Saviors Of Earth

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16 Must-Watch Psychopath Movies You Can’t Miss Janey Davies, B.A. (Hons)

16 Must-Watch Psychopath Movies You Can’t Miss
Janey Davies, B.A. (Hons)

What is it about people that draws them to psychopath movies? Is it a desire to understand the deviant mind? Or is it simply a lust for horror and depravity? Whatever the reason for our interest, Hollywood has delved into this genre for decades and with much success. After all, who hasn’t heard of the term ‘bunny boiler’ or the quote “I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti”?

I’ve always loved movies about psychopaths, so here are my favourites.


16 Must-Watch Psychopath Movies

1. PSYCHO (1960) – Anthony Perkins

If you asked people to name one of the top psychopath movies, then Psycho would rank in the top five. Seemingly innocuous hotel manager Norman Bates lets a room to Marion, a woman on the run from the police. During her stay, Marion overhears Norman arguing with his mother, for which he apologises....+@

16 Must-Watch Psychopath Movies You Can’t Miss

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