planet are currently taking place in this level.

Humanity is gearing up for miracles because humanity is beginning to leave the plane of karma. Many...


Tags: el morya, jahn j kassl, jahn kassl, karma, leap in consciousness, miracles, miracles possible, path of light

Posted at: 23:22 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

The Power of the New Path


The Power of the New Path

By Archangel Michael 

Channel: Celia Fenn

Posted on May 13, 2023


What a powerful time it is as the New Path forward emerges.

I have found that the energy is so very different now, but in a subtle way. It is what Archangel Michael calls the 2/11 quantum flow. A deep energy that has become our “base note” on Earth. It is the Energy of the Divine Mother Christos Sophia and the Path of the Pure and Shining Heart.

It includes Nature, for Nature is emerging into a new raw and beautiful power. Everything seems larger than life and more beautiful....


Tags: archangel michael, celia fenn, christos sophia, divine mother, new path, pure heart, quantum flows, shining heart, the power

Posted at: 23:06 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Earth’s Hybrid Culture


Earth’s Hybrid Culture

Hakann trough A. S.

Posted on May 13, 2023



My dearest brothers and sisters,

This is Hakann speaking. I greet you in peace and love.

Today I would like to share that, from my perspective, Earth culture isn’t really a human culture. Instead Earth culture is a strange and somewhat schizophrenic hybrid of human and reptilian culture.

Yes, obviously it’s a huge generalization to talk about Earth culture as if Earth culture is one uniform thing. Still, all major cultures on your world are hybrids of human and reptilian cultures. In my previous message: Hakann: Patriarchy & “Believe The Chief”, I shared that Earth humans were...


Tags: a. s., hakann, human reptilian culture, hybrid culture, innate abilities, racism, reptilian influence, sexism, sexual violence, violence, war

Posted at: 22:53 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Awaken Your Super Powers


Awaken Your Super Powers

By Ramona Lappin

Posted on May 13, 2023




Can you feel the new lightness of being, your Original Essence, Nature, and Innocence re-turning?
Can you feel the sense of completion, of being fully at home within your heart and True Self, feeling fully whole and complete and in a state of complete Self Love within?! Can you feel how all is aligning from deep within you?! As you keep seeing through the illusions you dissolve them! As YOU TRUST what YOU, your inner sight, inner KNOWing, gnosis, wisdom, and intuition, that what you are perceiving and seeing from deep within you, is what...

Tags: awaken, codes, gnosis, inner knowing, innocence, intuition, lightness of being, nature, original essence, ramona lappin, super powers, true self, wisdom

Posted at: 22:36 | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS | Digg! |

Emotional Upheaval


Emotional Upheaval

The Collective

Channel: Caroline Oceana Ryan

Posted on April 15, 2023




Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.
Today our writer has some questions regarding handling the Ascension symptoms that affect one’s emotions, and especially the emotional upheaval so many are feeling now.
Know that the energies embedded here extend to each of you, and will calibrate to your individual life path, to support your higher good.
COR: My friends, so much is coming up now to be healed.
I and many others have had realizations and deeper aspects of old issues come...

Tags: ascension symptoms, caroline oceana ryan, crooks in government, emotional upheaval, emotions, feelings, fifth dimension, gifts, life path, light codes, memories, the collective

Views: 13


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