Smoking gun DARPA documents prove Fauci lied under oath and dropped a bioweapon on humanity
Mike Adams
January 12, 2022
Thanks to a bombshell new revelation via Project Veritas, we now have smoking g…
Smoking gun DARPA documents prove Fauci lied under oath and dropped a bioweapon on humanity
Mike Adams
January 12, 2022
Thanks to a bombshell new revelation via Project Veritas, we now have smoking gun proof that Fauci lied under oath and funded the gain-of-function research that led to the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon being developed in Wuhan and unleashed upon the world.
As Naomi Wolf recently explained on Steve Bannon's "War Room" broadcast, these actions on the part of Fauci and his co-conspirators are, in every way, "premeditated manslaughter of millions of people, coordinated at the highest levels."....
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