A Mysterious Intergalactic Force is Pushing Against the Milky Way.
By Paul Sutter
https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/06/a-mysterious-intergalactic-force-is.htmlIt sounds like the premise of a bad sci-fi movie: There’s some mysterious entity, beyond the boundaries of our galaxy, that is pushing against us with incredible force. We don’t know exactly what it is, and we don’t know how long it’s been there. But we do know its name: the dipole repeller.
The name may be a bit dorky, but it’s a very real thing. It’s also nothing to worry about — just a normal consequence of the usual process of structure formation that’s been happening in the universe for [checks watch] 13.8 billion years.
How to build a supercluster
To set the stage for the dipole repeller, we need to go big. And not your usual astronomy-big, with galaxy-scale events and energies. No, we have to go really big.
Beyond the Milky Way sit a few other galaxies. There’s Andromeda, 2.5 million light-years away, which everyone knows and loves. There’s also Triangulum, which nobody really cares about. Our three galaxies and a few dozen dwarf galaxies combine to form the Local Group, which is a very unassuming name for a structure a few million light-years across.
The nearest big deal to our Local Group is the Virgo Cluster, a massive ball of over a thousand galaxies sitting 60 million light-years away. Our Local Group and other groups in this patch of space aren’t part of the Virgo Cluster itself; rather, they belong to a greater structure known as the Virgo Supercluster.+++
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