- The removal of the Cabal
- The introduction of the new financial system
There are a few reptilians left in the physical plane.
Evil is defined as the absence of consciousness. We will experience real health, and happiness, which is our natural state of consciousness.
There are bases on the Moon and Mars that were dominated by The Dark but are now held by The Light.
We have to clear the surface of the planet in order to fully heal.
It is said that we will live up to 120 more years after The Event.
Cobra is suspicious of the Keshe Foundation because Keshe is giving free energy information to governments instead of individuals.
Every individual has received implantations after WWII through vaccinations.
Channeling is not reliable because the programmed subconscious mind effects the receipt of the information and Archons do as well.
As of 1996, there were no new Ascended Masters.
Some of us have already ascended before coming here.
The global collateral accounts are not yet at the final breakthrough.
We are transforming the 4th dimension right now (the astral plane).
Increased energy comes from the galactic central sun. It is like a heartbeat and increases every 25,000 years. From 1975 to 2025 there is a 50 year window which opens up a door of opportunity. We were all born for this specific time.
The sun [ours? or suns in general? -AK] is the source for all light and life for the whole galaxy.
The highest form of energy is tachyon energy. The first source of matter was created after The Big Bang. The layer of the ionosphere absorbs tachyon energy. The Dark is blocking this energy through the various technologies.
We need more light!
There are instructions for tachyon chambers that need to be brought to humanity. There are tachyon chambers on each spaceship. They are quantum generators that filter space and time. They have many benefits:
- They detox the body
- They balance the immune system
- They balance the chakras
Crystals absorb tachyons the most. Amethyst purifies the emotions and addictions. Amethyst increases the presence of St. Germain.
Clear quartz provides a spiritual connections with Source.
Opal is an inner child healer.
The heart is a stargate.
There are 13 energy rays for spiritual healing. Seven are stellar rays providing a star system connection. Six are master rays provided by the ascended masters rays.
- The Pleiadians – heal deeply personal relationships, and good for self-love.
- The Sirians – bring inner joy
- The Orions – integrate shadows, that which is suppressed.
- The Andromedans – good for the physical environment.
- Lyrans – good for creativity.
- Antarans – good for awareness, changing duality to oneness.
- The Central Sun – good for our purpose and free will.
- Sanada = love
- Kuthumi = wisdom and higher levels of consciousness
- Ashtar = telepathy
- St. Germain = inner transmutation and manifestation
- Serapis Bey = angelic realms
- Dwajl Kuhl = etheric body
Star Seeds are Light Workers
We made our choice to be chosen for this time.
Earth is unique with its biodiversity. It is considered an eden with a mixture of species.
The DNA activation is the consequence of spiritual transformation, not the other way around. It is a consciousness process.
Putin is helping in the removal of the Rothschilds.
The White Knights are a Templar oriented group. All the Light Resistance groups fall under the White Knights category.
Pleiadians will arrive first since we look a lot like them.
The order of events will be as follows:
1) Increase in awareness
2) Announcement of first contact procedures
3) Mass landings
4) The Ascended Masters will walk amongst us
We need to train for the changes coming up. We need to take an active role in the new reality.
The Victory of The Light never happened on this planet but has on others. When it does happen, all galaxies will be liberated from darkness. This was predicted in ancient prophesies. It is now the time of the Victory of The Light. Suffering is not needed to define happiness. Light just is. There will be light without shadows when the veil is lifted.
We have all been searching for this and been told it is not achievable, but we have the power as a collective to reach this paradise. We will need to unlearn the disinformation we learned from the past such as in schools, science, etc. We will go beyond belief systems to receive the Light. Our lessons are discernment, intuition, and inner guidance, where we will have to rely on ourselves-not on outside sources. We will be the pillars of strength for others in this time of change. We will reboot the system and open our minds, releasing the old to bring in the new and find truth inside.
8 million years ago, there was a conscious group of archangels that were very powerful. They were so curious that they wanted to try new things. One of them wondered what it would be like to be cut off from Source and see how it would feel. They wanted to experience the feeling of being something else such as a floor, a tree, an object.
They put themselves in a chamber. They created this technology, a dimensional chamber, of a strong electromagnetic force. They exposed themselves to magnetic fields to experience this feeling.
There was immediate regret at the feeling of being cut off from Source, but the archangel could not go back because he got trapped and couldn’t find his way out. He decided to elicit help from other archangels. He ended up trapping other angels and beings. When they realize what they had done to themselves, they couldn’t find a way out. This group eventually decided they wished to conquer the galaxy. They started invading planets and spreading darkness. This was the beginning of The Dark. There are 100 billion galaxies.
When the Light Forces found out about this, they immediately took action to prevent a rogue archangel takeover. Archangel Michael put up energy barrier fences/force fields around the areas affected by the rogue group of archangels to prevent the spreading of darkness. Other Light Beings started Galactic Forces to liberate planets under the Dark Forces. This was the beginning of The Galactic Light Forces.
This was the beginning of the Galactic Wars and many planets were destroyed. Starfleet started to fight for the planets being captured and taken over by the archangels. We have these memories in our consciousness. We have a memory of this in movies such as Star Wars, which is an actual story of millions of years ago.
The Galactic Central Sun is a stargate at the center of the galaxy. Souls are created there and expand to all directions. When certain beings became aware of Oneness they began a central Brotherhood of Light. Those who are ‘one’ created a central civilization and spread a message of oneness to all. Some civilizations evolved enough to form a Central Civilization in order to spread the Light.
The galaxy is a double spiral, like a vortex with about 100 billion stars, creating a galactic network of light which spread to other races, with a wish to liberate the galaxy from non-light or darkness. The Light Forces were always winning but there are billions upon billions of planets to protect and assist.
About 25 thousand years ago, the darkness had to concentrate themselves in one small area to avoid The Light Forces. Their headquarters ended up in our planetary area, in Orion Constellation and Earth. These planets and star systems became their main fortress. They took humanity hostage and they declared a quarantine status where no ships could land without pre-approval. This is the reason why The Ascended Masters retreated 25,000 years ago as well, and why no ET’s have come either.
Because of its’ diverse eco system. Earth was a highly valued piece of real estate. They took the population hostage with the threat of nuclear war if the Light Forces came in. The area was quarantined, so no other off world race was able to approach. Now that time has passed, it is time to lift the quarantine, remove the Darkness, and rejoin the Galactic Federation. We are completing an Atlantean cycle.
FIRST ATLANTIS: The first Atlantis was on Pleiades and not of a physical nature. It was an etheric planet and the home of Pleiadian angels. Their purpose was to explore and discover vibration of matter, different dimensions of consciousness, merger of male and female polarities. Angels decided to densify the planet and become more of the physical plane. However, the planet exploded, sending fragments of moldavite everywhere, landing on Earth. Much of this landed in the Czechoslovakia Republic.
SECOND ATLANTIS: One billion years ago, Atlantis was an island in the Atlantic Ocean for an advanced civilization. About 900,000 years ago, The Dark Forces from Orion introduced implantation or mind implants. They had implantation dentist chairs, which charged Crystal implants with electrical/mental programming. This was when human mind control began. It was also the beginning of all belief systems.
The 2 main Belief System Programs Are:
- The belief that separation exists between man and source. This was “The Fall” from Eden or paradise. This separates us from our consciousness and higher consciousness.
- The belief that there is separation between male and female polarities. This is reflected in separation on a psychological and physical level. Each of us is a soul in a human body, which used both polarities to grow in consciousness. Women have different psychological programming than men do. We just use these bodies to grow in consciousness. These two belief systems create most of our problems.
Many Pleiadians and Sirians came to Atlantis to help heal the separation.
16,000 years ago
THIRD ATLANTIS: 16,000 years ago there was a task force called The Order of the Star. 144,000 beings /volunteers came forth to heal separation and integrate the darkness into the light. They keep re-incarnating wherever they can assist and are represented by figures such as Buddha, Christ, The Templars, and the Light Workers. When we liberate the planet, we will enter into the 3rd Atlantis, a paradise on Earth. We will create a new Atlantis with the Cities of Light and advanced technologies that were present during the time of Buddha, Jesus, and The Templars. The New Atlantis will arrive at the time of first contact.
25,000 years ago the Dark forces took the surface population hostage and a quarantine was used as a tool to prevent the progress of The Light and the Earth. Light Forces had to be very careful with any sort of contact. The Star Seeds on Earth have been in favor of intervention of off-worlders, but the dark forces threatened nuclear war to prevent this. Now a critical mass is wishing for first contact. Some have had contact but can’t remember it because it could put them in danger. At the time of The Event, we will have our memories return.
Part of the Galactic Codex is to follow the wishes of the people, so they wish to bring about the contact but need to know we will be safe. There are physical ships above the Conference site on a space platform about 9 miles above the building right now. We need to realize that our Star Brothers and Sisters have always been here.
There is a great deal of free world disinformation. We are all for intervention and for first contact to happen. In order for this to happen we need to recognize the following:
1) a critical mass must be reached and actually has
2) we have the divine right for this contact
3) it is part of the Galactic Codex.
The hesitation is that first contact can be dangerous for the surface population because it makes the cabal nervous and we must remain safe.
At one point, inter-dimensional travel had been possible within galaxies everywhere. There is a loose union of positive civilizations that birthed The Galactic Federation. These Positive Races have accepted love as reality and resisted the spread of war. They grew beyond war, conflict, duality, polarity, and wish to share this creed with other beings.
There are about 200,000 species in this galaxy, around 70% of them are humanoid.
The Ashtar Command is within the Galactic Federation, acting as a task force to liberate Planet Earth. The fleet quadrant of the GF is placed in strategic positions around the Earth. There are millions of ships around planet Earth. Some of them are 5-10 feet in diameter, with the largest ships being thousands of miles in diameter, ready to take action when the time is right.
Around 1994-’95, The Light was very close to a breakthrough. Star Seeds began to awaken, but the key people to make the right decisions did not. There was a strong spin campaign of disinformation against the Ashtar Command. Dark forces invaded (1996 – the third Archon invasion) and took contactees of The Ashtar Command underground. They erased their memories with mind programming, so the contact was lost with the Ashtar Command. As light returns, people who had contact before are now getting more contact – a new contact system has started and is stronger.
The Pleiadians have the closest ties to the earth and the human race. They have similar features like the human race and many belong to the Ashtar Command. They have contacted humanity and the Earth population many times. Some of the old prophets and spiritual leaders were contacted and given knowledge and wisdom by the Pleiadians. Semjase, an emissary of Light, contacted Fred Bell. See his book entitled “The Promise” (cleanest representation of Pleiades). Semjase provided information on Pleiadian healing technology. Her purpose was for first contact. The tachyon chamber was brought to Cobra through the Pleiadians.
Sirians are playful and joyful. They can show up as humans, dolphins (joy) and whales (balance water), anchoring joy for the planet. Whales are caretakers of the waters, balancing the feminine, energy grid and the tectonic plates. They are all very aware beings. The land is the masculine whereas the water is feminine.
Andromedans, Arcturians and other races are helping to liberate the planet.
About 70 beings took a cycle of Earth incarnations and managed to free themselves from the veil. They came to their true self, liberating themselves.
Sananda was two beings; Christ who incarnated as Krishna, became enlightened, and then the disciple Jesus. Jesus has constant telepathy with Christ, bringing unconditional love to the planet. Jesus and Christ are like brothers. He was Sirian, and had constant contact with them.
His role is to bring abundance and freedom to humanity. In the 18th century his aim was to renew the Mystery Schools that had been started in Egypt. He reformed the mystery schools. He founded Freemasonry.
He gathered a lot of wealth, gold, and jewelry throughout his lifetimes. He also wished to bring abundance by setting up a Trust, which has been gathering interest and is worth about $10 trillion, to bring money to the Light Workers at this time. There are two parts of The Saint Germain Trust:
The original set up and creation of this trust was by St Germain.
There are other monies from large accounts blessed and protected by St Germain, but currently blocked by Rothchilds. Lightworkers will receive money when the blocks are broken.
He brings healing of the physical and energy bodies to humanity. He is behind all of the medical projects and new medicine – western and holistic medicine. The Cabal infiltrated this community, keeping everyone out of balance. The Rockefeller Foundation has kept everyone as a ‘working slave’, which by itself creates imbalance. He aims for healing the personality and the connection with the soul. No one needs to be ill. We will be balanced very soon. It is available right now.
He works with leaders, politicians, and decision makers. He searches for those with potential and influence over the mass media, military, government, etc. to help liberation and does so through telepathic impression.
His last reincarnation was 25,000 years ago, escaping before the quarantine.
He promised Cobra he would return in order to do the following:
- transform consciousness
- assist with ascension for humanity
- bring about first contact
- train people in telepathy
- take communication grid back for the Light. In fact, in 1977 – a voice from space took over an English TV station, transmitted a message in order to do a test.
- take over the mass media and get the message out to humanity. This must be completed with other aspects of the plan.
- develop the personal computer and internet, protecting it with the Resistance. [I believe this is role Anonymous - but I could be wrong -AK]
stabilize the Earth Grid and tectonic plates.
- stabilize and prevent polarity shifts so earth changes are not so drastic with his ships.
- prevent nuclear war – his ships block nuclear weapons. A joint project took place from 11.11.11 – 01.31.12, blocking the Rothschild faction’s access to nuclear weapons. It ended in February of this year, where 99% of the weapons were blocked. Jesuit nukes were taken down in June 2012, but there are still some chemical and bio-weapons. This was a big victory, as any existing bombs available to start a war were unable to be detonated.
She is the twin soul of Ashtar (also known as Ishtar, Astarti, Aphrodite, Ash, Venus, Isis etc). She brings Goddess energy back to Mother Earth, bringing more receptivity and love.
25,000 years ago, the vast majority of The Light Forces retreated underground and developed Cities of Light, connected by tunnels, trains, what is known as the Agarthan network. They maintained the balance of light on Earth, helping to stabilize it without interfering with the surface population. The surface populations were under enslavement that was too dangerous for the Agarthans to come to the surface. Various people found an entrance to the Agarthans – Mayans, Hopis, Anastazis , Incas, Templars, Aztecs, etc. Much of the Inca gold went underground as well as the Templar gold.
In 1975 a Lightworker who was an intelligence officer, hid in the NY subway, where homeless mole beings [?] lived. They knew where secret entrances were and showed Archangel [this appears to be a misunderstanding of the transcriptionist - Michael is a code name for an earth resistance leader - he is not an Archangel - AK] Michael underground tunnels of the NY subway system. A main operations headquarters was created hundreds of feet below NY. This Lightworker contacted and met with the Agarthan network and Andromedans for technology. Re-established a base, contacted the military and planned a military coup but later changed the mass arrests to a lawful and legal operation. Some of the military are still aware of this plan and its beginnings.
From 1975-1995, this was a time of active resistance operations. This movement brought the internet forward from the military and universities and connected it to a global communication network. Technology was brought to the Earth through computers, the internet, allowing military and people to be trained immediately.
In 1996 a strong invasion by the dark forces occurred. Reptilians went below and tried to destroy the underground movement. The Resistance requested help from Planet X. Planet X sent reinforcements. This planet orbits our sun beyond Pluto. Their civilization had lived underground in Planet X. An uprising by Planet X was possible because they were less brainwashed and they were in control until 1999. It took them only 3 weeks to liberate the planet [Planet X -AK]. 70 million of them came to Earth via teleport and cleaned out reptilian bases. They have been in existence for over 500 million years.
In 1996, 1999, and 2003, all military bases were cleared of reptilians. Dulce, Area 51, all black projects, all advanced and exotic technologies including scalar weaponry, UFO’s and clones were also cleared. Unfortunately, this progress cost the Resistance HUGE losses. After 2004-5, cloning factories were closed and no reptilians were left. There are at least 100 billion galaxies. Andromeda and 10 to15 other planets were also cleared during this time.
Once The Event occurs, The Resistant Movement will be able to be more visible and will confirm Cobra’s work.
When we reach a certain vibration, we can enter and exit a body at will like Ashtar. But at a some point, you don’t need to be born. You can begin playing with matter.
From 1945-2010, The WHO Organization/Rothschild vaccinations included microchips for programming the human race and shutting down psychic abilities. From June 2012 on these are no longer effective.
The Earth is a diverse bio ecological system and considered prime property because of this.
When tunnels collapse [cabal tunnels? -AK], they create sinkholes and this creates strange sounds.
There is life on Venus but not on the physical plane. HAARP closed down but not completely.
Chips were implanted after WWII, between 1945 and 2010. Vaccines have biochips in them. Between 1945 – 2010 we all got chipped. DO NOT GET VACCINATED. It is designed to shut down psychic abilities and the conscious mind.
95% of the white underground sex slave trade has been brought to an end.
A large group of incarnated Czechoslovakians and Archons are trying to stop the awakening. There is a large conglomeration there.
The Cabal created an energy vortex on the etheric plane. There has been counter resistance activity there. There is quite a bit of disinformation on the internet, so watch out for fake websites reporting HAARP activity when it no longer is in operation.
A small nuclear bomb was put in the nuclear plant at Fukushima. [this is what Fulford also said -AK]
Some chemtrails are not real. Not as dangerous as people think. Fluoridation is more serious, shutting down the brain. They have poisoned the air to shut down the brain.
Venus – Thor – came through a portal before he came to earth. He is not a physical being.
All Positive Light Groups are considered The White Knights.
Positive Military – Russia, China, US – provide logistics and personnel
Templars – in 13th century Jerusalem, under the Solomon Temple, found the life of Jesus. The Catholic Church paid the Templars to keep quiet initially, but later started the tortures, arrests, and deaths of The Templars because they threatened the existing mind programming done by the church.
In one day all of the Cabal will be arrested like they did to The Templars. Those negative Templars surviving formed the Illuminati. One went to Austria to fight the Cabal, another to Scotland to form freemasonry.
White Dragon Society – consists of old ancient Chinese families that have expertise in banking and are in control of huge wealth. They are a “mixed group” fighting to bring in the new financial system. The Rothchild’s cut their power off and want China back (which is not best for everyone) They are fighting for a new financial system.
Brotherhood of the Star – an occult of very advanced beings, bringing higher ideals and projecting telepathic ideals and impressions to those who are ready (only about 50 people doing this now). There are 500 actual members. (see Cobra post http://2012portal.blogspot.com/search?q=brotherhood+of+the+star )
Order of the Star – Formed in Atlantis, they are here to transform all darkness and heal humanity. There are 144,000 beings. Some of us belong to The Order of the Star. They are here to transform, assist with The Event, and heal humanity. There will be a big need for healing after “The Event”.
Light Workers – they are the backbone of this movement, meditating, and invoking the Light. They are a transformational source for the planet
Silver Legion – dedicated to the light but affected and influenced by Archons. They are mostly silent..
After the Event, a great need for healers will be necessary. Lightworkers will be the backbone of our transformation.
- Jesuit Faction – mostly located in the Vatican implementing mind control via religious indoctrination
- Rothschild Faction – financiers for Jesuits
- Rockefeller Faction – US based money controllers, who dominate oil, pharmaceuticals, AMA, technology, and science. After WWII, the Nazis came over to the US making up much of this faction (1,000-2,000 people – all to be removed after the Event)
These are the Black Nobility Families in The Vatican but their energy fields are not human. They incarnated into human bodies with no aura. Most dark factions are in the Vatican, as are the Archons. They hide in the astral plane and use reptilians to press our ‘weak’ spots. They hinder spiritual development of humanity. Use WHITE LIGHTANDASK GUIDES FOR HELP if experience negative moods
These reptiles are minions of the Archons to create conflict. They work on the physical, astral and etheric planes.
These are amoeba or octopus-like free floating beings in astral space.
There were 3 main Archon invasions:
- Kurgan Invasion – 5000 years ago – 5000-6000 years ago, there was a Russian portal that opened up where savage nomadic tribes invaded the peaceful society there. They were allergic to the goddess presence. This is the origin of the goddess suppression. Russia became the land where they incarnated into a society of warriors and damaged goddess energy.
- Khazar Invastion – time of the Roman Empire – Again from the Russian stargate, reptilian ‘barbarians’ invaded Rome. Constantine the Great was an Archon – brought in mind programs and ordered the military and religions to follow his decrees. He ordered all bishops to spread this message of programming. He invited barbarian tribes to destroy anything that was of The Light. The Dark Ages followed for hundreds of years due to this historical event. Theodosius the Great, controlled by the Archons, was the Emperor from 379-395. He was the last Emperor, destroying the mystery schools, the library at Alexandria and the Vatican, ending the Roman Empire.
- Congo Invasion - The third invasion was in 1996 – there was an upsurge in the Light at that time, and Dark Forces came to counter this via a portal in the Congo, Uganda, and Rwanda area. There were 12 subterranean warhead explosions in this area which enabled millions to teleport into Africa, causing war and genocide in those areas. Most of the area is cleared of reptilians now.
A layer around the surface of the planet used by the Archons to keep us in quarantine/the veil. It is an actual structure in space time where tiny black holes are created. The Reptilians hide in these tiny black holes of the Veil. It is an anomaly in the space/time continuum, which affects propulsion of space ships, making it difficult for them to approach. This is why so many UFO crashes have occurred here. It is now being cleared. Above this is the wonderful love energy.
It is 15-20 miles on the other side of the veil.
Once the veil is removed, purity and harmony will be experienced and we will anchor this. True liberty is a natural state. We will be able to feel the tachyon energy from space, (enabling us to be more balanced) and maintain our true reality of peace and happiness, creating paradise. Billions of Reptilians and Archons etc. will be sent to the Central Sun where they may be born again with a soul, a connection to Source. These beings have lost their connection with Source and can not be repaired.
Zeta Reticuli lost contact with their emotions. They were neutral at the ’47 Roswell Crash. In 2001-2002 they crossed over to the Light.
There is a strong denial program running that everything is ok but it really isn’t.
The Plan has always been around and been carried out every second.
This is a portal, an energetic black hole caused by the space/time continuum anomaly. We are now [about] to exit the black hole after 25,000 years of prison. This exit is the EVENT HORIZON. It is an expanding dot of light, taking place right now and we are entering the brilliant light.
The Plan is to manifest Paradise on Earth. We have gone through the stages. The matrix is inside the quarantine, and is a computer program with artificial intelligence. There is a way to hack the matrix, crack the computer code. A flash of light is the mission, the ignition, the merkaba, it is what we have been trained for when it comes. It will take place when each of us, as a shining light, flash together, and carry out our part of the Plan.
The surface of the Earth is inside a ‘sandwich’, feeling pressure, intensity, increased light, which brings up anything needing to be transmuted.
This compression consists of:
- Light above the planet
- Light from within, under the surface of the planet
- Positive pressure from the Light increases the intensity of what we all feel.
- Light from the planet surface
- Agarthans – our underground allies provide pressure from below the Earth’s surfaceAll those that are not of the light have to be transformed. When the pressure becomes so strong, The Event will take place. Things will go faster and faster up and until the breakthrough. This enables the strong and bright lights to meet and the Plan is able to happen. Then The EVENT will take place.
This is a spiritual flash of DIVINE ENERGY from Source, the Galactic Central Sun, through the solar system to Planet Earth. All galactic positive races will receive a signal from The Galactic Central Sun and then transmit to others. The Pleaidians will have all the conditions on The Cabal (including intel), and tell the Resistance and surface operatives in all areas at that moment. Once the Resistance Movement receives that signal, it is relayed to the underground, to the operatives within the financial network, the political network, etc. They will be given an offer to cooperate within a short timeframe. Those contacted will be given detailed instructions of what to do. They will be asked ‘Do you wish to cooperate with the Plan?” There will be a global message broadcast through different media channels to announce The Event. Dark forces will be removed for crimes against humanity – their actions must be balanced. This will all occur within 15 minutes. There is no such thing as the green light. Everyone will be surprised. (see Cobra website post about the Masterplan http://2012portal.blogspot.ca/search?updated-max=2012-10-13T12:19:0...)
There will be an “Event Flash” from the Central Sun. This will not only be a communication but a wave of Energy ( Quote from American Kabuki site … not from conference notes is “The Event will be a special kind of light from the Sun that permeates the earth and humanity, it will calm humanity in the light of love energy – it’s an energy not seen before on earth, the banking system will stop, accounts and currencies reset, and arrests will be made…” Cobra 11/26/2012)
- We will feel a strong energy first
- Once the operation starts, there will be announcements within the media within a couple of hours.
- They will take over the satellite and TV networks.
- The messages will then be broadcast.
- Light Forces will confuse any Cabal still remaining.
- The higher-ups will be given evidence about The Event.
- Anyone who has personal issues will be left out of the mission.
- The Event will be spread through blogs first and THEN through TV.
- Those with a soul contract agreed to do this certain mission.
- The initial group alerted will be people in big/important positions.
- Afterwards, anyone can get contacted. They will decide what we are to do according to our actions. We each have our own role. We need to be effective. THE WEAKEST PART OF THE CHAIN DETERMINES THE TIMING.
- Since we are hearing this, we are more likely to get contacted.
The first Renaissance was over 500 years ago and changed human history with the introduction and invention of the printing press. This allowed access to books and reading, the communication of ideas which shaped the western world. Beings were received as Beings of Light. It was called The Project of the Brotherhood of the Star. ( see cobra site http://2012portal.blogspot.com/search?q=operation+dreamland )
The second Renaissance is going to happen soon. The Light Forces will communicate ideas, take new spiritual awakenings to the masses. They will gather contacts within a larger population.
After 12.21.12, there will be a press conference with the mass media and Hollywood. Funding and contacts are needed to pull this off – please let Cobra know if you have any contacts that are open to this media blitz.
We are in preparation for a planetary transformation and new financial system and need to prepare the masses for these transitions.
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