2022 The Year of Love, Simple Joy and the Gates of Paradise
Archangel Michael and the Elohim Angelic Family via Celia Fenn
Posted on January 11, 2022
Beloved Ones, welcome to the year 2022 of Earth’s linear timeline. We ask that you allow this to be the year of Love and the opening of the Gates of Paradise.
It will be a year in which only Love will allow you to succeed and to thrive and to experience the simple joys of your life on Earth.
Of course, since Time and Space are mostly “illusions” of perception, you are living between two timelines and two realities. The old energy/alternate reality exists on the lower levels of consciousness with its linear timeline, and the higher consciousness spiral timeline exists on the higher frequencies. Each of these timelines, while existing in the same “space,” produces a different spatial reality. So, depending on your perceptions and your soul frequencies, you will find yourself either in a chaotic and fear-filled reality, or in a peaceful and loving reality. If you are a Master of your Energy, you will be asked to move between them frequently, as needed.
In this year of 2022, you will be able to choose where you wish to be, by “setting your frequency dial” to the New Earth time line.
How do I do this ? You may ask?
Simply by making a choice and setting an intention.
Choose to live in a Reality of Love, Kindness and Compassion, and own your own shadow energies so that you are not triggered to fall out of that frequency. If you do fall out of the Love frequency, simply choose again and align with these higher energies that are so available now.... https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/01/2022-year-of-love-simple-joy...
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