Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

A different point of view - part 2


The following is going to be somewhat mind bending, and seemingly leading in a whole other direction from my previous writings, that have been for my private, for your eyes only group.

I am going to expose more material on the probability that we are the ones that had become fallen angels, with an expose on aliens. Not that we are now, but it is the focus of what will take place immediate into our future. Now whether this story is wrong or right, that is for you to decide. It matters not whether you agree with me because there is no harm or foul whether you even know this or not. The results are valid for everyone, because everyone that is earth bound is following the same exact procedure, whether knowingly or blindly until the miracle of the transition many call death.

Some people do better only knowing the results without knowing how they got there, they see the finale where it shows, 'we win', and others like me who are inquisitive about everything, want to know everything. We are the kind that don't just accept the answers handed to us, we want to know how they were worked out. The issue is, no one fails, no one will ever become a fallen angel, that is the beauty of this story I will present to you. There is no heaven, hell or judgment as we have been led to believe. These were all metaphors teaching of something wonderful and amazing... Again though you do not have to believe or accept one word I write, because frankly it is immaterial whether you do or not, you are still going to succeed, you can't fail. In fact in reality fallen angels never even existed, and this is the crux of the story as part II of the article I wrote a moment ago that evidently was 6 months ago in this time continuum.

It has been revealed who the evil aliens are amongst us...

I just got back from the future and this is what I discovered!
The True Tales of the Time Loop Cycle.

Some have wondered about the possible theory I have brought up that the great war in heaven, which has left signs all over the place was actually long into Earth's future not the past. And then some of these artifacts were moved from the future into the past. This is why some have dated the moon and many asteroids older than the Earth, it is because they came from our future. The Earth we are on right now is in the original earth time loop, but many of the planets and the debris left behind after the great war were actually shifted back in time, into a new dimension, to be in the same time frame as the earth at present. Both are occupying the same time space dimension together, the future and the past have collided.

Years ago I read a book by a friend who had alien contact in close encounters of the 4th kind. He was taken both into the future and in the past and the aliens told him that our moon is much older than the earth and our scientist know this, but it is very confusing to them since the moon has every indication as once being part of the Earth before an explosion took place or at least it appeared around the time of Earth's beginning. So how could the moon be so much older?

They told him it was brought back from the future after a great war. One could only assume that this war was the great war in heaven that all cultures speak about in one form or the other, but they said it was our future.The Sumerians seem to indicate that the Moon was part of the Earth- Tiamet after the collision of one of Nibiru's satellites rammed into terra firma. But this was supposedly long ago...

Another individual has as of late said based on communication with an advanced race of aliens, told him that they have come back from the future to warn us about what will occur, not what has occurred. So there are signs to verify what I am saying to be valid.

So it is not that difficult to believe an alien race has also been brought back from the future. Many believe the Alien Grey's are us in the future. It has also been speculated that they are working for the Reptilian alien race. I believe the reptilian race are the Annunaki, who actually, due to bio engineering using DNA manipulation became the reptilian race not because they were born this way. And the grey's are the primitive workers that came from our future not our past due to this devolution of DNA manipulation. Everything we have learned that occurred thousands and maybe even tens of thousands of years ago, will occur in our future, unless that path is changed. This is why the human race has been stuck with this alien breed and culture, and it is also why they have been handed the keys of control over this planet, because they indeed are us from the future, this is ours & their planet.

Now as strange as this may appear, it is quite plausible due to the fact that time is not linear, and it also runs in ages of about 26000 years to complete a full cycle and then returns, it is more circular or better understood in a spiral, like a record for us old timer baby boomers or a DVD for the X Generation.

Our cycles are proof we are in a time loop as a virtual reality, it is not real, it has been partitioned off of reality to act as a recorder of events while still being used by interactive agents who can still create slight changes with inside the program. Thus the Earth life now is a recycling of events over and over again and we are the interactive agents, that have been part of the time loop in multiple lives for many ages.

The ability to master time travel is not some strange sci-fi theory it has already been discovered and still being mastered, but it is black. Take a look at Andrew Basiago's work of the Pegasus project... If we can do that here and now, how is it that we could not believe or even entertain the thought that this technology is far more advanced from our future standpoint? One way or the other if it exists now or in the future, if time travel ever gets discovered it will be used and we will be the beneficiaries or the guinea pigs of it. And the truth is, it already exists because we are stuck in a time loop proving its reality, space is time and time is space! And the fact is, time travel is real and is being used NOW, but that is for you to discover!

Earth has been integrated with two different races. There is no doubt about this. There are many alien races, but only one was sentenced to incarnate side by side with humanity. And the only reason humans would ever have to deal with this unexplainable integration is that we are these aliens, this is what we would become if we do not change our path. I have no clue how we ended up like this, but the facts stare at us in our face daily, that we have been corrupted some how. The only difference is, we are having to deal with a future corruption before we have ever had the chance to develop to that point. And thus the corruption would become unacceptable to humanity/spirits as a whole even though we seem to be corrupted via this same corruption, which we indeed caused. It is called using the friction of corruption so that we do not internalize being corrupt. The only difference is, we of the NOW, are the recipients not the actuators, and there is a big difference. That difference is, we have not internalized evil, it is still external to us therefore we can and will change.

Has it ever made you wonder when the great war in heaven or space took place that Earth today does not seem to have been effected, but every single satellite, moon, planet that were involved in this war reveals absolute signs of a great and powerful war. Look at the moon, it is filled with potholes, asteroids impacts etc... Look at Mars, the same thing is true on its back side where the war had taken place, it is as if it took a shotgun blast to the bowel, where Earth as Tiamet had also been. Look at the moons of Mars and Jupiter, all showing signs of a great explosion in space. Yet Earth, although it has its various impact areas, most of which are results of the continued meteors and asteroids left behind from the great war, earth itself is basically unscathed. How in the world is that possible? Some would say, God restored the Earth, this is an interesting idea, but is it the facts.

Some have said, the other planets and satellites since they have no atmosphere are unable to deflect the continuous barrage of meteors thus we see the reality of those impacts. Well again, nice idea, but invalid. Why don't they have an atmosphere it is because they were already involved in the war. For if meteors were crashing into these planets and satellites, that have revealed such damage, we would be seeing them occur daily via dust clouds all over these planets, the fact is the war is over for these planets and they were brought back in time. Now it is the seldom meteor or asteroid that occurs.

It is the rare meteor or asteroid that impacts planets now, it is not that common, unless they are so small there is little significance. All of it is the residue of a great war in another time.

Remember the Annunaki taught the Sumerians, that Earth used to be the twin sister of Mars and it was located between Mars and Jupiter before it was moved. Now think about that. Earth was MOVED, and even the Bible verifies this!

Now on that side where Earth had been located between Mars and Jupiter, where all planets had been equidistant from each other, that is where most of the destruction of the great battle took place. Mars on that side looks like Swiss cheese just like the Moon and many of the satellites of both Mars and Jupiter, but somehow Earth being right smack dab in the middle, so much so that the entire planet was shifted/moved out of its orbit into the orbit it is now in and yet Earth does not show signs of this war, but its very own satellite called the moon does shows signs. How is this possible???

Because this Earth has not experienced the war yet... it is in the earlier time loop...All the earth experiences now are the residue of a future war brought back and the seldom impact result.

Take a look at our moon, it is a battered satellite that looks as though millions of meteorites and asteroids crashed into it. It is only just under 300,000 miles away from earth. And yet Earth is unscathed for the most part. Earth still retains its atmosphere, its beauty, its design, but none of the other planets or satellites within this area, or for that matter the entire solar system have retained their glory. So what in the heck happened? How did Earth escape the greatest war in heaven when it was the single most direct planet in direct line of the great war.

According to the Annunaki, Earth, which was known as Tiamet, the Water Planet was smashed into by a satellite of Nibiru. And yet Earth unlike any of the other planets in our solar system retains all of its functions as if nothing ever occurred. Can you say impossible?

And secondly, if Earth was battered and destroyed, why would the Annunaki come here for gold, and how were there animals and other life forms living on this planet at that time, nothing could have survived the great war?

This is one thing the ancient cuneiform tablets do not discuss. Earth was not only destroyed in the great war in heaven it literally became formless... read on.

Getting back to what some believe that God restored this earth. Sure God could do that, but the untold facts reveal a much different and much more wonderful version. What the angels did, or benevolent higher evolved aliens did, was take the future and blend it with the past, using time travel technology.

Now before you split a brain cell trying to understand this, we created this time loop, we changed the time and moved the two events together to learn, from where we made our mistakes. We are those highly evolved angels, aliens we are speaking about, they are us, we are them also...

So if you want to believe God restored this Planet, then recognize how it was really done, we are the children of God and we made this happen.

Our earth is either in a totally different time frame long into its future, or our earth has become neighbors to the future brought back in time to co-exist together. One way or the other it is the same outcome. Our Earth is younger than the rest of our entire Solar System...because it is the earlier Earth from the time loop cycle, and everything else around it is the later version brought back.

The Sumerians taught that between Mars and Jupiter was and is the orbit of Nibiru the tenth planet. Nibiru according to the Sumerians of the Cuneiform texts states this was the home of the Annunaki. Now obviously if Nibiru passed between Mars and Jupiter when Tiamet- Earth, was stationed there, then one must assume a planet either went off course or it was manually and/or intentionally moved like a ship to enter an orbit of another or near by enough creating chaos and confusion from what was supposed to be a balanced and stable system, resulting in a great battle. And of course it was called the great war in heaven/space time!

The Sumerians speak of this great war as planets crashing into one another creating untold damage. But there was much more, there was a Nuclear war being generated via the fallen aliens/angels, against other occupied planets in our realm. And guess what, we were the ones that occupied those other planets also. Is your head spinning yet?

Now in the ancient Biblical and Sumerian version the term used in Genesis states, that the Gods created the Heavens and the Earth and Earth became without form and moved into the void. Can you imagine the destruction that was caused to change the Earth so much it was without form and then moved into the void/ blackness of nothing or a different orbital pattern?

Here we have first proof Earth was destroyed in the great war, so much so it was without form, it was a desolate dead planet like all of the rest, probably worse off than the rest. Just look at the moon and you will see what Earth looked like after this war.

The verses in Genesis appear to be a recreation of the Earth, but in reality it was not a recreation, but an original creation, due to the time space continuum change. Earth was not created twice, it was the recipient of the time loop where the future was brought back to the past and set into another dimension. All creation is multidimensional, meaning it can exist in many dimensions at once.

Our Earth for all practical purposes was was a shell of the once great beauty it had long been. The ancient Hebrew words for this terminology was Tohu and Bohu, which actually means, formless and empty or some other translations have it as chaos and confusion, which is exactly what had transpired.

Nibiru was known as the GREAT WINGED GLOBE. This was a metaphor to bring awareness that Nibiru actually was a ship not a planet per say. It was a large ship that appeared as a planet but was for no better terminology a gigantic spaceship. And the term winged, represented that Nibiru could move on its own and it was not stuck like all other planets in an orbital precession which is caused by the three dimensional tree of the knowledge of good and evil. A tree which is a actually a star gate...Keep reading!

Nibiru was also sentenced to the great prison of the time loop and is now stuck in a orbital pattern as a dead barren lifeless ship. The ships that have been created, some are so large they can dwarf planets, so it should be of no surprise that the Annunaki were from one of these, starships. The Annunaki did not go back home, they never left here...they were sentenced back here to fulfill the Harvest...And Nibiru is stuck in a 3600 year time loop now, and it returns according to the law of ages seven times for the fulfillment of Earth time to be completed, thus completing the 25,200 year time loop.

For the two trees in Genesis were star gates, that were located in around what we call the Gulf of Aden. i.e. more on this at another time... they were not actual trees. The tree of life led one into the dimensions of reality where there is no such thing as death, where one can have access to all universes and live forever, whereas the tree of knowledge of good and evil brought one in the polarity dimensional worlds, where death and transition were stuck in a time loop, an eternal everlasting death upon death or what some may call eternal reincarnation/judgment.

The earth we are on is in a time loop represented by the ages of transition. It just keeps going on and on like the energizer battery with no end, continually going from past and future and back again like an old record playing over and over again. It is nothing but a programmed holographic realm.

Even now Richard Hoagland is revealing along with the ESA, or European Space Agency, that Phobos, one of the moons of Mars is a space ship, it is not natural but artificial. Phobos may indeed be a smaller ship from Nibiru. And like phobos and Nibiru, both are nothing but dead craft that are stuck in the time loop as a reminder of when they had access to the tree of life where they could move freely beyond this loop of time, but now are stuck like we are.

But wait a minute, if these Annunaki are us from the future then how is it they came from another planet and galaxy?

Remember we/they had evolved, and in time we/they became space travelers, most likely at about the time, we/they destroyed our planet earth at about the time when we had accessed the power of the tree of life and space travel from the Gulf of Aden or Garden of Eden, when the star gates opened and they were discovered. What we are seeing is a revolving Armageddon occurring over and over again.

However the first time around we were able to access both these gates, until the tree of life was sealed off from everyone here, this time they won't be able to access that gate even though they may want to.

What we must understand is the time table they existed into the future may indeed be what we are witnessing the very beginning of right now. If anyone does not understand that our real space program is a thousand years more advanced than what we have been told, then they are unwitting dupes of propaganda. We might say as a whole we have not evolved to this point, because we are not being told anything, but I am telling you there are witnesses beyond scope that will say the knowledge is here, the technology is here, and it is being used, and it is real, even beyond Star Trek Real.

I believe we lived on Nibiru and Mars and many other places as well as we lived in other galaxies, but this is in our future after we became massively corrupted, not our past, but we are now catching up to the time when we were able to access these other planets and worlds, the only difference is now we are accessing the dead planets not the living, we are accessing the future planets that have been brought back after the war. The Annunaki did not come to earth to discover it, they were forced back here to where they began... keep reading...

Our Earth, that we live on right now has long been desolated and destroyed and is probably roaming the heavens as an abandoned satellite just like most of the planets in our system. But the Earth we live on now is the Earth in its origination from between its beginning of when the polarity illusion began, and I have no clue how long that may be because it is stuck in a time loop. It could have been millions of years, before it was destroyed by theirs/our own actions in our future, again and again.

Question: If we are stuck in a time loop then Planet Earth will be destroyed because this is what will happen in the future.

Answer: Yes, it will be destroyed and is always destroyed and then the process begins again, over and over again. However at every point when we face this final age cycle, a harvest is created and those that qualify will move on from the prison and be rewarded. Those that do not will go back and access the holographic program and start again, and they will do it all over again from the beginning to the end... Eternal Judgment...

The reason things seem so sped up is because of the integration of two different time lines. Evil is greater now than ever, and good is also greater now than ever, represented as the separation of the wheat, children of the light- separated from the tares, children of darkness in the time of the Harvest.

We are now on the brink of destroying this planet if things were let go, but the first time around it was a slow process that took a very long time, as time was much slower, now it is occurring super fast, due to the integration process.

What you must understand is this Earth is of the polarity of the knowledge of good and evil, it is not the reality Earth that we had in the Garden of Eden. That exists in another dimension altogether, which is where the wheat will go to when this harvest happens again.

When we accepted the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, we went through a star gate into the polarity realm, for all basic purposes we became lost. When we did this, we were blocked from reaching the tree of life, which would have removed us from this realm back into reality. And although both star gates exist in the same area, we were shielded from accessing the tree of life until the time of the harvest, which occurs every 26,000 years to gather back those who have overcome the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This is when the gates open again and those prepared will move on as the harvest.

This speeding up of time helps us understand what not to do before we integrate that mentality into our souls. So it is affording us a reprieve due to the speeding up process. And since we are the culprits it is our responsibility to set things right. This is why no one can assist us or help us without our asking, because we did this to ourselves... So the Annunaki- i.e. 'US' are not from Nibiru, or some other galaxy, we are in fact from Earth before we evolved or devolved to become them and then moved to these worlds.

Now in the Book of Jude in the Bible there is much to say about this group called the Fallen Angels or the Annunaki. Many do not know this, but Jude, the Brother of Jesus did not write this book, it was copied under his name nearly word for word from an earlier work known as the Book of Enoch. So the knowledge of the Fallen ones goes much further back than Jude. In Jude it discussed these fallen ones and they were called Wandering spirits. These beings had been sentenced to Earth as in type a prison because of their great fall, this was revealed in other texts. In time they became known as wandering spirits having no home.

Enoch learned this because he was one of the first space time travelers. He went to the various heavens to learn these truths, and thus was lifted through the star gate into reality and saw we were all stuck in an illusion of a time loop. But these terms were not readily available when he wrote this, so the terminology was much more archaic to explain what I am now explaining.

What is the prison, it is the time loop...of the knowledge of good and evil.

It states these wandering spirits lost their first estate, which means they lost their home and reality. I believe now we can correctly identify who these wandering spirits are. They are US from our future and our first estate was called planet Earth in the spirit realm called the tree of life dimension, that we left long ago to follow after another star gate that led us to here. So these beings were then sentenced to go back in time and to be stuck in a time long past to be reseeded upon the very planet they destroyed in our near future, when they took off into space via their technology that is now being sealed away from everyone else. Their sentence was to become an earthling again with their much earlier predecessors, 'US/THEM... yes 'THEY LIVE'!

It says, these are wandering spirits... so now let me give you a preview of the parts of Jude rewritten from Enoch. Now when you read this you will better understand that what we are seeing as time travelers from deep into our future and not something that happened long ago.

1:6 Angels who didn't keep their first domain, but deserted their own dwelling place, he has kept in everlasting bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day.

Take a look at this verse, it states, that these spirits were placed into everlasting bondage of judgment... Can you say reincarnation and prison? These beings were sentenced to remain as prisoners, continually, can you say time loop? Who else as in type have been prisoners and remained stuck in a time loop called reincarnation, having to constantly return over and over again to the earth prison, to undo what we did. Notice it states, they deserted their own dwelling place, in the King James it states these lost their first estate. Now what is their judgment, what is the judgment of the great day... We deserted our spirit Earth by entering a star gate that brought us to the holographic world of illusion. Or better stated, Energy Veil of illusion or E.V.I.L.

To be eternally banished...stuck in a time loop...

Now this may seem very drastic and I am sure a few hairs on the back of your neck stood up. BUT WAIT, you mean we are gong to be eternally banished... NOT US, meaning, not us now, but the US in the future who have been seeded here as tares that were brought back in time. They will become as if they never were, or never existed. Remember if you ever understand one thing, learn this, we are multidimensional spirit beings. We can be at two or more places at once. This can only occur because we are making the changes now to never become like we had become, therefore an eternal banishment will never occur in reality, only in illusion. We are judging ANGELS by our living actions by becoming aware of what we became and then changing it.

1:7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them, having, in the same way as these, given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the punishment of eternal fire.

1:8 Yet in like manner these also in their dreaming defile the flesh, despise authority, and slander celestial beings.

These verses reveal the corruption that took place AND what we became like. These are part of what caused the great fall from our past in to our into our future.

1:9 But Michael, the archangel, when contending with the devil and arguing about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him an abusive condemnation, but said, "May the Lord rebuke you!"

1:10 But these speak evil of whatever things they don't know. What they understand naturally, like the creatures without reason, in these things are they destroyed.

1:11 Woe to them! For they went in the way of Cain, and ran riotously in the error of Balaam for hire, and perished in Korah's rebellion.

Now think about this, how did fallen Angels follow after the error of Cain and Balaam and Korah, which were events illustrated in the Bible of what occurred to people living in those days. But how did the Fallen Angels follow after these events when supposedly the angels fell hundreds of thousands of years ago or maybe even millions of years ago, long before Cain, Balaam and Korah ever existed. These would more be the results of the fall not the cause of it. It is because these events of the fallen angels happened in the future.

Cain, Balaam and Korah were simply the starting blocks of our fall that then brought us into the fallen state as fallen angels. These were simply identifying some of which went wrong that led to the great fall. The error began long ago, but the culmination of such error was of our future.

1:12 These are hidden rocky reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you, shepherds who without fear feed themselves; clouds without water, carried along by winds; autumn leaves without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots;

1:13 wild waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the blackness of darkness has been reserved forever.

These are metaphors revealing some amazing truths. This reveals these fallen ones are part of humanity. They feast with us, they live side by side with us, i.e. wheat and tares. These are the seeds of the tares mixed with the wheat, or humanity now mixed with humanity of our future. It states they are hidden rocky reefs, which implies that humanity does not understand who these beings are that live side by side with them, they are hidden, in secret. Can you say Secret Societies? These are the fallen ones from our future, which live in secret, devising their plans against us here and now because they are completely perverted and mentally deranged due to the massive fall into dark energy veil of illusion.

QUESTION: if these beings that fell from our future are soulless than how do they reincarnate along with us...

ANSWER: My friends, first of all they are spirit energy that we created through the illusion of time, but mindless, they are wandering as if totally lost... They only exist in the illusion, not reality. In time they will dissolve into nothingness as if they never existed because we will change and thus they will simply never have existed in the first place.

Next, They are part of the program, they are simply integrated into the system every life time from every age as prisoners of their own illusion. They could be anyone of us at any time. Only the fruits of them will be revealed. They look like us, because they are us, they speak like us, because they are us, they even act as if they are us, because they are us. But there is a dark hidden secret within everyone of them that exposes the truth, they have no emotion. They cannot feel, and this is realized over time. They are simply lost spirits without consciousness and are soulless because the souls remained with us, and so did compassion, empathy and emotion, that which they no longer have.

Notice also it states that some of these are our Shepherds, sadly this means these are some or many of our very own religious leaders. It says they feed themselves without fear, meaning they are only in it for themselves taking away from everyone else to boast themselves and take care of themselves. Meaning they are affluent monetarily because they stole it from the people, and they have no fear of the results of what they have done because they are soulless now, having no connection to the divine, but they speak on behalf of the divine only producing fear.

Now notice the term...clouds without water carried along by winds, Autumn leaves producing no fruit... These terms are referencing that they are shadows of what is real, they are not the real thing, anymore, they are spiritually dead, soulless, without life. We are the real thing, we are their reflectors creating the shadows. Thus they are our shadow lords that rule over us because we creating them, but their rule has no power, no authority, no truth, because they are but shadows of US, who have the power, the authority, the rule.

They look an appear as we do, but they are not like us,. They do not think like us, they do not fear doing evil, they do not worry about separation, they are dead, wandering stars without a home as a wild wave of the sea smashing the seashore without regard to what harm it may cause, revealing the shame as foam via their own actions of iniquity. Complete desolation.

They are just an image of reality or a mirror image. They are mirroring us from the future because it is what we would become if things don't change... Now look closely at the term twice dead, plucked up by the roots... Twice dead represents that they are from both the future and now. They exist in both times...but spiritually they are dead in both times... Plucked up by the roots represents how they are us NOW, we are the roots of the fallen angels and they were plucked up deep from our future and restored back here with us.

1:14 About these also Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied, saying, "Behold, the Lord came with ten thousands of his holy ones,

1:15 to execute judgment on all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their works of ungodliness which they have done in an ungodly way, and of all the hard things which ungodly sinners have spoken against him."

Again it is important that you understand, these are terms representing the metaphor of what is occurring now. The tens of thousands of the saints are those that finally qualify as redeemed fallen angels and they will execute judgment upon themselves for what they became and then banish them for all eternity. This is done because if the change happens now, these fallen ones will have never failed in the future, and thus banished for all if they never existed. Yet in truth it was us all along, we simply never failed because we changed direction via the time travel time loop cycle. Those that were brought back will simply vanish as tares destroyed by fire, as if they were never born, but in reality the roots of them, "US" will grow as wheat to replenish the NEW Heavens and NEW Earth back through the star gate of life.

These are the angels that redeemed themselves through the suffering of the friction of their future selves and their new selves, wheat and tares. You see God's real plan was never to destroy anyone, but to make sure that which became corrupted never existed in the first place by going back to the original seed and making sure instead of it being corrupted, it would prevail, yet still keeping the soul untouched by evil for all eternity. Its a perfect plan... A plan only the divine loving creator could have devised. No judgment, no hell, no burning torturous fires. Just a perfect plan of redemption. Souls changing what they did when they went into the wrong direction...

I received a letter from someone after I wrote the original article and I was asked this question... Can't we repent and change and then be brought back into the fold? I began to wonder if this individual believed they were one of the fallen ones. What most do not understand, NO SOUL IS A FALLEN ANGEL, because it will have never occurred... So my answer was simple, you are changing and you have never left the fold, your very question of concern proves that. If anyone desires to change then they are the wheat already, the dark ones will never change because their souls were removed and they are disconnected from reality by living in an an eternal state of illusion, they really do not exist even now they are just shadows that will fade away when our light shines on them. So where did their souls go? We have them, they were our souls, we never lost our souls, because the event never occurred.

Our souls belong to us as spirit beings, not as humans. And we are all spirit created beings of the divine world that are always in a state of perfection... Keep reading

No one is actually being destroyed, or banished, only the illusion of them, because once the problem is taken care of before it ever occurs then it simply never happened. However to use a metaphor it would come across as the fallen angels were banished for all eternity, why, because, although they appeared to exist, they never existed, it never happened. Eternity is a big place and the only way not be part of eternity is to never having been part of eternity in the first place.

So the great and awesome judgment that everyone is so fearful about actually is a perfect plan to redeem everyone, no one fails, this is the only true gospel everything else is a deception or outright lie. Remember the verse in the Bible that states, as in Adam all die, but as in Christ ALL shall be made alive... NO ONE FAILS. This is a truth that will never fail!

The first Adam represents the fall or the fallen angels when man was seduced to becoming fully human and then taking of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, and the second Adam as in the Christ, represented the redemption... both Adams are the same. Humanity and Christ are the same. We are the fallen ones and we are the redeemers. Only the individual can account for their own sin to be redeemed, no one else can redeem you. It was once said, the children's teeth were set on edge because the father's ate sour grapes, based on the law of the commandments where it stated that the children three to four generations deep would be judged for their parents sins.

However, that is no longer valid, for each soul must account for their own iniquity...Thus Christ is not some separated second party outside of you or me, Christ is the redeemer within you...


Any outside Christ that anyone would worship or seek is a false Christ, there is only one CHRIST/REDEEMER, and that is the only possible redemption for you, that which is within YOU!

Colossians 1:26-27 “the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations... To them God has chosen to make known... the glorious riches of this mystery, which is "Christ in you", the hope of glory.”

Most religious types have read this and don't understand it, the mystery is, CHRIST WITHIN YOU, not a secular or secondary Christ outside of us... it is not outside of us, it is not some other deity or person, the CHRIST is within us... The Kingdom of Heaven is "within us"... While everyone else searches for the external God and Christ, all one ever had to do was look within themselves.

Christ was within all before Earth was ever created, therefore it is impossible for us to fail, it is impossible for God to fail... Do you understand... WE NEVER FAILED...because the failure only occurred in the illusion not reality, so it was never real.

New International Version (©1984)
For he chose us in him before the creation of the world...

New Living Translation (©2007)
Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ...

English Standard Version (©2001)
even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love

International Standard Version (©2008)
just as he chose us in the Messiah before the creation of the universe to be holy and blameless... In love

GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)
Before the creation of the world, he chose us through Christ to be holy and perfect in his presence.

King James Bible
According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

American King James Version
According as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

And the finale is, CHRIST WITHIN US.... We are the perfect generation, the perfect humanity, the ancient ones. Christ was within us before this world of illusion was ever created and thus we are of perfection that cannot is impossible! We were chosen before these universes were ever created.

Not because we were predestined, or foretold, but because we were there already. As in Adam all die the illusion of death as in Christ "ALL" live in the reality of LIFE!

This is just one large educational program for spirits to advance, learn, grow and evolve in LOVE, maturity and character!

My friends the truth is exciting, free, not filled with judgment or burden. It simply is God cannot fail. And to lose a single soul would be a failure. The fallen angels lost their souls, because they never existed to have souls, but the souls themselves are never lost for they are always with the originators, the Christed ones from before the foundations of the illusory worlds, for we are those souls...and we can't fail.

Because we exist beyond this realm and time...We are not stuck in prison, we are not shielded from truth, we are not being judged by our sins, We are only experiencing all of this, and none of it is real, but our experience of it is real, and thus we learn!

Christ is you and me. We became a sacrifice to save ourselves from utter destruction by sacrificing ourselves, as the wheat mixed with tares, to the very ones we had become within the illusion, to stop it from ever occurring. Are you starting to understand the real plan. Each of us our sacrificing ourselves to save ourselves...Thus we die a thousand deaths to overturn one mistake. Jesus, said this, Walk with me, follow me. He never said he was doing it for us... We have to all suffer to learn the very thing we created that was in error, so to fully redeem the creation.

The difference is our corruption to this point is being forced upon us not through a lengthy time of choices gone wrong, but through a very fast and extreme process via this integration. I mean I realize the entire concept of the wheat and tares and I what I am discussing seems religious or Biblical, but the fact is this concept has been written in every culture in every area of this planet in a unique way that reveals it was worldwide in conception. It has long been known in every culture that we have been integrated with an alien race, but most people are unaware that we are this race of aliens.

Some say that we cannot be fallen angels, and the truth is, we are not, YET, this is the key. It has not happened, but it will in the future if we were allowed to stay on the original course. And here is the secret, it could occur over and over again to simply be brought back into the time loop...

As long as we are here the true souls cannot fail, for illusion is not real. But integrating the future 'US' with humanity during this time loop changes everything because we are seeing first hand what became of us and in truth it is not very appealing. And you will know this when the miracle of death occurs... when all of this is revealed.

Now here is the secret and the grand truth... There is only one death, for all aspects of life and death are within the time loop. All are occurring at the same time because there is no past or present in reality, it is just a programmed record of events allowing interaction via multi-dimensional spirits.

When one dies a thousand times they have only died once. If you could interact within a DVD movie and actually create scenes as you went through. And you decided to interact within this movie at twenty different times throughout the film. In a linear fashion it would appear you joined each track one after the other in time. But once the DVD has been made and everyone is watching your individual actuation, it would appear as one distinct time for all twenty individual applications. And although it may have taken a long period of time to interact over and over again through this long running movie, once it is completed it would only be the time that it takes to watch the DVD from start to finish and it would appear that your integration was all done one time via the creating process. And as you look back on this DVD once it is completed, all of your lives or interaction will be just one movie you were involved with, not twenty.

Reincarnation and death are only an illusion of one single event. When you die you will mesh back into reality, and all the thousands of times you seemingly died before will have all taken place at the same exact moment, because there is no time loop there. Think about it, when a friend dies, they leave this realm. They are no longer governed by this time loop. They walk outside of our time. When you die, later, maybe 30 or more years it will appear in linear time that you died long after your friend, and then you step outside the time loop. When this occurs you will meet your friend at the same exact time they also left the time loop, because whether it is 5 minutes or 30 years to your friend that has died no time has passed for them, only for you. Because once on the other side, this time loop is only realized to those that are stuck within it.

In almost opposite terms it is as if two people are in the same bed, one is sleeping the other is awake. Now morning comes and both are awake together, but the one sleeping will not have realized any time had passed whereas the one awaken not only realized it they could count the seconds. Yet both appear awake at the same time no matter what time elapsed, whether time even existed at all. In a sense we are sleeping here, while those on the other side are awake. And when we die, which is our awakening, we will be together at the same time with those on the other side.

Thus even when you die, your loved ones that are still here, that you had to leave behind, will also be with you there instantly upon your passing, this is a lost truth... Most teach those on the other side are waiting for us, this is simply not true, we are already there with them, we actually never left.

The wait is on our part not there's. It is because once you get there, this time loop only exists within the loop of the ages. Death does not keep one in a linear reality, because time is not linear it is a loop and it only exists within the program of illusion not reality. So when one dies, they leave this time loop and enter into another reality altogether, where all souls still exist as if they were never here in the first place. So death is an awakening not a sleep... for we here are asleep, death is the time loop...Life is the awakening from death!

When I had an out of body encounter with my mother who had passed away now 32 years ago, as she has not become an angel's helper, I asked her if I was already there. She smiled at me with this wonderment that I had figured it all out, and she said yes, you are with me already. I even asked her to show me what I looked like there as we can take on any appearance. She then showed me a photo that instantly appeared in her hands and I saw myself their, of course I looked differently than what I appear in this illusion. I already knew in my heart that I had to already be there because time is only an illusion and that world is a reality. In type it would be like playing a virtual reality game and getting lost in it. The entire time you are playing it you are sitting in your home, however, via the game you are traversing worlds. Yet in truth you have gone nowhere.

Spirit beings can be in several different places at once or millions of different places. It is as if they can tune into every radio channel down the entire band and understand them all at the same time. We as spirits can enter different frequencies at the same exact time and each aspect of consciousness can be aware of a single frame of frequency, and at the same time we can split and also be aware of all other frequencies. Where we are here is only one single frequency we belong to.

The problem is we created something that was not of the highest order of things and we needed to undo what we did. The beauty of it is, we only created the illusion, thus we can change it. I believe this is how young spirits evolve. We are given the power of creation within the illusory worlds, in the beginning, so that we can change it if we goof up. And as we create perfection it is then created in spirit also. But as we create imperfection, we must tear that canvass up and repaint our masterpiece on a brand new canvass. Nothing except for the highest order of things can be made manifest in reality.

It is time for the opening of the star gates and be prepared for the separation of wheat and tares. All havoc is about to be released in unbelievable and biblical proportions... Are you ready to advance in the twinkling of an eye into a perfect earth like world dimension of life where the waters are healing waters and the air is pure energy, or are you are going back in time to undo what you created for another 25,200 years in the time loop?

It is set before you this day, life and death, choose life...

Signing off until another time in the future...

Now I must travel back into the future to collect more data...

John the Gnostic

May 2nd 2010?

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Comment by Trudy on May 3, 2010 at 3:50am
Who believe's that humans were made from the bone of Adam, have a long long way to go ...

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