The energy that comes forth for today’s message is one of love. We wish to send the biggest love wave that we can to your heart. We need to tell you that everything you find difficult will get easier. Take our embrace and know brighter days are ahead. The waves we are sending out are to fill you with energy that can keep you alive through these days. We clean the air. We send our love. We shower you with beauty that you find in your lives. We put that special penny right in your path. We help you to understand that nothing you can do will keep us away. No poor mood, no selfish thoughts, or betrayals. Our love for you is always there. Today we send this message with the hope that you will feel lighter on your steps. The way up goes smooth.
To be a human is the most difficult thing that one undertakes. There is careful planning you do before you arrive. It is a real journey. Not every soul wants to come to Earth. You have to be serious about taking this path. So, to be here right now means you are strong. Your soul has already done a lot of the hard work. Believe that you planned it before you arrived and that if something should happen it is meant to be. If you take a wrong turn, we give you chances to correct yourself...+
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