Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

A Report on the Motivations and Activities of Extraterrestrial Races – A Typology of the Most Significant Extraterrestrial Races Interacting with Humanity

A Report on the Motivations and Activities of Extraterrestrial Races – A Typology of the Most Significant Extraterrestrial Races Interacting with Humanity


© Michael E. Salla, PhD

Revised January 1, 2005 (First published July 26, 2004)






There are an extensive number of extraterrestrial races known to be currently interacting with Earth and the human population. In a 1998 interview, Clifford Stone, a retired US army Sergeant  who served in the US Army for 22 years and participated in covert operations to retrieve crashed extraterrestrial ships and extraterrestrial biological entities (EBE’s), revealed there were a total of 57 extraterrestrial races known to the US military. From this pool of extraterrestrial races, a number are more active than others, and can be claimed to have the most significance for human evolution and sovereignty. This report describes the main extraterrestrial races most commonly referred to in the literature who appear to have most strategic significance for the evolution and sovereignty of humanity, and their impact on a range of systemic global problems. The report distinguishes between these extraterrestrial races on the basis of their belonging to one of either two distinct groups. The first group contains extraterrestrial races with which ‘shadow governments’ responsible for extraterrestrial affairs, have reached agreements with and even collaborated in a number of joint projects. The extensive set of interlocking agreements between these races and the ‘shadow government’ in the US and elsewhere suggests the existence of a military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex of interests. There is also a second grouping of extraterrestrial races that lie outside of this web of clandestine agreements between extraterrestrial races and ‘shadow governments’/national security agencies. Most ‘contactees’ report these races to be ‘friendly’ to human interests suggesting a more ethical approach to the challenges confronting humanity as it prepares for the truth about the extraterrestrial presence and challenges posed by advanced extraterrestrial technology.

This report will first describe the group of extraterrestrials that are part of a military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex that while mainly associated with the US, is global in scope. The report will then describe the second group of extraterrestrials who have declined to be associated with the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex. Distinguishing between extraterrestrial groups in this way helps bring to prominence the complex ethical-legal-political dimensions in understanding how different extraterrestrial races choose to cooperate or not with the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex. Understanding the motivations and activities of the most significant extraterrestrial races will help greatly in answering questions about appropriate policies to adopt; and will also help private individuals respond adequately to the dilemma over which extraterrestrial races contribute to global problems confronting humanity, and which extraterrestrial races can be worked with for the evolution and emancipation of humanity.




A Report on the Motivations and Activities of Extraterrestrial Races – A Typology of the Most Significant Extraterrestrial Races Interacting with Humanity


1. Introduction [1]

There are an extensive number of extraterrestrial races known to be currently interacting with Earth and the human population. In a 1998 interview, Clifford Stone, a retired U.S. army Sergeant  who served in the U.S. Army for 22 years and participated in covert operations to retrieve crashed extraterrestrial ships and extraterrestrial biological entities (EBE’s), revealed there were a total of 57 extraterrestrial races known to the U.S. military. [2] From this pool of extraterrestrial races, a number are more active than others in interacting with humanity, and can be claimed to have the most significance for human evolution and sovereignty. The extensive number of reports and testimonies concerning different extraterrestrial races indicates that the motivations and activities of extraterrestrial races vary greatly, and an idea of these motivations can be distilled from close examination of these reports and testimonies.

The most compelling testimonies on the different extraterrestrial races comes from ‘whistleblowers’ such as Sergeant Stone who served for long periods in the military and/or corporations participating in ‘black projects’; and also ‘contactees’ who have had direct physical contact with extraterrestrials and communicated with them. This includes both ‘contactees’ in the classic sense of those who have voluntarily interacted with extraterrestrial races, and ‘abductees’ who have been involuntarily incorporated into extraterrestrial programs.[3] I will first refer to some of the main sources of information for different extraterrestrial races generally operating on Earth, then attempt to make specific descriptions about the motivations and activities of these races using available sources

While there may be considerable debate over the accuracy of the information provided by the whistleblowers and contactees presented in this report, I have argued elsewhere that ‘whistleblowers’ and ‘contactees’ provide the strongest evidentiary sources for the extraterrestrial phenomenon. [4] What further helps in supporting the reliability of the information provided by these ‘whistleblowers’ and ’contactees’ is the consistency and coherence of the testimonies and evidence provided by them, and ultimately the credibility of the individuals involved. Consequently, this report will focus primarily on the testimony on a select number of ‘whistleblowers’ and ‘contactees’ whose consistency, coherence and credibility suggest they are providing reliable information on the motivations and activities of different extraterrestrial races.

Master Sergeant Bob Dean had a twenty seven year military career and at one time during his service worked in military intelligence at the Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE) from 1963. His distinguished service record gives him great credibility in claiming to have witnessed classified information during his military service. During his SHAPE assignment he claimed he was instructed to read a detailed study of the activities of UFOs/ETs and how they might impact on Soviet-NATO relations which was published in 1964 with the title: “An Assessment: An Evaluation of a Possible Military Threat to Allied Forces in Europe." [5]In an interview, Dean described four extraterrestrial races described in ‘The Assessment’ as follows:

The group at the time, there were just four that they knew of for certain and the Greys were one of those groups. There was a group that looked exactly like we do. There was a human group that looked so much like us that that really drove the admirals and the generals crazy because they determined that these people, and they had seen them repeatedly, they had had contact with them, there had been abductions, there had been contacts. These people looked so much like us they could sit next to you on a plane or in a restaurant and you'd never know the difference. And being military and being primarily paranoid, that bothered the generals and the admirals a little bit. That the fact that these intelligent entities could be involved with us, walking up and down the corridors of SHAPE, walking down the corridors of the Pentagon. My God, it even dawned on a couple of them that these guys could even be in the White House! Of course, as I said, being paranoid in those years it really shook things up a little bit.

Two other groups, there was a very large group, I say large, they were 6-8 maybe sometimes 9 feet tall and they were humanoid, but they were very pale, very white, didn't have any hair on their bodies at all. And then there was another group that had sort of a reptilian quality to them. We had encountered them, military people and police officers all over the world have run into these guys. They had vertical pupils in their eyes and their skin seemed to have a quality very much like what you find on the stomach of a lizard. So those were the four they knew of in 1964. But I've been told by friends that are still active in military service that it's well over a dozen by now. [6]

Another ‘whistleblower’ source that refers to different extraterrestrial races is Dr Michael Wolf who claims to have worked for over two decades in a variety of positions in clandestine positions dealing with the extraterrestrial presence. Despite some continuing controversy over Wolf’s whistleblower testimony and credentials, a number of UFO investigators who personally interviewed him found him to be coherent, consistent and credible. [7] In an interview, it was claimed that:

According to Dr. Wolf, several confederations of extraterrestrial civilizations are visiting us in loosely-coordinated fashion. These are: the Alliance (of human-looking ETs from the Altair Aquila system), the Corporate (of Greys from the Zeta Reticuli system), the Federation of Worlds (of unspecified races from many star systems), and the United Races of Orion (cultures from those star systems). Further, the Alliance is in affiliation with the Corporate and with the Federation of Worlds. The United Races of Orion are in affiliation with the Corporate, and, through them, with the Alliance and the Federation of Worlds. [8]

While Wolf claimed most extraterrestrial races are friendly, he said that a small number are hostile and behave as interplanetary renegades. [9] An individual ‘contactee’ who claims to have physically met with extraterrestrials, and spent time on extraterrestrial ships is Alex Collier. [10] Collier has been interviewed by the investigative journalist and UFO researcher Paola Harris who despite her own initial reservations about his ground breaking claims, found him to be highly credible and coherent, and that much of what he says is consistent with her own independent research findings. [11] Furthermore, some of Collier’s alleged conversations with extraterrestrials have led to astronomical claims which are later confirmed to be consistent with the latest quantum physics knowledge about esoteric topics such as the information that can be released by black holes. [12] This helps establish Collier’s credibility as a ‘genuine contactee’ with relevant information to share on extraterrestrial races.

 In a number of articles, which were compiled in his book, Defending Sacred Ground, Collier outlines in some detail the motivations and behaviors of a number of extraterrestrial races, an example of which is the following:

My understanding is that those from the Sirius A system are trying to be beneficial and assist, because they feel responsibility in that those who colonized Sirius B system were originally from Sirius A. Those from Sirius B have come here and really messed with our heads, and they are the ones who originally gave our government the Montauk technology. They have the same belief and brain patterns as those from Orion. Those from Tau Ceti are also very much involved. Nobody knows exactly what the Pleaidians are going to do yet, but I will share this with you. Those that live in the system around Alcyon - some of them cannot be trusted, as they have hidden agendas. Those from Teygeta, I am told, have a very clear objective: to maintain the idea of freedom. Just because a group is labeled "Pleaidians" doesn't mean they are here to help us. People confuse that issue. Know them by their works. Those from Cygnus Alpha are here. There is a group from Arcturus that is trying to help. Those from Procyon, who have been liberated, are trying to help. They're pretty gung ho.” [13]

In this report, I will describe the main extraterrestrial races most commonly referred to in the literature who appear to have most strategic significance for the evolution and sovereignty of humanity, and their impact on a range of systemic global problems. I will distinguish between these extraterrestrial races on the basis of their belonging to one of either two distinct categories. The first category contains extraterrestrial races with which ‘shadow governments’ responsible for extraterrestrial affairs, have reached agreements with and even collaborated in a number of joint projects. [14] The extensive set of interlocking agreements between these races and the ‘shadow government’ in the U.S. and elsewhere suggests the existence of a military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex of interests. The military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex (MIEC) of interests currently controls most information concerning the extraterrestrial presence; and dominates government institutions around the planet, financial interests, the mass media, and is responsible for systemic global problems. [15]  

There is also a second grouping of extraterrestrial races that lie outside of this web of clandestine agreements between extraterrestrial races and ‘shadow governments’/national security agencies. Most ‘contactees’ report these races to be ‘friendly’ to human interests suggesting a more ethical approach to the challenges confronting humanity as it prepares for the truth about the extraterrestrial presence and challenges posed by advanced extraterrestrial technology. It is this latter group which may prove to be the key in solving systemic global problems caused by the first group and the ‘shadow government’.

In this report, I will first describe the group of extraterrestrials that are part of a military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex that while mainly associated with the US, is global in scope. I will then describe the second group of extraterrestrials who have declined to be associated with the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex. Distinguishing between extraterrestrial groups in this way helps bring to prominence the complex ethical-legal-political dimensions in understanding how different extraterrestrial races choose to cooperate or not with the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex. For example, is a race of extraterrestrials ‘unfriendly’ if it chooses to become part of a ‘military-industrial-extraterrestrial’ complex thereby sharing technology with national security agencies in what may be described as ‘mutually beneficial projects’ that lead to secrecy, human rights violations and damage the global environment as a result of policies by the ‘shadow government’? Likewise, is a race of extraterrestrials ‘friendly’ when it refuses to be co-opted into a military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex thereby choosing to play a mainly observer role as a majority of the human race is exploited by human elites and extraterrestrials associated with the military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex? While a prima facie argument can be made to answer ‘yes’ to both questions, this should not disguise the deeper ethical-legal-political issues that emerge with the existence of a military-industrial-extraterrestrial complex and dealing with such questions.

Understanding the motivations and activities of the most significant extraterrestrial races will help greatly in answering the above questions; and will also help private individuals respond adequately to the dilemma over which extraterrestrial races contribute to global problems confronting humanity, and which extraterrestrial races can be worked with for the evolution and emancipation of humanity.

2. Extraterrestrial Races Cooperating with the Military-Industrial-Extraterrestrial Complex

Short Grays

The extraterrestrial races in this group include the ubiquitous Grays from the star system Zeta Reticulum and the Orion Constellation who are described in most of the abduction research and who figure prominently in reports of UFO crashes. Robert Dean included the Grays as one extraterrestrial described in NATO’s Assessement. [16] Col Phillip Corso who served in the Eisenhower administration and later headed the Foreign Technology Desk at the U.S. Army’s Research and Development Department, claims to have witnessed the body of a dead ‘Gray’ retrieved from Roswell in 1947. What he saw fit the classic description of a four foot tall extraterrestrial with a large head, large black almond shaped eyes, thin torso and spindly arms and legs. [17] A classic description is by Travis Walton who had an abduction experience with the Grays:

They were very short, shorter than five feet, and they had very large bald heads, no hair. Their heads were domed, very large. They looked like fetuses. They had no eyebrows, no eyelashes. They had very large eyes – enormous eyes – almost all brown, without much white in them. The creepiest thing about them were those eyes. Oh, man, those eyes, they just stared through me. [18]

Prominent UFO ‘abduction’ researchers such as Dr David Jacobs, Budd Hopkins and the late Dr Karla Turner have provided detailed case studies of the abusive aspects of UFO ‘abductions’. [19] These researchers found disturbing evidence of abusive treatment of individuals taken into UFO craft, of women being involuntarily subjected to a genetic program aimed at producing human-extraterrestrial hybrids, and of adult hybrids performing humiliating sexual activities on female abductees. Many researchers agree that the Grays are deeply involved in developing a hybrid human-Gray race that would be a suitable vehicle for the next step in human evolution. Researchers such as Jacobs believe this is a cause for alarm and poses a direct threat to human sovereignty. [20]  




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