Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

A Loving Goodbye to What Was
Life Tapestry Creations
Channel: Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,

Most likely, large pieces of your outer or inner world are shifting. It is not only a time of change but also of reflection. Who are you? Who are you becoming? Who do you wish to be? All questions that seemingly demand immediate answers. But answers that cannot yet necessarily be provided.

You are like salmon swimming upstream – something you have done numerous times throughout your transition. Even though logically, your shift may not seem right, intuitively, you know you have to complete it.

So you feel distraught and confused. The logical part of you continues to question your decision(s). Your inner part knows you need to do this or be that. You are exhausted yet exhilarated, confused but knowing, cautious but excited – simultaneously.

You can barely complete your required tasks, much less tasks that feel beyond your capabilities. Tasks you used to breeze through now seem overwhelming. And required tasks seem too daunting to attempt. So it goes day after day as you transition more rapidly than either we of the Universes or you thought possible before your earth entry in this lifetime...+

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