Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

A Deeper Understanding of Life By Kenneth Schmitt

A Deeper Understanding of Life
By Kenneth Schmitt

As humans, we have locked ourselves into a prison of consciousness, which we create in order to live in a realistic empirical world of duality. But it is only our beliefs that have held us in this restricted area. Nothing outside of ourselves keeps us from expanding our awareness and realizing what this human experience is all about from a perspective that lives beyond this realm. It is a perspective of absolute enhancement in every way for all of life. It is far beyond what words can express and must be known intuitively.

From a higher perspective of intuitive knowing, life as humans is all about having experiences that would not be possible beyond our limitations. We are learning how to yield our creative power in trustworthy and life-enhancing ways, while also doing the opposite to know how it feels. We self-regulate our creative powers by not believing in their reality. This keeps us from being intergalactic terrorists.
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