The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
So right up front, here it is: the sweet-talking Ambassador of the imaginary Asian Red Dragon Family is none other than Bo Mikael Lindstrom, son of Diplomat Mikael Lindstrom, Sweden’s former Ambassador to China (until 2010), Japan (until 2006), Indonesia (until 1998).
An easy way to confirm their connection is by going through Bo Mikael Lindstrom’s LinkedIn profile, where on the right side it shows “People Also Viewed”, Click on Jan-Mikael Vilheim Lindstrom (most likely an older brother, a family member for sure).
Then again where it shows “People Also Viewed”, Click on Mikael Lindstrom. Bo Mikael for sure didn’t what anyone to see his direct connection but Voila, he does reveal his connection with his father, through his brother. Pictures of them side by side you’ll clearly see Bo Mikael’s resemblance to his father.
As a diplomatic Ambassador’s son, travel with his father to Asian countries would have provided a fertile background for Bo Mikael’s present endeavors. Apparently, to fulfill some childhood dream of “super-hero” importance and to emulate his father’s diplomatic status, Bo Mikael Lindstrom simply appointed himself Ambassador to a fake Asian Dragon Family.
But that wasn’t enough. Now Lindstrom has pumped up his phony persona with a new venture under the cover of a charity for world peace. He’s even come up with a grand name for this newest fabrication, calling it “True Vision of Peace”. While the name certainly sounds quite altruistic, it needs to be clear that it is nothing other than a charity front intended to fleece even more money from gullible followers.
Why has the “Ambassador” devised something new and different? To hide behind the façade he’s created and further obscure any trace to his real identity, and because he’s seeking all the money he can to line his pockets and those of his cronies (see below). Bo Mikael Lindstrom hopes to regain your focus and interest through a charity platform that he professes to be for humanitarian projects.
There’s no disputing that funding Humanitarian Projects is a worthy cause and is desperately needed now to rebuild the dire state of our world, but the fact remains that humanitarian funding will never ever be accomplished by frauds and scammers.
Symbols and logos can be more powerful and revealing than words:
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Shady Associations Make for Shady Endeavors
Below are the facts about Bo Mikael Lindstrom’s associations. We leave it to the reader to discern if these are appropriate associations for those whose genuine intent is to assist humanity in making changes for a better world.
Alpha Omega Station (AOS) – A fake bank with accounts supposedly slated for Christian charities, this organization was originally created as a Russian money exchange system between the U.S. Dollar and the Russian Ruble during the Cold War. Subsequently AOS was disbanded, and in 1994, it was taken over by Vladimir Ivanovich Kobzar and given a new role to create its fraudulent activities (Kemp’s statement: indicating they would be the NEW WORLD ORDER and their prime objective was to take control of the Global Payments System currently conducted by SWIFT. Dictated to by Russian individuals of the highest level, with direct links to Vladimir Putin).
In addition, Kobzar also runs the International Charitable Christian Fund (ICCF), an international charity scam based in Spain which offers bogus Russian oil concessions worldwide.
On April 8, 2014 “His Excellency” Kobzar declared himself to be the “Beneficiary and Sole Signatory to External Packages of the former Soviet Union,” further claiming that he is the owner of the gold assets and all other monies of the world and in charge of the Russian deposits at Fort Knox and other depositories.
As it so happens, Bo Mikael Lindstrom is a “diplomat” for the Alpha Omega Station. The above AOS logo is the same logo that Lindstrom uses for his Red Dragon scam but here you see it before his black “hen” overlayed on top.
No one should be fooled by Kobzar’s claims to this NOT – Official Reconciliation Notarized (Year 2012 Between Vladimir I. Kobzar and Mr. Edy Seno Soekanto “Custodial Trustee”) of the Asset(s) subject of the Green Hilton Agreement between Indonesia Government and United States of America (Kennedy Administration).
There have been strong insinuations made by Vladimir Kobzar that he is in a working relationship with the head of the Soekarno Trust, Edy Seno. Now, after explaining to you who Vladimir Kobzar is we really would not want this deception to take place or confuse anyone so we will bring you the absolute facts about this so called relationship. Mr. Kobzar is not in a working relationship with Mr. Seno (who is a kind man and will give anyone a hand should they need it including Kobzar) but in fact Mr. Kobzar needed a favor and Edy Seno delivered for him not once but twice.
So Mr. Kobzar I suggest you cease using Mr. Seno’s name in conjunction with yours seeing it was only a favor nothing more. On the other hand I hope you enjoy your 30 year old paper. Nothing more needs to be said.
Kobzar has no claims to anything worthy but the fraudulent paper he makes up to fleece gullible and charitable people (Is this why the Ambassador uses the same 5 star (Petal) seal as on Kobzar’s document – very suspicious?)
CBC Global Trust (CBC) – Based in Hong Kong (website used to show – not now), this “fundraising” organization is run by CEO Bo Mikael Lindstrom, COO Alexander Prado (His Linkedin used to show his connection with CBC – not now), but you can see those “People Also Viewed” Bo Mikael and Board Advisor Rev. Michael D. Walter. But here Prado can’t hide the fact, that shows he is VP/COO of CBC.
There is also CBC Norway owned by Bo Mikael. CBC now raises money for Lindstrom’s “True Vision of Peace,” which has its new logo featuring a red-tinged dragon with five stars (petals) below it." alt="" width="650" height="300" />
The CBC logo is the same logo that Lindstrom uses without showing the CBC connection for his Red Dragon operations – the phoenix Black “Hen” superimposed on the AOS logo, In fact, this black “Hen” was ripped off from the logo belonging to the German Hotel Schwarzer Adler. (Why would he resort to stealing someone else’s decrepit black “hen” is anyone’s guess?)
At one time Alexander Prado posted on his Facebook page the “Voice of The (Red) Dragon” Ambassador aka Bo Mikael Lindstrom (but not now). But you will enjoy this video better where you can see and hear Bo Bo Lindstrom, a self-proclaimed Hapkido Master.
‘King’ Anthony Santiago Martin (ASM) and the LSM-TVM666 Accounts – As you may be aware from our first expose on the Ambassador, this current imposter-King and his falsified “White Spiritual Boy Accounts” (or “Spiritual White Boy Accounts”) from the World Bank Group documents and fake ASBLP Bank are a wholly counterfeit operation.
On an ongoing basis, with ever-changing impostors (at least five so far), are propped up by Western alphabet agencies and assigned the name Anthony Santiago Martin (ASM). In fact, the first ASM imposter admitted that he was set up for the purpose of unauthorized access to the authentic ASM accounts and that he functioned as nothing more than a signature.
The real King Anthony Santiago Martin (God rest his soul) died in 1985, three years prior to Ferdinand Marcos in 1989. The King is no longer, and the authentic accounts have been returned to the real owners, the depositors who comprise the genuine Asian Dragon Family. (This particular phony Anthony Santiago Martin who you see here arrived from a Thai village in 1993.)
These authentic accounts have been fraudulently labeled as “White Spiritual Boy” accounts as listed in the counterfeit World Bank Group documents. In displaying page 19 of this document, Bo Mikael Lindstrom attempts to prove that these TVM-LSM666 (ASM) accounts belong to the alleged Red Dragon family of China.
What is important to note is the page of this document that Lindstrom deliberately did not show –page 18. On this page is handwriting on the side showing “TVM-LSM666” aka (TVM) Tiburcio Lillamor Marcos and (LSM) Leodegaro Salino Morilla.” TVM and LSM were two previous scammers who tried unsuccessfully to use these fraudulent documents and gain access to the funds. Obviously Lindstrom did not want this revealed nor did he want any association to past failed attempts to present this document(s) as legitimate.
But Lindstrom neglected to cover up the name of Sir Wilfred S. Sarurin on page 106. Sarurin is a known expert counterfeiter and key in creating these fraudulent World Bank Group documents in the first place.
Also, the signature of Queen Elizabeth II is counterfeit.
The Henhouse – Birds of a Feather
Dr. William Mount – This man wrote articles at one time supporting the “Ambassador” and the alleged Red Dragon Family. In his video he shows ‘credentials’ that he is a diplomat for Dominion of Melchizedek (DOM), and Mount displays a Ukraine-stamped Diplomatic Passport for the DOM, an organization which he admits was a fraudulent internet company that U.S. intelligence agencies intended to bring online to create yet another fake “Spiritual White Boy” account and thereby claim the funds as listed in the counterfeit World Bank Group document(s).
In his next video, Mount claims that the New World Order is already here but it is not Rome or Britain, nor U.S.A. [the 3 Crown Temple Bar], are but mire servants to the New Rome, because they either lose or never had the proper blessings of the King of Malta for the Roman Eagle Rights and documents. Mount further states that St. Petersburg, Russia has been blessed as the New Rome since the 1800’s.
It is undetermined as to whether or not was Mount is paid to write the pro-Ambassador/Red Dragon articles, however, the definite connection exists.
In Mr. Mounts newest June 22 post, ‘Red Dragons – GOD Is Never Wrong’ …It seems Mount has finally woken up to the fact that the Ambassador and the Red Dragons are just con artists, as he said “They do not intend to fund anything – they are liars and thieves just like the Rothschilds.”
This was after the Ambassador’s response “I want a full business plan and see how we can make money off of them.” Further – the Ambassador stated that if Humanity does not rise spiritually fast enough in the next 3 years they will destroy 90% of Humanity. Mount has come to the conclusion that the Red Dragon Family – are arrogant, greedy murderers.
We must advise you Mr. Mount, the Red Dragons are western (cabal) renegades, not the true Dragon families of Asia China. Yes maybe they are connected to the linage of Ghengis Kahn (very possible) that stretch from central Mongolia to Rome and up into London. But hold your tongue, they are not Chinese so done be blasting the Chinese or the true Royal Dragon families.
You need to do some better research Mr. Mount but maybe by reading the next section on Mr. Gillot, a.k.a. con-artist King of Mongolia, just might enlighten you and help you better understand this fake Ambassador and his western Red Dragon hordes.
Jacques Jean Daniels Gillot and The Red Dragon Hordes – Holding a Belgium passport, Gillot now resides in Spain.
In 2014 he conspired to launder S2S money from Citibank in Switzerland. And in 2015 he conspired to launder S2S funds from Deutsche Bank (In both cases these are S2S – Agreement of codes – Server to Server funds – Investments For Economic / Social and Humanitarian Projects), which is a reversal of Red Robin Hood who in this case, actually steals from humanity. Also note, under Client Information Sheet – Personal Banking Details: (which is another con artist of) LSM – 10-0101010 – 666 accounts.
Being a good friend of Bo Mikael Lindstrom, Gillot’s picture is posted on Lindstrom’s (first of two) Facebook pages and features him standing in front of a building with an “office for lease” sign under the address 555 Nathan Road, Kowloon Building, Hong Kong.
Another picture shows Gillot pointing to the M1 symbol on the side of that building. As the “Ambassador,” Lindstrom claims that he works for M1. Well, welcome to the 555 era that will take over 666, but in reality it’s only a distraction from the real deception to take over TVM-LSM666 (ASM) accounts which do not belong to anyone but the original depositors.
In (Bo Mikael’s) 2nd Facebook page, is this picture titled ‘Lovely Diner’, clearly shows his association with Mr. Gillot, the 2nd man over from Bo and the 3rd man over is holding a Shofar ram’s horn of the Gideon 777 (555) group.
(Bo Mikael Lindstrom – a.k.a. the fake “Red Dragon Ambassador” – is on the far right; to the left of Bo is another crook, Christopher Wolf Crutcher. This clarification was provided to us by the Dragon Family directly).
It has become apparent that Gillot is well entrenched with the whole Ambassador/Red Dragon operation. Gillot alleges that he is HRH King Bathor of Mongolia (plus six other nations) and the descendant of Batu (Genghis Khan), the “sole heir of the Golden Hordes.”
With claiming to be the “King” of seven nations, it is the considered opinion of the Keenan Team that “King Bathor” may be the head of Lindstrom’s Red Dragon Family which represents several other Euro-Asian families that have adopted the Red Dragon name. If so, then Gillot could very well be the “head of the snake” among the hordes calling themselves Red Dragons.
What is most revealing is that Gillot’s news page discloses the same old scam claiming ownership of the wealth of the world through the TVM-LSM666 (ASM) accounts. In the document that Gillot displays, he makes claim to the Account Name: Solitario Edralin Castillo (aka Mr. SEC, General Solitario E. Castillo, an ex-assignee with a Philippine passport).
As “King Bathor,” Gillot asserts that Castillo designated these accounts to him the year he was born (1971) and therefore declares himself to be the sole owner of this colossal fortune which was under the unlimited administration of General Solitario Edralin Castillo of the Philippines.
Karen Hudes – Many are familiar with Hudes who was fired by the World Bank and has aligned herself with a penniless scam artist, Wolfgang Struck (former UBS banker). Hudes contends that Struck has signatory authority for the Collateral Accounts and further, that she is the “Acting General Reconstruction and Development Legal Counsel for Debt Facility” over the same TVM-LSM-666 (ASM) accounts (Alpha Omega World Marshall Programme). The fact remains that the World Bank has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the Global Collateral Accounts.
The End of the Fairytale Red Dragon Hordes
So here you have it: the fake Ambassador, the fake Red Dragon hordes, the fake Anthony Santiago Martin, the fake King Bathor and a whole host of related fake claimants – and don’t forget Karen Hudes, all trying to get their hands on fake “White Spiritual Boy” accounts TVM-LSM-666 (ASM) accounts. It’s hard to imagine anything getting more fake … but it does!
Now Bo Mikael Lindstrom is soliciting funds for his “True Vision of Peace” charity front. The only “true vision” the Ambassador has is his attempt to take advantage of Ron Van Dyke’s and David Schmidt’s existing followers, playing upon their beliefs and sympathies in an attempt to fleece money from them in the form of “donations.”
As the “Ambassador,” Lindstrom has claimed that he has access to all the money in the world from his Red Dragon Family, but WHERE is that money? It doesn’t exist! If it did exist, why in the world would the “Red Dragons” be soliciting funds from Ben Fulford’s (of all people) “White Dragon Society” for the production of free energy devices?
While free energy devices are desperately needed, and there are more than a few of these devices in existence right now, it is all too evident that those who represent the Red Dragons are not people who should be given any funding.
This fraud must stop right here and now. The Ambassador has kept his identity a secret until this point, relying on his utter belief that people aren’t smart enough to put the pieces together and discover his true intentions and the shady connections of his con game.
He further greases the whole scam with a large dose of a false “spirituality,” so much lip-service that he spouts forth based on superficial, new age fodder that he’s read. Thus he believes he can lull followers into believing his intent is to help humanity while his sole intent is to help himself and his criminal cronies.
If there are those of you who are moved to take action and wish to file a complaint against the illicit and immoral actions of the former Swedish Ambassador’s son, we suggest you address them to:
King of Sweden, Carl XVI Gustaf
c/o The Private Secretary to HM The King,
The Royal Palace,
S-111 30 Stockholm,
You can also send your comments via the contact page of the Swedish Royal Court’s
Since the Red Dragon Ambassador has no problem with the con game he is perpetrating, then it is time to call out the father for the wrongdoings of his son. Bo Mikael Lindstrom is trading on the title of his father, and it only seems right that the Lindstrom family should take some pride in their heritage and become responsible for putting an end to Bo Mikael’s immoral activities.
The “Ambassador’s” Spokesmen Also Need To Be Called Out
The original spokesman who aligned himself with the “Ambassador,” Ron Van Dyke, is no longer actively involved due to health issues. To be fair, we have observed that Ron has put his heart on the line time after time, hoping somehow, someday he would hit the right chord. To date this has not happened.
But what Ron should take note of is that each and every scam he’s supported all simulate each other — they want either your money or your soul. Take care, Ron. We like to believe that you mean well and we hope you make a quick recovery back to health.
On the other hand, Dave Schmidt is well versed in politics from his days in Washington State (as a Senator he missed voting on 151 of 193 – for the people) and there is also his Dong/Dinar failures with Mark Meersman (Pif). Schmidt has flown to Hong Kong and China a few times now (at his own expense, we understand) and met with alleged Elders, but in fact they were not Elders. We now know who these Asian parties are, and once again, Swissindo is involved. These Swissindo deceptions and connections never ended.
It is unfortunate that Ron was never told the truth by either the “Ambassador” or Dave Schmidt. The set-up was kept in place in order to retain Ron’s followers but little did the “Ambassador” know that Ron has a mind of his own. It was the “Ambassador” who first came to Ron, and in turn Ron brought in Schmidt only to be shut out by him as the operation unfolded.
Still, Schmidt carries on with his same storyline, conducting his seminars and working with the phony Red Dragon Family. Neil Keenan is amused to hear that Schmidt maintains his foolishness (stooping doorbelling lies), deception and greed. When Neil sat and spoke with the actual Dragon Family about this, they just shook their heads at this utter nonsense.
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Schmidt’s Newest Scam Artist Partner
Dave Schmidt’s April and June 2015 posts both revealed his new connection with Landa China Global (Landa China Development Investment Corporation), which is run by a well-known scam artist, Jerzy Babkowski.
You may know him by his pen name, Zap. Landa China claims to do fundraising for humanitarian projects along with its related company, Humanus, an organization based in Canada. All are connected to Babkowski. (As an aside, Babkowski recently suffered a heart problem also.)
Well done, Dave. With connecting to Babkowski, you have now come full circle and officially joined the biggest merry-go-round of fundraising con artists there is (What do you think about Landa Global Humanus Corporation and the bo....
In Schmidt’s recent video with the “Ambassador,” both of them had words to say about the fraudulent activities of RV dinar gurus: “lying and misguiding people is not the way to do it” and “Justice will be done and the truth will always come out.”
Do you really believe that you can absolve yourselves of wrongdoing and maintain your false pretensions by pointing at others for their lying and misguiding people when this is precisely what you yourselves are doing? This is the true meaning of hypocrisy.
We already know that you, “Ambassador,” will label this article as an attack and say that we are using aggression against you. But in your own words about truth and justice, we are simply putting out the facts about you, your shady associations and your dishonest activities.
Now the latest thing being added to the scam is a new program that requires people to pay for and attend classes in order to “properly” submit their humanitarian projects for the Red Dragon’s underwriters’ approval. The question was raised about what guarantee these people have that their projects would be approved after paying for the classes. The “Ambassador” answered the question by saying that it was not a question of the money being there, but rather it was matter of going through the “right procedures.”
His “answer” says it all! Although the “Ambassador” claims that there are projects that have been funded, he has never given so much as one specific detail on any project that has been funded. Logic dictates that you would want everyone to know about funded projects. Why the secrecy? Because there are no funded projects and there never will be any.
When you look at some of the responses to that recent video. Even people who do not have all of the facts call it “bs.”
Recap – A Final look at the “Ambassador” and His Red Dragon Hordes
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The self-appointed “Ambassador” and his bogus Red Dragon Family have no money. They are far from who they say they are and have no means to fund anything. Just one solid piece of evidence is the fact that Red Dragon “representatives” recently solicited Ben Fulford, a member of the WDS for funding.
The “Ambassador” has no history whatsoever of coordinating, much less funding, any humanitarian project. He can show no proof of any action that he has taken for humanity other than maybe repeatedly proclaiming that we must all work together.
Active involvement with known fraudulent associates and disreputable organizations reflects at the very least that Bo Mikael Lindstrom, the “Ambassador,” is not the honorable, spiritual man he pretends to be. In Lindstrom’s very own words, justice will be served and the truth will always come out, but obviously he never believed that this would ever apply to him.
We fully understand that many desperately want to believe that things can change for the better and to that end, they want to take definitive action. There are those who have already discerned the fraudulent nature of this Red Dragon scam, and there are those followers who refuse to allow a shadow of a doubt to enter their minds about their involvement in this operation.
Here is one more ongoing scam group promoting the same old Swissindo con – Mr. Sino, M1 con, who was never elected to be the M1 for the Global Collateral Accounts. Promoters Dan Lutz andTracy Davisdson (ex-Zeek pimp flees to Philippines) promote this false Thailand con-artist impostor Mr. Sino (also with an address in Cirebon, Indonesia), who is trying to trump the real Mr. Edy Seno Soetanto, the heir son of the Grantee of the President Soekarno trust accounts, which relate to the collateral account assets.
To understand this correctly, President Soekarno willed all the documents of guarantee and the obligation to his teacher Kiyai Hadji Djawahir, as the grantee and thereafter to his son Dr. Edy Seno Soekanto.
As mentioned above Edy Seno is a kind man who before enduring the amputation of his leg due to diabetes fought his way out of a mad Malaysian kidnapping attempt. There have been so many parts to Edy Seno’s life including having such a famous father, as Soekarno’s right hand man, and mother whose name still shines over Indonesia.
At one time it was mentioned by Keith Scott and Peter Wagoner in another attempt to steal from Edy Seno that a Cease and Desist had been issued to Neil Keenan relating to their relationship. Jean Haines eventually used this as well to malign Neil whereas Neil stated all along that Edy was his friend. Nothing more needs to be said other than to take a look at the photo below to show who is who and what is what.
Edy and Neil sail along smoothly as friends and will continue to do so no matter who attempts to put their two cents into their relationship. What should have been could have been years ago is now beginning to take place and what a relationship it could and will be not between dependents but friends." alt="" width="650" height="424" />
Edy Seno always uses his thumb prints when signing… something Scott or Wagoner did not ever acquire. Another point to make is that they attempted to enter his hospital room to get Edy’s signature to no avail. They pushed to get it and when they did not they falsified his signature. Such, the document was later used by many others in attempts to take down Neil Keenan.
Neil Keenan and Edy Seno are now both working together and will not let these other con artists steal any accounts from Indonesia.
Schmidt and the Ambassador discuss whether the Mr. Sino is the truly M1. This is really funny and truly revealing on their part because they say I think, I believe or maybe M1 might be a special operations group. Remember they claim to be the real dragon family and M1? It just shows you again; he and they – are full of shit. Sorry “Ambassador” – when you hesitate like that, you and your fake Red dragon’s reveal your fraud.
There are still others who are simply not aware of the facts and the hard reality that their money, their hopes and their great ideas to help humanity will be exploited by these somewhat cunning swindlers and they will be left with nothing but disappointment and heartache.
We provide this information to protect our own people from such destructive con artists and to stand up for the true Asian Dragon Family depositors. It is bad enough that the Cabal is trying to kill us all, but these two-bit scammers make it all the worst with their trying to take advantage of our grim situation, playing on the hopes of the innocent and attempting to fleece them of every last dollar that can be had. Tragically, those who donate to this “cause” are in fact contributing to the opposite of where they intend their money to go.
By exposing the Pied Piper Ambassador, he lead us also to expose his Red Dragon hordes, associations and all their western alphabet agencies involved in this scam.
All eyes are on these scam artists – they must be exposed and stopped!
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