Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

3" X NEW UP-DATES, OF SAINT GERMAIN (22nd november 2011)

11-11 Continues its Contribution
21 November 2011 - ( Ascended Master Saint Germain )
After the great dimensional activation on 11-11 many of you do not have any desire to remain in 3D. Freedom from chaos is not the change that was needed. Freedom from anger, fear and defensive reactions against neighbors, accusers, demanding dictators, etc. Is the ascended master's answer to chaos. Caring for all involved is the contribution he/she brings. Welcome to our world.
As an ascended master you can deliver many gifts to humanity. First love, next is contact with all who are needing it, and third, is the deep naked truth from the inner master that gives awareness on an "as needed" basis. Facing chaos is no longer your concern. Delivering the light that pours forth to comfort all who are disturbed is.

Channeling the highest teachings from angels and other masters is now the task that comes to you. Are you able to accept it? It is not too late to learn. When the master is able to deliver the truth, his channel needs to be CLEAR. When you ascended the arrogance of man's negativity, you contributed another access point for God awareness. Whether or not this means acting as a word channel is not important. An open channel for Christ consciousness delivers grace in many ways: your welcoming aura, your gift of divine caring, your meditative energy, your name in their active mind's content and your gratitude for their presence. These things give them evidence that they too can provide these things for others.

Whether or not one delivers messages doesn't matter. Another object of divine caring is being opened to more of God's grace. When help is needed in life's movie, divine grace can be near in the form of an ascended master.

Celebrate this major event. You will give healing to all who come near you. Nothing to do. Only BE.

Ascended Master Saint Germain

Aruna Byers

Ascension's Next Step
21 November 2011 - ( Ascended Master Saint Germain )
What do you think of this new day? Are you new and light? Are you celebrating freedom? Can you be the dancing fool? Yes? Welcome to my world. We can combine our auras in gratitude that our goal has come to pass. We can activate all the new dancers in their light bodies with our amazing grace. Are you an angel? Yes, and a member of the second wave of ascension. Are these words making sense to you? Can you give human gratitude to all who woke you up? Celebrate the new dawn with man's controllers as your new deliverers. Yes, we can now align with God's controllers as a means of delivering you to this moment. Will you completely disappear? Not yet. Enjoy awakened awareness. We want the group consciousness that is now available to be huge―contractions deleted―and new openings in all who are not ascended yet. All the candidates ready to ascend have done the needed changes to their opinions and their facts, as they formerly considered their beliefs to be. In one day all these old, deleted attitudes are null and void.

Are you negating this now? No reason to. We have done our next step today. When the next wave comes into their new awareness all will disappear in one giant step for man, as an astronaut once declared. This one step is more manageable than the one he took. No travel needed.

Change to your matrix has been accomplished. You are on a very different matrix than the day before this. Shall we take this time to detail the effects of this huge change? No need to for those now fully awakened. For those who are not feeling any different, give me your attention. Please do not get contracted. This can be a wake-up call. Clear happiness can also be yours forever when you drop your control and negative approach to those you come in contact with. Face the fact that more work on your own consciousness needs doing. No ascension details are needed when only divine will lives through a man's character. When this occurs there is no "you" to continue life on Earth. "You" have ascended. Only the divine uses the body now.

Bodies cannot disappear as easily as the content of the mind. Happiness is the absolute deletion of man's identity combined with the the deletion of attitudes of a personal nature. What is happening today is this: No more "me" and no more control of mind in those bodies where ascension has occurred. Will the body disappear? Quite naturally, as any of those who have ascended can tell you. No big drama―no attention getter―only disappearing from what would be a man or woman's life. Now what about the media attention my messages were talking about? What do you think can energize that? A new day's expression in delight, a mass consciousness of love, a new change in the content of the next days creations. Please, don't get aroused and demented because my drama to get you able to ascend was not the exact content that is now occurring. It was what got you to the loving light that has now become the dominant energy in the entire mass consciousness today. May we catapult this into dislodging the lack of awareness throughout human evolution into a new answer for man's development.

What can be done about the global money condition? Give, and give until no contractions occur when you do it. Allowing things to go through you easily activates the next direction of money. Now there are a lot of lack attitudes that include gathering and hoarding. Negative attitudes all! Fear dominates this condition. Can your new freedom from fear deliver more charity and more clearing out of the collections that drive money out of your control? Greed and hoarding are the very same consciousness. Hoarding is about "me." Giving is about "we." Today's new consciousness is about "we." "We" are not one by numbers, only consciousness. Others appear and disappear in our auric field to provide dramatizations of our mental attitudes. Once the attitudes of "me" and "others" dissolves there will be no condition of lack in your energy.

Will the banks come into these new conditions also? Not necessarily. All will continue to go down in chaos while those who are now ascended masters will not be disturbed. All of you will give and deliver other means of continuing the dance. But many of you will disappear also―some today and some on the days to follow. When the call comes, go outside and declare "I AM THAT I AM." Welcome this. Now that you are ascended in consciousness, this minor detail will matter not. After you finish your contract it could be at any moment. Cancel all anxiousness about the date and time, and delight all who live with the ascended awareness that came to you today. As the light competes its new ability to expand in degree within the body, anything can occur in any moment.

Believe in nothing, and clear the dense areas of the mind and body if any remain. Bless you, All is One.

Ascended Master Saint Germain Aruna Byers

Making a Commitment to Health
21 November 2011 - ( Ascended Master Saint Germain )
Channeling health information can be an act of defiance. I avoid being too defiant to keep this blog available. Not that I'm going to create a major demonstration or anything like that, but the most suppressed material on the planet has to do with the health of man and governments totally committed to destroying it. The UK, US and Australia and all countries being controlled by them do all in their power to destroy man's ability to care for himself in a natural way. Chemicals, mechanical devices, dietary additives, cell phones, wireless technology, incorrect dietary advice, major campaigns to eat unhealthy food, and chem trails are only the tip of the iceberg.

Organic food is not considered OK because the choice of buying degraded nutrition was being overtaken by the availability of good diets. Because of that, the governments of these three countries are doing their best to destroy man's ability to grow his own healthy food. GMOs are altering human cells and destroying agriculture on all of the continents.

Good, natural food can no longer be assured in any one's garden. Are these controls because of the public's desires? No, only government's candidates and their moneyed constituents. God's grace is being over managed by the companies that only consider their profits. Wealth comes to them with the health demolition of the people they draw their profits from. Wealth comes to them for destroying human health. Why? To make their money in the medical arena they need doctors delivering drugs. To make money in the agriculture business they need drugs in the food supply. To make money in the area of natural materials is not good enough. No new diseases would need to be researched. No doctors would be needed to give diagnosis and drugs. No big machines would need to be created to learn what new drugs can be prescribed. Can you get the gist of this big business that has evolved by poisoning the people?

You come to me with a question about health. How can I diagnose the dis-ease accurately? Too many dis-ease influences have contributed to the condition for me to claim that one or maybe to or three are the cause. Many causes have come together to destroy man's ability to be in good health.

Begin with the diet. Seek the best, cleanest food you can afford. Ask the doctors what natural treatments can be done. Consider the doctor only an advisor, not a drug pusher. Only take their advice when natural treatments are mentioned before drugs. Only take chemical drugs after attempting to heal yourself. Most chemical drugs are not able to heal you, only defer the cause temporarily. Drug companies need more money so they create more beds filled in hospitals. They do this by lobbying against any regulation and control of their own companies and for lots of regulations and control of natural health delivering products like creams and dietary supplements. If you are not a clean diet eater the cancellation of these products will guarantee you sickness.

Not able to give up the great taste of chemicals? You will have no natural ability to heal yourself very quickly. All of those diet additives do nothing but delete your ability to be healthy. Major companies are controlling your body. No man on this Earth is free of these human delivered dosages of unnatural chemicals. Naturalists get it in the food they eat and the air they breathe also. No place is hidden from airborne chemicals. Great forests are being devastated by those who dump pills into their toilets. Anyone ho does this has contributed to man's death march. Water contains non-aligned chemicals. Man can purify it, but trees cannot. Acid rain does nothing for them that is good.

Changing the subject just a bit, here's how to develop a very good health regimen:
1. Be careful about what you eat. Clean and alive with energy can be your choices. Meat and other animals are not good to eat because of what they are forced to digest. Beans, legumes, etc. Can be delivered to the body without chemicals. Its not that meat is not OK to eat, just do it with love and gratitude to those who died to supply your need.
2. Always delete chemicals from your choices. Choose organic for health. Chemicals you breathe and absorb in the skin are as destructive a what you include in the diet.
3. Meditate daily to align the cells of your body to a calm condition before eating. Calm aids digestion. Stress delays assimilation.
4. Cancel thoughts about the quality of the food you are about to consume. No matter what you are eating add a dose of love to it. This will help you digest.
5. Give yourself the most care that you can. Rest and diet are important. Not enough sleep deprives the body of its ability to be healthy. Sitting quietly during the day to align with the life force within you is also a good health consideration.
6. Water: always drink the best cleanest water you can get. Filters are necessary. Changing the water's qualities are needed. Drink what the body desires. Not drinking is life threatening. Nothing is a good replacement for clean water. About 5 or 6 glasses daily is all that is needed.
7. Never take drugs you don't need. Drugs, prescription or otherwise, are not good for your body.
8. Go outside when the sun is shining. You need the sun's rays. Not to sunbathe, only 10 minutes a day is adequate.
9. Walk. Give up your cars whenever you can and drive only when necessary. Walking is the best medicine. Working out in a gym can defeat the goals you make for good health. Adequate exercise does not cause muscle aches.

Now, we have given an overview here. I could write volumes more, but my channel needs a life of her own. Making time for me on a daily basis is more than anyone can be asked to do. We ask for whatever the channel can do and still be open to aliveness in their human interactions.

Bring the love of your own heart to the world. Giving is the other "best medicine." Give with the love of your master within. It won't keep you healthy in a physical sense, but it will keep you happy and happiness is healing.

Ascended Master Saint Germain Aruna Byers


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