Can you feel the massive shift that has taken place over the past few days and last night?! We have been busy and very successfully Quantum leaping and collapsing the artificial Matrix and all its Timelines and Creations!
The New Grid, New Realities, our New Self and New Technologies are ready to come fully online any moment now and are already busy igniting!!
Our old, false Self and human Blueprint is being burned off as the New Divine luminous HUman ignites!
As our Kryst-All Avatar comes fully online within the forerunners now, our Crystalline Network and DNA, so do the Organic Realities as we hold the sacred keys and codes to fully re-birth ourselves along with Gaja now!
Outside of time and space.
As we are ready to fully awaken from the quantum dream!
Already done!
All we truly have to do is to merge with that state of Consciousness NOW. With The Great I AM that exists in all states simultaneously. Always now. Already Ascended.
Solar flares, geomagnetic instabilities KP4, solar winds and our magnetosphere is unstable with cracks showing up.
Powerful waves of Purification have been moving through our bodies and the Grids. Diamond Platinum White and Rainbow Plasma waves are pushing through the leylines and our inner meridians and nadis, clearing and removing any remaining blocks, implants, inserts, distortions, gender reversals, toxins, AI materials and signals, miasms and lower codings.
These energetic blocks where shown to me as connected to and carrying the old distorted thought forms and beliefs/ programs that the old Blueprints and Realities were based upon. All held within our bodies. All rapidly and fully releasing, healing and being upgraded to the New Divine Blueprints and Templates now, for ALL of Creation!
Full release of the Collective Crucifixion Implants as well as from the Grids!! ...>>>
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