Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

An excerpt from the recent Planet x newsletter,

'The degree of exposure of Earth humans to the affects of the approaching Planet X is entirely managed by the C.O.W : The Council Of Worlds.  In fact, this area of the Universe that Earth is part of is without exception in the hands of the COW. The COW is a diverse group of entities, either existent as a third-dimensional being, or a resident on the high spiritual planes, who rule with an kind but iron hand to be sure. For Example, one constituent of the COW's charter is to set up barriers or “walls” between the STS and STO E.T. Earth visitors; The Zetas: “These walls are not of aphysical substance, but have an effect on physical matter as well as spiritual matter. We, the Zetas, cannot tell you the mechanism, not because the rules forbid it but because we do not know. We can onlytell you what this feels like. It is a benign cushion, through whichone cannot pass, and which is more like a pillow on impact than a brick wall. Ships pointed past the point of no passage find themselves at the wall, as though all the computations guiding the leap through time and space had been reset. The blockade is utterly effective yet gentle, leaving no damage except, perhaps, wounded pride. ”Since there are so many planes of existence, there are also uncountable ancient and diverse extraterrestrial genealogies that inhabit them. The Zetas, for example, have over 50,000 years of continuous sociological and technological development which explains why they can perform so many seemingly impossible tasks. The Zetas are highly proficient at genetic engineering for example, which is onlyone of the reasons why they have been accepted into the COW. There are over 1,000 different ET groups that perform many helpful deeds for us. For instance,another service they provide is that they have been known to neutralize atomic bombs in the hands of the wrong people. Ultimately, considering the broader subject of the UFO visitors,they are here to assist the human earth population in becoming aware of the pole-shift, slowly. We have to be brought along slow enough to wake us up to their presence and the impending poleshift, but not so fast as to trigger the earthly service-to-selfcontingent into a reactive fear mode whereby social disorder would prevail resulting in many unnecessary deaths. How would you like to have a life-span of 400 years, have an I.Qof 287, be telepathic and be able to think of thousands of thoughts at once? After the pole-shift, and in preparation for Earth's migration into the fourth dimension, the re-population of Earth will include the introduction of the Human - Zeta Hybrid. At first they will reside in protected and invisible colonies, as they are now, then eventual but sparse direct interaction with Humans will occur. The Human Being, as we know it, is being phased out to be replaced by the superior Zeta Hybrid body. '

Planet X NewsLetter - Issue #13            

 By: Chris Thomas Wakefield    

 February 10th2011

Views: 27


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Comment by JIM4HOPE on February 17, 2011 at 10:42am

I will need about 3 or 4 more lifetimes to see this one play out.

Comment by Mr.Moet on February 17, 2011 at 8:35am
Comment by Trudy on February 17, 2011 at 1:57am
Comment by Marie on February 16, 2011 at 7:56pm
really!!  hmmmm

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