The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
....A Legend of The Inca.....UPDATED!!...Possible New Crop Circle Connection!!!...
The greatest legends of the Inca are without doubt the magical way they cut stone as they did at Cusco and Machu Pichu and the mystery of the Golden Sun disc legend that showed the way to the stunning most sacred place of the Inca...A place called the Qorikancha and 'The Golden Star Map'.
The most sacred of all Inca artifacts is the massive and beautiful gold disc that went missing during the Spanish Invasion in 1532....
It occurred just 3 years after their king Wayna died of Small Pox pandemic outbreak with the thousands of others infected from the Spanish invaders.
The Inca realized at that very moment that they were in big trouble and that these Spaniards were after their gold....Would they hide their dearest treasure or were they too late?
The most sacred artifact of the Inca was a large gold sun disc called the Inti Punchaco which means Sun disc...Just like the Egyptians they call it a disc and believe this disc also came down from the sky...The golden disc has many theories attached to how it went missing...
The most popular theory of historians is that it was saved by the Inca people and taken to an Inca city that is coincidently also missing today called Gran Paititi....
The gold disc was even called the Inti Paititi by early researchers supporting the theory....But since there is no Paititi city discovered to date...the claim is probably just a cover up story....
One concocted perhaps to exclude this artifact from being melted down to be a part of the plundered well catalogued cargo to go aboard ships to Spain.
It could have gone two possible ways...Firstly either secretly to the King of Spain or secondly, one now favored by modern researchers...That it went to the Vatican especially due to very revealing detail found on it.
Oval Face: There is one carved in gold reference of the oval face and it cannot be ignored...The elders who spoke of the legend actually made a gold art piece decades after the Spanish invasion showing the secret of the Inca star knowledge....
They made an art piece duplication of what the temple wall looked like before it was plundered and pillaged.
Tapered goggle eyes: Most reconstructed versions show oval goggle eyes but legend claims its Viracocha the Sun deities face...All Inca art work shows Viracocha with very slanted unnatural eyes as seen below in this earliest golden artifact example of the being.
Here Viracocha is the primary sun himself with its world and both apparently near Pleiades...He is holding the secondary and tertiary importance suns of a Trinity system...It is believed this eye depiction is unnatural logically since the being...Inspired by witnessing a real star visitor who came from above...then the being would most likely be wearing eye protection....
Hence the version of the Inti Punchaco correctly altered following all clues. The most obvious detail was that the face on it was oval and not round and the face had tapering 'goggle eyes' like that seen with their Sun deity Viracocha...
It gets a bit confusing here because there are two Virachochas: One the deity and the other was the the time who named himself after this deity claiming he was 'son' of the 'Sun' deity.
The King Viracocha of the Inca empire claimed he had encounters with the 'gods' and it was his son Inca Patchacuti was the builder of the advanced stone cutting empire of Cuzco of a special cosmic Puma geoglyph design plan.
The rest of the detail is more simple...The entity was bearded as per the elders claim and because ALL Sun deity records found around the world show the Sun 'gods' bearded and oval faced and square forehead so this needs inclusion.
The addition of seven emphasized sun rays is reasoned due to the fact the legend speaks of triangle decoration around the face and the common fact that the Dogon tribe have it as so as well as the legends of Helios and the statue of liberty history following the Freemason historical blazing sun with seven rays...
The rest of the detail completed a little further here is inspired by other ancient Sun 'god' records...for example the dot at the side of the mouth recorded by the Maya which appears like a communication microphone used today and as seen in all the Maya art.
Masonic history the legend of three Suns of the beings of the heavens is another typical shared issue the Inca have with Masonic history....
Here is why that three orbs in correct orientation are placed at the top of the disc with one on the forehead which was the important one...It is this important one that has a human form holding it which fits the Inca elder's claim.
WHEN THE INTI CAME DOWN FROM THE SKY Its absolutely amazing how this next piece of the puzzle unfolds and it was reasoned by two interesting pieces of the legend...
One detail left out on reproducing the Inti Punchaco was inclusion of the legend of emeralds being added around the edge of the disc...
Firstly it's not only very intricate and costly changing fabrication design to have inlaid jewels around the edge of the rim but after long discussions it was decided to keep it similar to the common reproduced versions also because a plain gold artifact alone would still be stunning without jewels.
The jewels around 'the rim' are another clue to add to the legend that this golden disc came down from the sky and landed!... Something DISC SHAPED that shone like the sun that flies actually landed...The Jewels now speak volumes...It mirrors the biblical texts of Ezekiel's flying wheel on its side that had 'eyes' all around 'the rim'.
when holding the disc and viewed it from a side elevation is that the design of this disc reproduces the dimensions and details of all historical accounts of flying discs... as in ancient alien flying discs.
GOLDEN INCA STAR MAP OF QORICANCHA The image here is the Golden star map which an Inca elder was told was a map of the sky where their ancestors and Viracocha came from....
It has been investigated by scholars over the last 70 years and although they couldnt decipher the star map they did agree it was a real story. Its detail reproduced on one gold hammered sheet were one many large gold pieces placed as components on a full wall size rendition of the star map in the ancient temple.
ISON FRAGMENTATION Astronomers all around the world watched and they saw a whole new anomaly exit from the Sun. The social media pages are absolutely crazy with claims by people presenting crazy fabrications inspired by all sorts of reasons...some for just entertainment and sensation and some to get people to click their adverts for profitable reasons.
The important Inca prophecy...and what can occur after the comet to prepare ourselves for...This is not a fear-mongering thread...quite the opposite...unless you are a member of the secret elite cabal billionaire cartel. As the comet nucleus endured the last visible 48hrs approach of the looked intact and vented a bright streak of a tail...
What occurred at this stage was most likely where the outer layer of the comet surface possibly forms a crust that might just be some meters deep...
A crust that has lost all water content and alternates in a cycle between a molten surface and cooling into a tough rock surface each time the nucleus spins between hot and cool side away from the Suns wrath.
Many can remember images of this in the well-constructed science advised Armageddon movie as the characters tried to drill the surface of the comet...
A crust of some sort would probably also have vents all over it releasing the heated water content that would expand violently into steam. Now...The obvious...
What happens when the internal pressure builds close to the sun and it struggles to release it all as the heat becomes excessive? Boom!..It explodes...
At the point of detonation all the source of the gas and dust would quickly be vaporized and then streak away with solar wind in an unrecognized pattern so wide it would look more like natural solar wind...
For a brief moment the debris had no tail...This is what fooled many that it was completely consumed by the Sun. The comet orbit path was pretty accurate and it followed close to the prediction...
The calculation involves ISON's apparent mass which was calculated with velocity measurement predicting its orbit trajectory. It seems there is some debris...but the problem is coming from the direction of the Sun...You cannot really see a damn thing until the debris travels further away from the Sun...
Note that some of the images show it is pretty close to the calculated trajectory path...Which will take it far above the Earth millions of miles above the Northern Hemisphere. Perhaps as early as mid December before Sun rise we may be able to take images of the area...Then photo the same area hours apart...
Then inspect the images as an overlay where all the stars are matched over each other and then only the anomalies that move will be seen instantly... asteroids and comet fragments. If the Inca prophecy of a fragmented comet is this ISON comet...then fragments will be seen...
But here is the thing...This prophecy does not involve doom and gloom in any visible way...It appears as a time marker only. A cosmic messenger event is possible in our future to help the human crisis at hand...But this visitation event might not be possible due to the threat our own powers that be would do the unthinkable.
It seems we have a modern record at hand and it has been made known through transmitted messages from our powers that be that if UFO's...i.e...ANY cosmic visitors showed themselves in our skies trying to interfere with our ways...not only would our governments attack the visitors but they will make it look like we are being attacked...Even worse... at the expense of blasting millions of our own people as collateral damage claiming evil aliens did it.
THE SECOND COMING OF THE UFO KIND Who is the cosmic messenger?...It's an unknown?...No face shown and no voice heard?...It was a one who had lived amongst us who was the messenger.
One who had earned the right to be one born here on Earth and fitting universal law where its one of our own saving ourselves. Not that The Creation is saving us directly so to speak...But one who had the Creators connection through him...So his words spoken were so ornate that it was the Creator's wisdom speaking through him.
---------------------------------------------------------- NEW CROP CIRCLE CONNECTION??[/color] On the 30 December a crop circle appeared of a very advanced kind following what witnesses claiming to have seen was UFO activity in the area.
The researchers at have decoded the Braille 192 and Morse code identity of ISON... and Telescope CCD optics so all credit due to them here...
The detail is probably a fragment of ISON since ISON is no longer a comet. Note also the meteor path is just like the recent Russia depiction and not a hazy conical tail like a comet.
So it appears to encourage urgently for astronomers with telescopes to look for a fragment here when Sun moon and Earth are in a set position shown.
The match occurs on a nearby date when astronomers will be looking for debris and many prophecies are suggesting something cosmic occurs which is on Feb 19th ... 19-2-2014 now since the Braille message is 192 it possibly identifies the date more conclusively...
SPECTACULAR MATCH TO AUSTRALIAN PROPHECY? The celestial object has the same wide end and narrow front part! And more... it implies a telescope watching the object from Earth as it gets within the visibility limit!
Its as if they both sources had the same teacher? ... compared to it ... the meteor/comet in the geoglyph compared to thousands of years old Bulgandry...
These hieroglyphs of Egyptian symbols over 5000 years old are not a hoax... they are real... they explain a very moving story how the son of Khufu crashed a celestial ship...and was left abandoned for years... the site here has two star maps on record... one seen here of Orion Man for the people of ancient Australian tribe to recall with a shocking prophecy unfolding this February with a comet and one a copy of the pyramid layout of Egypt on a rock platform!
The name of a mountain sized object that is supposed to fall from the sky mentioned in the revelation prophecy at a time when a cosmic messenger person returns who rides that which creates a cloud and he holds seven stars in his right hand (suggesting his cosmic address) ... see book of Revelation...
WHAT OTHER CROP CIRCLE COMPARES WITH THIS: There is one with a binary message... far more advanced... alien message...
The message was deciphered by a well known IT specialist and he is seen in the video being interviewed. Latest research by Martin Keitel updates the message encryption identifying a missing word and showing how some words are in capitals perhaps hiding more of the message. Here is the message:
"Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts and their BROKEN PROMISES Much PAIN but still time BELIEVE * There is GOOD out there We oppose DECEPTION COnduit CLOSING"
Last Edited by Settle4It on 01/03/2014 07:18 PM THERE'S A STORM COMING!!! ------------------------------- Everybody is a genius...But if you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree...It will live it's whole life believing it is stupid! ~~Einstein~~ ------------------------------------- Author of The Soul Collector - 2011 Source:
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Starting at the top of the gold star map:
This should have been easy for any astronomer to recognise but strangely no scholar ever managed to see this very simple piece of the star map....
The detail of the top of the artifact below literally screams out the easy to recognise importance of identifying three stars in a row with two other stars on either side of it...
A typical cross formation but with just the three joined with a line beckoning the observer to follow alignment to that which is below it. Orion... and its view as it occurs above a Western horizon
It is no coincidence that it is a cross on top of a temple just like a Christian church. It is also no coincidence its detail itself looks like the Christian cross of early churches where it is shown as stars...
Absolutely no coincidence here because When it was discovered this star formation was and is still measurably the secret of the cross of the churches and the Christ....
A secret that Constantine encoded in his symbols and historical records of his encounter with a being that came from the sky that taught him about the Cross of the Christ
The secrets of the Christian Cross bases its foundation on this identical star alignment knowledge following the way in the night sky of the kings to the 'Bethlehem star'....
Follow through the big oval beneath it. Perhaps a way to say this is what the three stars will take you to, the sacred place of the sky 'ringed' with importance with this oval. Inside the oval a preview where it takes yodm spammer a crescent world of the 'gods'.
There is even a title for this artifact to the side of it having the same repeating Orion's belt with stars and another smaller oval....Its literally titled
pictographically saying: 'Orion shows you the way to the place of the 'gods'. This star map has virtually everything to prove that there is a star and something that undeniably looks like a world associated with the star next to what scholars accept is the Pleiades...
We have a cosmic orientation match with Orion above the western horizon and crossing the ecliptic also shown...A world with firmament (atmosphere) and what appears like continents and oceans.... There is even a journey path of the ancient star travelers...your human ancestors....The Incas worshipped the same star secret as all other ancient civilizations... This was also a global obsession!
RETURN OF VIRACOCHA AT TIME OF A GREAT COMET? Time to look at the comet if it is the comet on the golden tablet that is found in the Qorikancha temple in Cuzco....The star map message depicts the identity of Viracocha as a star visitor entity....
The Incas believe he is the great one of their ancient star ancestors...But something amazing now appears a lot clearer.... The interaction between one from Earth speaking to this one with the title of 'Viracocha' the star visitor seen at the bottom of the gold tablet...
The Maya and many other ancient civilizations claim a day in the future when the star visitor ancestors return This appears to be a story of star travelers showing their journey from their world on the left of the tablet near the Pleiades and a line that probably went right around the walls of the temple to touch the other side of the front of the temple....
As depicted on the golden tablet here it is on the right side were a cosmic dragon opens over Earth because it teaches a dot connecting to the continent of what looks like South America.
Now... a whole lot of 'IFs' need to be considered as well as the chance we make first official contact with alien life in the universe....IF the comet fragments in the month of December 2013 and if the unthinkable occurs...and first 'official' public contact with star visitors seen in the sky then consider this....
IF the star visitor event is a reality and iF it qualifies as appearing a non evil visitor event....Then the message given by such a visitor could be taken seriously.
The placement of the comet in the star map between Orion and Taurus....One needs to ask if Comet ISON has passed this area or has any unusual identification associating the comet with this area of the night sky.
The most amazing thing about the path of the comet was a few months after it was discovered in 2012 was that it was heading for Taurus...then went retrograde right in front of the Bulls horns and created the illusion it did an about turn and then set off on its journey that the world began to watch....
It is almost as if it just popped into say hello to the place of the 'gods' then set off on its 'mission'.
But there are many scams and bizarre fake claims on Comet ISON created by individuals so you go to their pages and click their adverts or something far more sinister....To create what seems to be mass chaos at a time where clarity on unfolding events is paramount....
This comet is NOT Nibiru.... It is more of a time marker...A sign used in many prophecies during a crucial time in our lives to make sense of the most important truth of life and the greater cosmos.... Throughout time on earth...Comets have been Harbingers of Doom...Or the Keepers of Light and Knowledge.
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