The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Has the World been invaded and hijacked by an evil alien species that has infiltrated our institutions and consolidated them in order to fulfill an incredibly Evil Agenda? Are we being farmed? Have we all been manipulated into living in a false reality to keep us from fighting back or even knowing how to fight back?
There must be a good explanation of why America is being deconstructed right before our eyes and we are allowing this to happen.It’s the alien invaders and hijackers of America (and I mean real Alien ETs) who gained a foothold in the early 1950’s but had been working through key “bloodline Families” for hundreds of years.
Why it took them so long to gain a foothold and gain so much control will be explained later in this article.
These Alien ET invaders have infiltrated and hijacked America and its key institutions of government and defense and done so indirectly through their Cutouts selected from the thirteen “Bloodline Families”.
But they have also deployed sinister mind-kontrol to keep the masses both unaware of the truth about this incredibly serious problem which threatens our future and also keep us living in a fantasyland of socially constructed lies.
The basic outcome so far is that they have been able to transform America into their “farm” and most Americans into their farm animals.
There is more an more evidence to now support the notion that the Alien ET invaders have worked through thirteen “Bloodline Families” for many centuries. Their operational ideology seems to be the source of Babylonian Talmudism. If true this would explain the use of the term Goyim by these “Bloodline Families”.
The term “Goyim” is perhaps best translated as “dumb cattle” that exist only to serve those that farm them. Doubt that Babylonian Talmudism has infected some Judaics who are hell-bent on destroying Christianity and any vestiges of our Founding Fathers Deism and/or Christian beliefs. Listen to this student at Berkeley who appears to have had a meltdown over some Christian sign-bearers running a public discussion group of students and staff.
Please read more at Veterans Today:
American Fantasyland – Down here on the farm
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