Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

A Divine Plan is unfolding The Arcturian Group Through Marilyn Raffaele

A Divine Plan is unfolding
The Arcturian Group
Through Marilyn Raffaele

Dear students of truth, welcome to our message.

Never doubt that both personally and globally a Divine Plan is unfolding. It was never meant that earth remain forever a planet of three dimensional energy governed by illusory beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers.

Eons ago souls in still in spirit form chose to experience what it would be like to feel separate from God. However, over time they began to forget that their experiences weren’t real. Some became lost/trapped in illusions of separation that they themselves had chosen and separation became their state of consciousness allowing manifestations of density to began. Some remembered who they were and wisely chose to no longer play the game, but many did not. This is the story of the fallen angels.

Earth is now ready to evolve beyond the ancient energies of separation that have ruled for so long because separation never has been a reality. People were not meant to live in fear, vulnerable to all the mind formed creations of material sense and separation. You are Divine beings always have been and always will be but the belief of separation has become so deeply ingrained in earth’s collective consciousness that evolving beyond it must be a process...+

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