The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Hi my Beloved Sisters and Brothers,
Here is Evidence that the Paa-tal are here
This is a !2th Dimensional Citadel Paa-tal Light Warriors space ship
Citadel means Great Fortress and Paa-tal means Insanely powerful
Guys you'll find this particular comment of great interest as I did because he's directly CONFIRMING THE EXISTENCE OF THE PAA-TAL STAR CITADEL 3,000 miles across , which was briefly glimpsed in orbit then ''deemed to be a fake'' by said ''experts'' .
There's an old saying , ''ex, an unknown quantity , and spurt a drip under pressure'' , meaning such ones are just unknown drips under pressure . So when you get ascended masters like this confirming the existence of these giant ships then the petty words of these self-proclaimed authorities end up being proved to be just so much hot air , and therefore worth about as much , hey guys .
{Now, in your time if ships showed up overhead, imagine if you saw a ship that was 3,000 miles in diameter, could you imagine something of this nature? Of course not! You cannot even begin to grasp this type of thing but yet they are there and they will be here. So, understand that as you continue to prepare in your ways of doing so and preparing for changes, you are preparing for all of these types of things to come into your understanding and those of your brothers’ and sisters’ understandings. Does this answer your question?}
Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated
3000 Mile Wide Disc Caught By ISS?
Posted by UFO-DISCLOSURE on March 30, 2014 at 2:16pm in Alternative Media, World Events & News Send Message View Discussions
Published on Mar 29, 2014 Ok, this image was released by the Brasilia Planetarium recently and seems to show a massive disc shaped object stationed above the Earth. The disc is estimated to be around 3-5 thousand miles in diameter. If you look at the bottom left of the image you can see a cloud formation passing over the top of the anomaly, this indicates that the object is not a projection onto the earth. I have no idea what this object is, i can only speculate at this point. I have contacted the Planetarium for further clarification regarding the slide, and will post an update when I get an answer.
The word "Paa-Tal" itself does come from the Draconian language, it's what they named we who are the golden race. What it means is "insanely powerful" which was their way of explaining what it was like to come up against one of us in battle. It was a sick joke on the part of the Dracs to call us this, but we sort of got used to this and adopted the name. So it became a "Nom-De-Plume" almost, ya know, the name we go by when we don't want to be named. Also, the idea that we disappeared from this galaxy entirely is highly exaggerated, but on purpose. We never were from this galaxy or universe in the first place, but rather hail from the super universe of which this is but a small part.
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Comment by Samual Raguel 11 hours ago
Take a look at these amazing photos that were leaked out of NASA Johnson Space Center. The quality of the photos is almost HD and the detail we see of the UFO recorded by a NASA satellite orbiting are incredible. The most important question here is not what they stations or ships, but is the species that built them still on board those ships? It looks to me that these photos were taken by someone that works for NASA and had access the famous "airbrush room." That is where they erase all the UFOs or alien evidence out of photos before they are released to the public. These photos are real, I stake my reputation on it. SCW
Hi Sisters and Brothers, These photos are of a Anui - Ra Black Eagle, they are 35ft wide and look like an Eagle .I have witnessed the black and golden eagles ,The golden eagles are 50ft across.
Comment by Samual Raguel 10 hours ago
Hi debby , If they showed that to humanity they would think its independence day
There are no more vid footage , The photo is from that vid
. Comment by Debby Many Nations 11 hours ago
wonder why something that big was only seen by this camera once and not people on the Earth? At 3000-5000 miles it should have more reports and pics than that. Does anyone have a different pic of this ?
. Comment by Debby Many Nations 11 hours ago
. Comment by Debby Many Nations 11 hours ago
. Comment by Debby Many Nations 11 hours ago
Who are the Paa-Tal
. Comment by Samual Raguel 11 hours ago
Hi Guys , Here is a photo of a Golden Eagle
Golden Eagle / Fire of God
UFO over Caloundra. (Credit: Sunshine Coast Daily)
Home / Featured / Pilot snaps UFO photo in Queensland
Pilot snaps UFO photo in Queensland
Posted by: Jason McClellan April 21, 2014 0 4,303 Views
A 30-year veteran commercial pilot observed a mysterious aerial object above the residential community of Caloundra in Queensland, Australia on Friday, April 18.
(Credit: Google)
According to local newspaper Sunshine Coast Daily, the witness and his friends were admiring the sky at approximately 8:00 p.m. when they noticed two aerial lights. Based on their appearance and behavior, the pilot believed these lights were sky lanterns. But then a third light appeared in the sky. The witness describes this light as having a warm-orange glow. Rather than drifting like a typical sky lantern, this object suddenly changed direction and disappeared.
The witness managed to photograph the mysterious object. After transferring the photos to his computer, he was able to zoom in on the unusual light, and he was shocked by what he saw. As the Sunshine Coast Daily describes, zooming in on the photo reveals what appear to be “wing tips and the slight outline of an aircraft body.”
There were reportedly airplanes and helicopters in the sky that night, but, according to the witness, none of these craft flew in the same flight pattern as the unidentified object. He acknowledges that what he and his friends witnessed could have been a military operation, but he thinks the likelihood of that is small.
UFO over Caloundra. (Credit: Sunshine Coast Daily)
He explains to the Sunshine Coast Daily, “I have heard of and seen many, many things in my career and have flown all over the world . . . but nothing like this.” This pilot describes himself as the world’s greatest skeptic. But after witnessing this unidentified craft, he is left questioning what he believes. He explains, “I think it is fascinating and if there is some credibility to it . . . it has changed my mind that there could be something else out there.”
This veteran pilot asked to remain anonymous after reporting his sighting. This is common among pilots who know that speaking about UFOs can make them appear crazy and unfit for duty. Many pilots who witness UFOs never come forward because of this fear of losing their jobs.
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Jason McClellan is an editor and staff writer for Open Minds magazine. Jason is also the producer and co-host of the web series Spacing Out!, web content manager and staff writer for, and co-organizer and technical producer of the International UFO Congress. ------Follow Jason on Twitter @acecentric and subscribe to Jason's updates on Facebook
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