Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

A Hug from an Angel
By Catherine Viel

Everything’s happening on the cusp of tragedy,
the tip of comedy, the pivot of event.
You want a placid life, find another planet…
Try any of the eight, try Planet X.
It’s out there somewhere, black with serenity.
How interesting will our times become?
How much more interesting can they become?
~Mark Jarman, Interesting Times

When I let loose of the balloons of worry that I’ve wrapped tightly around my hand, I feel a quick rush of relief. In the here and now, this moment within body and soul, there is nothing amiss. There is nothing “wrong“ with anything.

I’ve been using the coping route of distraction, which is excellent, but indulging it too far without acknowledging the underlying whisper of distress allows that murmuring brook to become a raging torrent. Much as I want to have fun, and fully believe all is as it should be and “there’s nothing to worry about,“ that strategy only takes me so far....+

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