It seems the Universe is roaring, time to end the denial, heal and release the past, clean up the mis and disinformation and move forward in the upward spiral of ascension. We no longer have the luxury of denial. We all have images of ourselves yet do they correspond with right action? Have they corresponded with right action in the past? Have we been in service to self or service to others? Our vision of who we truly are verses who we be lie ve we are, is going to be shattered. The lack of right action in the past will have its karmic consequences. There is a grand division between the two images, the dysfunctional image and denial is going to be cast off. It can be done gracefully or painfully. If you want to continue in your pain body, it is a house that will fall. If you want to continue in denial and dysfunction that two will be revealed, what is inside will become outside for everyone to see, karma will be accelerated to give the lessons needed to evolve.
We are going to see this on a personal level, throughout the political, business and religious institutions no rock will be left unturned. The science or mechanics behind this are simple. Higher consciousness and energy in, garbage out. The Earth is rising in frequency from its center and from incoming energies...+
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