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A repost: Heathen Religions all Based on Phallicism

Heathen Religions all Based on Phallicism

July 4, 2017

90lyz.gifThe davening ("prayer") by Jews, left, simulates copulation. They are literally f**king God. 
The occult Luciferianism of the Catholic Church, 
has a very real subliminal effect on priests and drives them
to pederasty, says author Edward Hendrie who also considers
 Judaism, Islam, Mormonism to be "heathen."
by Edward Hendrie 
The article by Jude Duffy, Media anti-Catholic narratives with an endless shelf life: A refutation of Michael Hoffman II is supposed to be a defense of sorts of the Catholic Church. His argument regarding pederasty seems to be "they do it too." 
That is true, because all heathen religions (Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, Mormonism, etc.) are rife with pederasty. The reason is that at their core they are phallic religions. Phallus worship is in fact the oldest form of idolatry. Phallicism was the central theme of the ancient mystery religions flowing from Babylon. Martin Wagner explains:
 "The phallus was an essential part in the rites and symbolism of the mysteries. Its office was to convey to the initiated a profound and sacred meaning. It was a common object of worship and of ornament. Originally it had no other meaning than that union of male and female upon which depended the procreation of life."
The misogyny and pederasty in both the Catholic priesthood and among Islamic males may be caused by the fact that both Islam and Catholicism are deviant phallic religions that flow from Babylon. All ancient mystery religions are based upon phallicism. Phallicism is the pantheistic worship of procreation in nature, with a focus on genitalia. Phallicism is a fetish theology, wherein the generative principle is represented through images of phalli and yonis. 
That is why there is a phallic obelisk in St. Peter's Square and Islamic mosques are surrounded by phallic minarets.
The Kabbalah infuses orthodox Judaism with a powerful undercurrent of phallic worship and practice, including sex magic.  The sex magic is an offshoot of the secret doctrine in Judaism, which is a common doctrine found in secret societies. The movement in prayer mentioned by Dan and Lavinia Cohn-Sherbok is called shuckling (a/k/a shokeling or shoklen). It is also called davening, which is simply a Yiddish word for prayer. The shuckling by Jews simulates the movement of copulation in sexual union with Shekhinah. Shuckling is symptomatic of the fact that Judaism is a phallic religion, which is has liturgical practices and prayers with occult sexual meanings.
There is a reason that pederasty is so prevalent among Catholic priests. Unnatural celibacy drives them to it. There is an unseen spiritual force that works on the priests. The bible states that forbidding to marry is a doctrine of devils. 1 Timothy 4:1-3. 
The pedophilia by the priests of Rome finds its source in demonic influence. The occult Luciferianism of the Catholic Church, has a very real subliminal effect on its practitioners, the priests. The Roman theology is an esoteric phallic theology, wherein the priests are driven by the devil to those abominable acts.
God explains in Romans 1:18-32 the process of religious degeneration wherein vile affections, like sodomy, are the direct consequence of idolatry. The Catholic priests have "changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man" (Romans 1:23), and teach others to worship graven images. All idols are demonic. 1 Corinthians 10:19-20. 
(left, Washington Monument) 
As a consequence of idol worship, "God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves." Romans 1:24. God did this because they "changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator." Romans 1:25. In Romans 1:26, God states that it is "for this cause" that he gave them up completely to vile affections. 
The cause God references in Romans 1:26 is idolatry, the resulting vile affections are the sins of Sodom, which God explains in Romans 1:26-27. 
The Catholic priests are possessed by the devil, through their idolatrous religion, and being possessed by the devil, they are driven to lust for the sin of sodomy; "the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly." Romans 1:27. 
God has given the Catholic priests over to a reprobate mind. Romans 1:28. The Catholic priests are possessed by devils who fill them with all unrighteousness, fornication, and wickedness. Romans 1:29.
Edward Hendrie is a lawyer and Christian researcher who has written many books, including Antichrist: The Beast Revealed.
Reply from Jude Duffy- 
It's impossible to take seriously a critic who in his very first paragraph deliberately misrepresents my statements. I never suggested "they all do it" as a "defence" of Catholic clerical crimes. Instead I observed that Mr Hoffman and many other self-styled enemies of the corporate Zio-media actively promote the Zio-media Big Lie that clerical paedophilia is a uniquely Catholic crime - at least among Christian clergy.
Mr Hendrie also seeks to promote this Big Lie. Noticeably absent from the list of religions he admits to having a problem with pederasty are any Protestant denominations. How absurdly misleading. Only last week the former head of the worldwide Anglican Communion, former Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, was ordered by the current holder of that office, Justin Welby, to cut off all formal ties with the Church of England because of his role in covering up the pederast crimes of another Anglican bishop (and close friend of the heir to the British throne, Prince Charles), Peter Ball.  This was a huge story, and if it had related to Catholic prelates, it would have been splashed over every major Zio-media outlet around the world for days, if not weeks, on end. Yet even in the UK, where Anglicanism is the state religion, it hardly made the main news bulletins that night.
By the same token, the former spiritual and religious leader of Northern Irish Protestants, the late Reverend Ian Paisley, was a very close associate of two notorious British Protestant terrorist paedophiles, William McGrath and John McKeague. Again, when the Reverend Paisley died a few years ago, no one in the Zio-media brought up this connection. 
Likewise, the same British and Irish corporate media that portray every allegation made against a Catholic cleric as self-evidently true, have over the last few years launched a coordinated and extremely vicious campaign of character assassination against senior police officers in Britain who have dared to state that allegations of paedophile rings at the heart of the British Masonic establishment are credible.
Decent Protestants themselves have been the first to acknowledge the way the media very dishonestly imply, by their silence, that sexual abuse of minors is not an issue in Protestant churches. The Irish Protestant journalist Victoria White has written repeatedly in the Irish Examiner newspaper of this deliberate media campaign of lying by omission, going so far as to recall how a notorious paedophile in her own Protestant school was given a glowing reference by his employers, thus enabling him to continue his criminal career in other institutions.
Like many Catholic bashing Calvinists, Hendrie shows just what a liberal he is at heart by using the language and arguments of modern feminism and the sexual revolution to bash the Church. Thus he parrots the modern cultural Marxist line that the Church is "misogynist". The word 'misogyny' was fairly obscure until well into the 1980s, at which point some half-educated feminist or other discovered it in her dictionary. After that there was no going back:  the other half-educated feminists and their White Knight male groupies couldn't write a paragraph about the Catholic Church without dropping in this ludicrously reductive term.
Now apparently the Calvinists are belatedly jumping on the feminist bandwagon, even going so far as to regurgitate corporate media hogwash about clerical celibacy as the cause of clerical pederasty. If that's true, how does Mr Hendrie explain why so many famous ex-pupils of British Protestant public schools - C.S. Lewis,  the writer and journalist A.N. Wilson, the BBC presenter, John Peel,  et al - have recalled the institutionalized homosexual abuse in their own schools?
Mr Hendrie dwells at length on the supposed Pagan "phallicism" of the Catholic Church. I'm puzzled by this for a number of reasons. If the Catholic Church is a phallicist institution, why does Mr Hendrie use as his source of ultimate spiritual authority, the book - the Bible - this alleged phallicist cult formulated?
Furthermore if he objects to Paganism so strongly, presumably he condemns in forthright terms the close fraternal connections Calvinist Protestant churches maintain with the Freemasons, the occult sub-Masonic Orange Order, the Purple Arch, the Black Preceptory,  and so on?

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Comment by CHRISTINA on March 25, 2018 at 6:56am
Comment by CHRISTINA on March 25, 2018 at 6:54am

Heathen Religions all Based on Phallicism

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