I found this on another web site. I don't know who the author is since it's from a site with avatar names only. I do think this deserves a round of applause since it so eloquently states the obvious which soooo many people still don't get.
"You have a Right to be Racist, Bigoted, and Hateful.
You do. Every human being has a right to their opinion. You have a right to speak your opinion.
But watch out, because everyone has a right to criticize your opinion with their opinions.
This is a Fact. You are a free human being and can choose your own path.
Most people are bigoted against the bigots, of which I try not to be. I generally accept people despite how much they tick me off, but hey no one's perfect and even I go down the wrong path often.
A) People that want laws to make Racism, Bigotry, and Hate to become Illegal and punishable.
1) Are attempting to destroy our freedom of speech and opinion.
2) Should realize their own opinions are up for banning under such absurd laws.
3) Need to grow thicker skin
4) Should utilize their RIGHT TO IGNORE others.
B) The Right to Ignore others.
1) Should be understood by all parties.
2) Is related to our Right to Free Speech (The right to ignore other's speech).
3) You do not have to Ignore anyone, as you have the right to criticize them if you so choose instead.
C) Violence and Assaults.
1) Is illegal and wrong.
2) Is never acceptable even if someone talks crap in your face.
3) You deserve to be imprisoned for harming another person especially if they were only talking crap.
4) Rather than resorting to violence, See section B for solutions.
D) Hypocrites
1) Everyone is a Hypocrite including myself.
2) People whom claim to not be Racist, Bigoted, or Hateful are liars.
3) Examples:
I am Bigoted and Hateful towards Scumbag Politicians, Murderers, Violent Thugs, Liars, Rapists, etc.
See we are all guilty of it in the end. Therefore we are all Hypocrites.
E) Dressing Racism, Bigotry, and Hate up in "Sheep's Clothing".
1) Since it is a clear FACT that everyone is guilty of these things, and no amount of debate will change this fact; we have a problem of Honesty.
2) The obvious Racist, Bigot, or Hate-monger is Honest and Open.
3) The "all loving all tolerant" type lives a lie and lies to themselves, and uses all types of fancy language/words to cover it up so they do not feel guilty for the Truth.
Their own very statements show that they are indeed living in denial, as they spew hatred for others they deem "unacceptable".
Example : "I hate Hitler" or "I hate Stalin". This is hate my friends.
Who here has the guts to say "I love Hitler"? Right almost no one. See points D and E.
F) Intolerance.
1) Every human being is Intolerant of others.
2) Intolerance is not a bad thing.
3) Examples : I am intolerant of Liars. I am intolerant of crooks and thieves. I am intolerant of murderers and rapists. Etc.
G) Social Engineering.
1) We are being socially engineered into this hypocritical point of view.
2) People use guilt trips and threats to combat honest people.
3) Through the use of extreme self-denial, we are all becoming worse off and our very Freedoms are being attacked in mass.
I merely am posting this to clear up the mass confusion about our Rights as Human Beings that is so rampant in today's world. Grow a thicker skin, and learn to Ignore those whom you do not like. Stop trying to enforce your beliefs on others by trying to make opinions/beliefs illegal. Yes you have a RIGHT to state your opinion that you think it should be illegal, but I have a right to criticize that as I am doing right now in this thread.
Yes I am a Hypocrite. As are all humans.
Yes I am Intolerant. As are all.
Yes I hate. As do all.
Yes I am a bigot. As are all. "
.....author unkown
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