Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are playfully inviting you to join us in our appreciation of humanity at this time, as we see you raising your level of consciousness there in spite of the circumstances you are living. It is a time for you to be in appreciation of yourselves as individuals and as a collective, because you have spent this time that you’ve had to be more isolated in a way that has served you. You have had no choice really but to go within and to look at what you’re still holding onto, what buttons of yours are getting pushed, and what you still need to heal and forgive.
Now, when you take those simple steps forward during a time like a pandemic, you rebirth yourselves. You will get through it, and you are getting through it, but you don’t have to go back to living life the way that you were before the start of the pandemic. You get to decide who you want to be, and you are more clear now than ever about who you want to be in the world. --->
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