Simplicity is a Blessing in the Midst of Chaos
By Steve Beckow of crisis clear the mind, exert pressure on the person, and oblige us to consider – and sometimes reconsider – our basic stands and commitments.
We’re usually seeking clarity. What am I doing here? What’s the program? Where are we going?
What’s our plan?
I have to admit, I don’t own a house or car. I don’t have life insurance or even personal/property insurance. When the Mother wants me home, she’ll call me. Until then, I rely on her entirely for my living, through you kind souls.
Did I hear you say “So that‘s your plan?”
Yes, I guess it is. I may as well be a monk this lifetime as far as finances go.
I’ve relied on God since I was 17. I recall looking up to the sky (I can recall the very street) and saying, “I’ll do your work, Lord, if you take care of finances.”....+
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