The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Thursday, 11-Jun-2015 03:22:39
Reader R. sends us this video by 60-second Millionaire TV, an interview with Dan Lutz who says he met with "M1" four times in recent weeks and what he learned. Toward the end he mentions SwissIndo, which makes me wonder if Mr. Sino is who he had been meeting with. DISCERNMENT IS ADVISED.
Views: 18
All human beings are born creators. If you don’t believe me, I urge you to recall when you were a child. Didn’t you love to paint and dance and sing? Didn’t you love to indulge in imaginary worlds you conjured up in your head? Children are naturally creative. It’s one of the things that makes us human. The problem is we’ve been cultured out of our creativity as we’ve grown older. The problem is we have been educated.
The education system is due for a major paradigm shift. For too long, it has been stuck in the dark ages. Teachers still stand at the front of the classroom and deliver information, much of it meaningless in the whole scheme of things. Schools encourage competition, conformity, obedience and standardization, while also engaging in the suppression of our natural, creative impulses and critical thinking faculties. Children are moulded and conditioned via the factory model of education to be unquestioning worker bees in a system that does not care for human progress. As a result, our species is stagnating. In order to reach the next stage of our evolution, the education system must undergo a revolution of its own.
Buckminster Fuller once said, ‘You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.’
The Six Dimension Model
Around ten months ago I had a profound and very sudden awakening brought on by the realization that humanity was on a collision course with itself. It was at this point that I decided I was going to dedicate my life to changing the education system. Like Fuller, I thought it was much more pragmatic to wipe the slate clean and start over than to try and patch up the leaks of the old system, so I came up with what I call The Six Dimension Model.
In no particular order, these six dimensions are Self-Discovery, Inquiry, Sustainability, Innovation, Communication, and Empathy.
The first of the six dimensions focuses on the internal and personal growth of the individual child. Children will have access to all the avenues of discovery they desire, from artistic and aesthetic practices to sports, outdoor activities and everything else in between.
Creative play will be a part of every day, and students will be given free reign over a wide range of creative tools and resources with which to draw, build, invent, compose, design, imagine, and experiment to their heart’s content. Teachers will take the time to get to know each child on a personal level, and will make every effort to nurture and unearth each child’s natural abilities, passions and interests.
Children of all ages will take part in meditation and mindfulness practices to help them align with the essence of who they are and assist them in finding the path they wish to take with their lives. This will not be a mandatory practice, but instead will be something the school system highly encourages as a tool for self-discovery.
This dimension is all about providing learners with the tools and resources to be completely independent critical thinkers, and to discern information through an investigative approach. The role of the teacher will shift from an information dictator to a facilitator of open dialogue. Traditional teaching methods will make way for more Socratic-style mentoring, which involves probing and challenging students through a process of open-ended questioning. Socratic mentoring is named after the Athenian philosopher, Socrates, who wisely said, ‘I cannot teach anybody anything – I can only make them think.’
Schools will not teach a single version of history. Instead, children will investigate the evidence from a number of different perspectives, and alternative accounts of history will not be dismissed or overlooked. They will then collate and weigh that evidence before reaching their own conclusions. Differences in opinion will be encouraged and will be a necessary departure from the Orwellian groupthink mentality of the herd. Philosophy will also be taught as part of this dimension, giving students the ability to challenge their own rigid belief systems and open themselves up to different viewpoints and perspectives. The classroom will be a place where children truly feel like they are able to question everything and have their views respected, no matter what those views may be.
Religious doctrines will be abolished as they have no place in the education system. Open discussion of religion within a philosophical context will be encouraged however, as such discourse is highly valuable.
At present, the education system does not take our environmental reality seriously enough. Sustainability must be a primary focus in any new system. With the catastrophic deforestation of the Amazon, the plastic junkyards in our oceans, the pollution in our atmosphere, the displacement and destruction of our ecosystems, the threat of nuclear radiation, and now the plundering and pillaging of the Arctic regions, it is paramount that our children are not sheltered from the truth of our real and lasting impact on the environment.
Students will learn all about intelligent and effective resource/waste management, will interact with new energy technology in all its forms, and will be empowered to become problem-solvers with regard to the environmental crises facing our planet. Immersion in nature will be an integral part of this model, as it is crucial for us to regain our connection with the earth and with all life on it. The aim will be to get children out of the traditional classroom setting as much as possible and into a diverse range of environments that suit the learning context.
Children will also be equipped with the skills to become self-sustainable. This means being taught how to grow their own food, how to provide their own energy supply, how to build a house that can withstand the elements, and all other real useful life skills that allow them full autonomy over their own lives. The aim is to give young people the freedom of not having to rely on any system to do everything for them. They will be shown how to make sound choices for their health and wellbeing, through good nutrition, regular exercise and meditation. Again, it will be the responsibility of the children to look after their own vitality, and none of this will be forced on them.
Humanity’s greatest feats of creativity and progress have always been born out of unconventional ideas. Out of the box thinking will be deeply ingrained in the philosophy of a new education system. Schools will place a great deal of emphasis on divergent thinking, that is, thinking that does not require a clear right or wrong answer to any given problem. Divergent thinking strategies allow children to sharpen their natural creative intelligence so that they may reach their highest potential as innovators of the future.
All unnecessary competition in the classroom will be replaced by collaborative teaching and learning practices. Our human potential is far greater when we work together than when we work individually or at odds with each other. We must raise our children in an environment centred on collaborative and community-oriented principles so that they may grow to help create a better world and a fairer reality for the whole species.
Mathematics will be an optional pathway beyond elementary/primary level. Math will become a meaningful and highly relevant study with regard to its real world application. Students will also discover how sacred geometrical principles relate to nature, to the building of ancient civilizations, and to the framework of the universe itself.
Science education will see a shift away from reductionist materialism and into non-physical and quantum phenomena. This is not to say that the education system will abandon material science, but instead will extend its reach above and beyond traditional boundaries to include a study of that which we cannot perceive ordinarily with the five senses. All such exploration will occur through experimental and investigative inquiry by applying the scientific method.
This education model aims at retaining our native languages and recognises that cultural diversity is necessary in a thriving world. That said, English will also be taught across the board as that will enable all races, cultures and peoples to connect easily via written and spoken language.
Literacy and language acquisition will remain a cornerstone of the education system at elementary level, but will be voluntary at secondary level. Once a child can read fluently and get their message across effectively, it is no longer an absolute necessity for them to pursue further advancement of these abilities unless they choose a path that requires these skills. The engineers, nurses and dancers of the world would most likely prefer to use that time to develop skills in other areas.
Media literacy will be taught from around the age of ten. Children will be exposed to all kinds of media and will learn to think critically about the persuasive techniques being used. They will be able to read subtext, recognize manipulative language, and dissect political propaganda in all its forms. These skills are essential if we are to raise our children to maintain dominion over their own minds.
Students will also learn to recognize emotions and body language, and will apply that understanding to the management of social relationships and their own personal growth. By becoming conscious of their emotions, they will be able to minimize conflict, both internally and externally.
The last of the six dimensions, Empathy, is all about bringing real human connection into schools. It is so important that the future generations learn to value all life on the planet, so that our species does not continue to perpetuate the vicious cycle of war, oppression and conflict that has caused an unconscionable degree of pain and suffering.
In order to evolve, we must unite all colours and creeds and remove all barriers of separation. Nationalist fervour will be eliminated. There will be no pledge of allegiance. There will be no ethnocentric pedagogies. The education system will take a holistic, planetary approach, and will work on the foundational philosophy that we are all one.
Schools will function as real communities instead of the institutions they are now. Children will be valued, respected, and trusted with important roles of responsibility in the school. They will also be encouraged to engage in random acts of kindness in and out of the classroom, and to act with compassion and human decency in all that they say and do. Kids will learn strategies to empathise with others who are experiencing psychological, physical or emotional turmoil, which could be as simple as sitting silently by them and sharing their pain, or a heartfelt hug. Teachers will have the freedom and flexibility to establish a human connection with every child under their wing. Children will no longer feel alienated by their school system, but loved, understood, and empowered.
The Six Dimension Model will bring much-needed balance back to our education system, and will give both left-brain learners and right-brain learners the same opportunities to reach their highest potential. There is much more to this blueprint, including the structure and implementation, that I have written about in great detail in my book, Education Revolution, but this article should give you a clear idea of the scope of this vision. If this is the kind of education system you want to see for the future generations, then let’s hit the reset button together!
Source:“A New Education Model for Humanity” by Will Stanton, June 13, 2015 at
Original link: A New Education Model for Humanity
Again, because of events happening behind the scene, we’re reposting discussions aimed at counselling financial wayshowers on how to manage and make best use of their abundance, especially funds that are intended to benefit the collective, not simply those who possess them.
In these next two extracts, Archangel Michael speaks directly to those who have been blessed through the prosperity-package program, historic bonds, or private-placement currency exchanges. This is a companion piece to St. Germaine’s earlier financial-wayshowing discussion. (1)
And so what I say to you, whether you have inherited money, whether you have earned money by the sweat of your brow, whether you have won the lottery, or whether you have invested in currency, it matters not. Whether you have been a recipient of one of the prosperity funds — and there are many of you who have — the point is to share.
Now, I tell you this because it is very important. Take care of yourself. It is part and parcel of honoring the vessel that you have chosen to inhabit, to ascend in and with, and to continue on as vessels and wayshowers and builders of Nova Gaia. You take care of your family, your friends, your soul family. And I do not mean in a small way. You provide.
And, my friends, I am always telling you to dream big! So, allow those dreams to come forth, but take care of the basics as well — your health, your home, your family — and then share! It is that simple.
There are so many creative projects. Now, some are flimsy and have need to be solidified, to be built out, as it were. Some are ready to go. And we are not talking merely small projects, we are talking about projects that will change the face of Gaia. So, proceed bravely. That is what the role of the pathfinder is. It is the shower of the way, not the follower…
Steve Beckow: Could you tell our listeners how they should approach coming in to sudden wealth, please?
Archangel Michael: Yes. That is a very good formula. And it can be applied across the board. It is that simple, and it is not just to do with this RV that you speak of; it is to do with everything.
To be given any form of wealth, yes, even that that you believe that you have achieved through hard work — and all of you work very hard; make no mistake about that; and that is recognized above and below — but we are not encouraging anybody, in any nation, to be foolhardy. So of course you tend to yourself. You keep a significant portion aside so that you can tend to yourself.
We do not simply send down rains of money — although that can happen as well — but for this instance we want you, we ask you, and we guide you very clearly to practice discernment.
And discernment is quiet. Discernment is not showing. Discernment is being the observer, not the judge. It is not a question — let me be very clear — of “Do I deserve this?” It is a question, in any situation, whether it is $10 or $10 million, it is a gratitude to the heart of One for the blessing you have received. And then, from the place of the discerning observer, to decide what is important. I have said to you that this is a time of choices and decision. You decide what is important.
And what can be more important, first and foremost, than taking care of your sweet self and family?
Then you discern, with your heart. What appeals to you? Is it projects that promote free energy? Are you the unseen benefactor? Are you one who wishes to build new schools, what we would think of as nova schools, star schools? Do you wish to be in communications, like you, Steve?
So, you discern where your heart and your mission and purpose has always pulled you towards. And then you invest not just money, but your energies, your love, your focus in that direction. Always with your eye on the larger undertaking: what promotes love and spirit? What creates the new Earth? What anchors the Cities of Light? (“Archangel Michael: Welcome to This Time of Re-Awakening – Part 2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 30, 2013, at
Let us address the issues of currency and wealth. This is the practice of prudence. Now we know that prudence is not one of the more popular divine qualities and yet, my friends, it is perhaps one of the most essential.
First of all, do not over-extend yourself. First and foremost, we do not counsel that anyone, for example, not buy food or keep a roof over their head so that they can invest in currency.
No, that is not the way because that is not taking care of and honoring yourself and your family. It is also a desperate need. It comes from a place of neediness and a belief that ultimately, unless you do x, you will not be taken care of, that ultimately you are not worthy, and you do not live in an abundant universe.
So first of all do not go on a buying spree. That has never and will never be our guidance.
Secondly, if you participate in this, the whole idea is the reset of values, of grace, of charity. There is so much more joy in sharing. No one is intended to be a miser in their house with the doors locked and the windows closed, counting their gold. There is no joy in that.
So the joy is in the sharing, with your friends, with your family. First and foremost attend to yourself and your friends’ and family’s needs.
And I am not speaking of being overly cautious because the whole idea is the knowing that you can create, that you are part and participating in creation. So take care of yourself.
Pay off all debt. Make sure it’s gone. Not because there will not be debt adjustments but because we do not want you, any of you, having that stress. It weighs on your shoulders. It weighs on you heart.
Pay off the debt. Make sure there is no such thing as mortgage. Make sure you have the roof over your head that you desire.
Take a trip. Play. Gather. Build. Come together as community. These are the things we wish to see. And there will be small projects like fixing the roof of your elderly neighbor. And there will be larger projects that you will participate in like feeding the community in Africa and making sure that their infrastructure is reconsructed. So it is both.
Mainly enjoy it. It is a gift. (“Archangel Michael: A Global Reset of Values, Part 2/2, ” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 16, 2013, at
(1) “St. Germaine: Service to All vs. Service to Self,” June 10, 2015, at
Views: 2
by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
According to Dan Lutz, prosperity fund payments will be released on August 17, 2015, creating instant abundance for everyone on our planet.
In an interview with Tracy Davidson, Lutz shared some exciting revelations about a world full of abundance for everyone. Lutz spent two weeks in Laos and met four times with a person referred to as “M1″, who represents the top 128 world families. M1, according to Lutz, means “Monetary One” who represents all of the monetary wealth for those families and has control over all of their trust funds. Included in this wealth are undisclosed amounts of gold, silver, precious stones, and other “treasures” and was the foundation of the current financial system when it was originally set up.
Lutz stated, “The plan that they’re following is called ‘The Plan of the Experts’. The Plan of the Experts is where they used a royal breeding program to bring one person forward and it took them seven generations to take the 128 families to bring it to one (person). And that person would then have control over all of the trusts and through a system of checks and balances, would be able to bring the wealth of the planet to the people so everybody would share in theabundance.”
According to Lutz, M1 paid off all of the world debt “in payments 1 through 11″, including prepaying the debt that the IRS would tax them on. “Each payment is for a specific purpose. Like all of the countries debts, basically it’s under 25 countries that are getting all of the payment to pay off everything under one (of the 11) payments. Each one (of the payments) represents something else. Once that’s all paid, on top of that, there’s the human obligation and that’s basically to share the wealth with every person on the planet.”
“He (M1) prepaid the tax on paying off all of the debt. Just like any other debt that’s out there, whether it’s personal debt, credit cards, mortgages, or anything… the idea is basically to pay everything else off. It’s only a fraction of what’s available to him, under his control.”
“They have to accept the payments by mid-August… August 17th of this year (2015).”
Lutz stated there would be a monthly payment for every adult and child along with a much larger amount that’s available to every person on the planet as well. According to the Google doc posted on Dan Lutz’s Facebook page, $6,000,000 would be allotted per person along with $1,200 per month per adult and $600 per month for expenses.
Additional plans include the building of Green Cities that are not based on the scarcity model.
One must question if the recent rash of bankster suicides are related to this information. A recent headling on May 29th, 2015 read, ” 29 Year Old Banker Jumps To His Death From Luxury Apartment, After ...“. Is it possible that these banksters were going to blow the whistle on the prosperity funds?
We’re seeing a lot of people coming forward who are playing the “savior role” in these fabricated “end times”. Is this possibly another distraction from something else that’s going on behind the scenes that is completely unrelated to this? By August 17th, 2015, this question will be answered. As always, question everything.
Lutz stated, “Giving everybody abundance will lift all of the weight off of everybody. He’s (M1) going to basically pay off everything so that everybody can then be free from that burden.”
Imagine if everyone was entitled to $6 million dollars or more? Do you think the fry cook would still be making french fries at McDonald’s? How many businesses would immediately shut down? How much would your money REALLY be worth if eventually, there was nothing to buy because no one wanted to work anymore? In my opinion, this would be the ideal situation that would lead us into a system such as Ubuntu or the Venus Project because it would be at that point in time that people would finally realize how worthless money truly is and how we never needed it to survive.
If everyone was wealthy beyond imagination, then what would be the motivation for anyone to work? For example, Walmart relies on the cheap foreign production for the majority of their stock in order to keep their prices low. If the people of these countries were all wealthy, then there would be no products to import. The same scenario would follow for grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations, and any other business that economic slaves are needed to run.
What you would see is a world full of millionaires with no one willing to work. This would include police officers and military personnel.
If money was so abundant that no one could even use it to buy anything, then it would present the opportunity for us to implement a system such as the Venus Project, where everyone can live in abundance and prosperity without the need for money. This would be an important step into transforming into a Type 1 Civilization.
According to Lutz, every country is going to receive $138.99 trillion dollars as part of their payout. While every person on this planet will have access to $6 million dollars, no one will apparently have immediate access to it. Lutz stated, “There is a mechanism that will be in place to allow you to have access to up to $6 million and so that makes you a millionaire.
Lutz called M1 a “white hat” who basically wants the best for everyone on this planet.
Ideally, those in power do not want the debt to be paid off so they can continue keeping us living in perpetual economic slavery through fictitious debt that can never be paid off if they do not accept the payments from M1.
A red flag went up when Lutz mentioned CVACs, which was one of the tools used in the One People’s Public Trust (OPPT). OPPT was an abundance program that made huge promises of instant abundance and delivered nothing but false hopes and dreams.
Another point of interest was the shirt that Lutz was wearing in the first video, showing a dragon over the left hand side of his body (the heart), symbolizing the allegiance to the Dragon Society.
In 2014, we saw a similar story that we published on In5D entitled, ” Foster Gamble: Dragon Family And BRICS To Usher In New Currency” which told of how the Dragon family, (an alliance of spiritual elders from China, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, and Viet Nam), along with the alliance of numerous countries were preparing to use a gold backed currency but would also provide “debt relief, humanitarian projects, and transformative innovations and inventions” to humanity, but nothing has arisen from this at this point in time.
According to Gamble, the BRICS countries are all in alignment of ending the Federal Reserve’s stranglehold of global currency and domination, while the Dragon Family are ” willing to provide the gold to back the dollar and keep America in the game”. The only “catch” is that the U.S. banking cartel needs to end their scam of fiat currency (creating money out of thin air) while bankrupting other countries, and move to an honest, gold-backed currency.
I honestly do not know if Lutz has any allegiance to the Dragon family or not, but his choice of shirts for this particular video could very well be a sign.
Similar to Foster Gamble, Benjamin Fulford, NESARA, OPPT, and any other program or person that promises abundance, I sincerely hope that humanity’s best interests are at heart and that we can eventually move away from all systems of economic slavery while moving into a world of prosperity, health, and abundance for all.
Click here for more articles by Gregg Prescott!" alt="Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit. He hosts a weekly spiritual show on In5D Radio and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. He hosts a weekly spiritual show on <a href=" align="left" hspace="15" vspace="15" width="100" height="100"/>About the Author: In5D Radio and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. His love and faith for humanity motivates him to work relentlessly in humanity’s best interests 12-15+ hours a day, 365 days a year. Please like and followIn5D on Facebook as well as BodyMindSoulSpirit on Facebook! pt 1/3
Black Whole uncovers scientific proof that we are one. The work of physicist, Nassim Haramein, provides insight into the structure of space-time and a new coherent model of the universe. Using the sacred geometry and codes in ancient monuments and documents, the film presents a new look at the reality of which we live. As early as 9 years old, Nassim was already developing the basis for a unified hyperdimensional theory of matter and energy, which he eventually called the “Holofractographic Universe.”
Nassim has spent most of his life researching the fundamental geometry of hyperspace, studying a variety of fields from theoretical physics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology and chemistry to anthropology and ancient civilizations. Combining this knowledge with a keen observation of the behavior of nature, he discovered a specific geometric array that he found to be fundamental to creation, and the foundation for his Unified Field Theory emerged.
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