The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
6/6/6 Portal:
Love and Compassion
Celia Fenn
Dear Friends
In this post Eclipse period, summer is coming in strongly for those of you in the North, and winter down here in the South! Yet the energies remain powerful and transformative, mostly due to intense Solar activity associated with Solar Cycle 25. This is creating feeling of anxiety and chaos in many people, who are confused and afraid of what is happening.
Our ancestors, as far back as Lemuria and Atlantis, knew that the best way to hold the energy of Peace and Love in the Community at such times, was for the Spiritual Elders and Wise Men and Women to come together in gatherings of Prayer and Ceremony, and so I am offering a single webinar gathering on the 6th of June 2022 for the 6/6/6 Portal.
The 6/6/6 is a triple digit energy portal that brings us greater access to the Love and Compassion within us and within the Cosmos. It falls on the 6th of June under the sign of Gemini and opposite the sign of Sagittarius and the Galactic Center! It is also one week out from the Sagittarius/Galactic Center Full Moon and two weeks out from the June Solstice. We will be working together to ground and hold some very potent energies!+++
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