The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
By Michelle Walling, CHLC
Contracts that are made before this lifetime and others carry energetic references which may be keeping you from walking the highest path. Revoking outdated contracts or contracts made under duress can be done in order to clear the associated energy and commitments. Declaring your sovereignty is also important in order to break free of prior obligations that were made with these contracts as a reversal of giving away your power and free will.
If you have found yourself saying, “I’m mad as Hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore!”, then you are making a declaration of non consent. This article covers many ways that you can stand in your power as an aspect of Source having a physical incarnation in this lifetime.
Life on this planet was hijacked and twisted into a place of hierarchy, domination, and control. One of our major purposes in this lifetime is to awaken to who we are as free- willed sovereign beings and to take back our power. In doing so, we will also help to free the rest of humanity who do not have a clue as to why they are constantly struggling to survive.
A CON-tract is an agreement that helps to guide incarnations in human bodies on this planet. Other agreements were also made that help other people to achieve certain milestones or events in their lives as well. Because we are waking up to the fact that we have been conned and the whole system has been hijacked, we will need to recognize these contracts and revoke them as needed.
I have provided several free resources in the article that will help you to recognize and revoke contracts that may be holding you back and limiting you in your life. Please take the time to read all of the declarations and listen to the videos, and share with as many people as possible. I cannot imagine anyone who could not use this information on their journey at this time.
I first came across the idea of spiritual contract revocations through the Galactic Historian Andrew Bartzis. Andrew’s work was like nothing I had read or heard of before, and it opened my eyes to the fact that there is a small group of beings that have hijacked the planet for their own use. I had never understood before that humans are actually slaves trapped within a system of re-incarnating over and over due to the agreements they trick us into making.
Somewhere along the line, something went wrong with Andrew Bartzis’ work. And it seemed to get worse and worse to where the Galactic History information that I was hearing no longer resonated, or it got to where I just could not understand it anymore. The level of detail and the speed at which Andrew spoke with his initial work made perfect sense to me in the beginning. Many people complained that they could not keep up or did not understand, but I knew what he was saying had some parts of truth in it because I was feeling it. It was a huge turning point in my understanding of the bigger picture.
I attended two conferences in 2013 where he was a speaker- the first in Mount Shasta, Ca and the second in Sarasota, FL. I intended to get an Akashic records reading at the first conference, and after waiting until 10 pm on the third day I sat down with Andrew to finally get my reading. I was not met with warmth or kindness from him, and it was then and there that I was disappointed to learn that my Akashic records has supposedly been “redacted”, which means a thick black marker had been run through most of the information that I was not supposed to know. Only a handful of people supposedly had redacted records.
Rob Potter and his friend Dale actually spoke the majority of the Mount Shasta conference. While many assumed Andrew was silent because he was working on healing many people in the audience, I wonder if he was actually many places at once battling beings trying to interfere with him. I did witness Andrew speaking in tongues to people in their native Star language and we did group healings on people that seemed to help them. All in all I left Mount Shasta confused and even more curious as to who this Galactic Historian really was.
At the latter conference in Florida there was “interference” so strong with Andrew that Chris Hales ended up doing the majority of the speaking. Andrew started his speech in a very aggressive voice, calling out some unseen beings. Things went downhill from there, as a lady in the front row stood up and hastily left the room. I had to leave the room as well during Andrew’s speech due to a stabbing pain in my lower back. I went immediately to my room where I cleared that energy and when I returned to the conference I heard that Andrew was “speech bound” by several ladies there at the conference in order to protect people from the beings who were trying to take over his body.
I share this information publicly now only to explain why I no longer study Andrew’s work. However, I also want to explain that I do regard the early information as an important stepping stone in my clearing, understanding, and continued awakening progress. This is just my observation of what happened the two times I was in Andrew’s presence. What really unfolded in Andrew’s life lies with Andrew and the beings that were interfering with him, and I assume it is because he had some very important teachings to share with humanity.
The foundation of Andrew’s original revocation work still stands today, however, and many have had the same ideas and have spread their work on the internet as well. I value the interview Lance White did with Andrew Bartzis entitled “The Galactic History Series”, which was filmed after the conference each night in Mount Shasta. This series still stands in my book as an important marker of opening my mind to the fact that so much has been hidden from me, and there is so much more information to attained. Andrew introduces contract revocation in this series. If you are interested in the early interviews with Andrew, you can start with part 1 here:
In forming your own declaration of independence or freedom from any constraint, the first thing you want to do is to state exactly what you are identifying as no longer agreeing to in your life. You can get as specific as you like, and declaring that you are a free will sovereign being is an important part of the declaration. Here is an example of a “curse revocation” taken from the “Adventures in Reality” show from March 3, 2015:
Keep in mind that this is only an example of how to state exactly what you want to revoke and that you are doing so in your own power as a sovereign being, which will begin the process of leading you more in alignment of other things that you can accomplish in this lifetime. The best course will always to be write your own and to speak the words outloud with your strong desire and intention.
You can revoke anything that you wish in your life and you have the free will to change anything that is not working for you. Andrew introduced the “spiritual court of equity” to his listeners which ensures that you are getting help from a group of guides that will help you to revoke the contracts that are no longer needed or were made out of duress, and to have help in leaving some in place that may be beneficial to others in your life with whom you made contracts with. Of course, we cannot see the whole picture from this vantage point so it is a good idea to ask for help in deciding what to void so that you do not harm another’s path and spiritual progress, unless of course it is hindering yours.
Further study of asking for the highest council of help in this area and in your overall journey can be found in this In5d article:
Spirit Guidance For Lightworkers, Starseeds, and Leaders
I found a huge list of various topics for revocations inspired by Andrew Bartzis on THIS website. These include detailed revocations for media systems, banking systems, government, and for the divine masculine and feminine. Take a look at these but in order to keep from getting too overwhelmed with a “to do” list, the best thing to do is to check out the patterns that keep reoccurring in your life in order to recognize what you might need to revoke rather than just revoking a lot of contracts to cover all of your bases.
And finally, to wrap up this section abut Andrew Bartzis, the one and only Ari Kopel interviewed him in the prime of his work in 2013, and you can check that out here:
I met Mary Jane Banks at the Mount Shasta conference. MJ stepped forward as a leader in the group after attending the conference and sharing her own “Soul Revocation” with everyone via email. This revocation became wildy popular as it laid the groundwork for many people to take the basic framework and make it their own. I later met up again with MJ at the Florida conference I mentioned earlier, and she is my May 1, 2015 guest on my radio show “The Cosmic Awakening Show: Contract Revocation and Sovereignty Decl....
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