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A battery operates continuously in Romanian museum since 1950 ~ by Terrence Aym

A battery operates continuously in Romanian museum since 1950

by Terrence Aym

For more than three centuries inventors—usually crackpots—have sought the elusive fantasy of a perpetual motion machine.

Now investigators of an amazing object stuck in the dusty corners of an obscure Romanian museum may have found the next best thing: a perpetual battery. Whether a battery that has operated continuously since 1950 without a recharge can be termed perpetual may be open to debate, yet the fact remains that the remarkable device has never ceased working and doesn't look like it's about to give up the ghost anytime soon. The battery that's been pumping out electricity faithfully for 60 years was built by Vasile Karpen.

Karpen's Pile

The director of the Dimitrie Leonida National Technical Museum in Romania, Nicolae Diaconescu, when interviewed about the battery by the Romanian newspaper, ZIUA (The Day) said, "I admit it's also hard for me to advance the idea of an overunity generator without sounding ridiculous, even if the object exists."

That the battery—called "Karpen's Pile"—exists is indisputable.

When Karpen built the battery he claimed it would function forever. Although decades ago engineers and physicists that studied it believed it would stop working soon it never has stopped. Those engineers and physicists are now long dead, but the amazing "perpetual" battery keeps humming along.

Patented in 1922, most scientists that have studied it over the ensuing decades cannot fathom exactly how or why it works.

The Karpen's pile that sits in the director's office at the museum was a prototype built to Karpen's specifications. It has two series-connected electric piles that move a small galvanometric motor. That motor spins a blade that's connected to a switch. Every half rotation the blade opens and then closes the circuit during the second half of the rotation. According to some engineers that have analyzed the ingenious device, the blade's rotation is exactly timed to allow the piles to recharge themselves and re-establish their polarity before the next rotation of the blade.

ZIUA also reported that a measurement of the current established a steady one volt output—exactly the same as when the battery was first activated in 1950.

During the interview with the newspaper, Diaconescu added that "unlike the lessons they teach you in the 7th grade physics class, the 'Karpen's Pile' has one of its electrodes made of gold, the other of platinum, and the electrolyte (the liquid that the two electrodes are immersed in), is high-purity sulfuric acid."

The museum director also asserted the battery could be made larger to produce more power.

"The French showed themselves very interested by this patrimonial object in the 70s," Diaconescu said, "and wanted to take it. Our museum has been able to keep it, though. As time passed, the fact that the battery doesn't stop producing energy is more and more clear, giving birth to the legend of a perpetual motion machine."Recently, some leading European electrical engineers proposed that the device creates power by converting heat into mechanical energy. Diaconescu doesn't agree.

The fascination over Karpen's Pile is fed by the possible physics behind it. Some who have studied the theory Karpen created explaining the functionality of his battery believe the engineer's device violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Others scoff at that, but then go on to argue that it may well be an application of the physics inherent in drawing power from the theoretical "Zero Point," thus making it a Zero Point Energy device.

Whatever the cause, understanding the driving principle underlying Karpen's Pile might revolutionize both physics and the search for alternative energy sources. And it certainly puts to shame the Energizer Bunny.

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Comment by CHRISTINA on November 27, 2012 at 4:11pm

p.a., the other day i was thinking you live in budapest....

JIM4HOPE, some pictures here


Comment by CHRISTINA on January 30, 2011 at 8:56am

Maybe I should go check out this battery for myself

PA, please do, I want to know :)

Comment by JIM4HOPE on January 15, 2011 at 9:22am
That i s real cool .If you go to the museum PA take some pictures so we can get a idea what it looks like  .Great find  CHRISTINA you have this cool talent for finding free energy devices that actualy work.

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