Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Why do I feel so disconnected from everything right now???? I don`t understand!!

I`m having a moment of great anger and hopelessness. What the heck did my Higher-Self sign me up for?

I feel lost all over again.

Is it the Chemtrails?

Is it the ELFs?

Is it the Mercury?

The Fluoride?

My shampoo?

Am I simply just a really young un-evolved soul that randomly fell upon Spirituality?

Does Spirituality even EXIST?

Am I over my head in fantasies that will never materialize?

Is this a big delusion like my big brother thinks it is?

Is finding my own truth worth losing friends over for?

Life sucks.

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Comment by Nightfable on January 9, 2009 at 9:52am
The despair I was feeling is now gone -- I`m looking forward to having a great day. :)

I favorited the Indigo video on Youtube and I`m now watching the second part, it explains so much and it gives me hope!

Thank you so much!! Infinite Love and Gratitude to you!!
Comment by CrystalClear2313 on January 8, 2009 at 4:50pm
Dear NightFable, We all have those moments or had in the past. There isn't a problem here is just the process you are going through right now, I can only tell you Breath!!! And breath deep my friend that seems to do the trick for me when I feel like I'm miserable with everything going on around me.
I also try to see the outside situations or people as a lesson that they are trying to teach me or just a test to see where we are standing in our life and if we are going to use everything we are learning.
So don't Fret my friend just allow the love to come through you.
Comment by ..... (RaInBoW wArRiOr) ...... on January 8, 2009 at 4:05pm
i'm sorry to post here and say that i cannot give any solution to your questions, because honestly, i don't know .. i ask myself almost the same questions all the time ... but then as i look around myself, and see everything, i begin to realize, that something is surely wrong with the world ... all i can say is relax, the answers are coming :) .. i know it's not very re-assuring and a cliche, but that's all i could say .. love n light ..

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