In an effort to ascertain the exact time of the beginning of the winter solstice on that special date...12/21/2012, in order to mark the 3 year countdown point from today, I was stunned to see that the calculation by the standard of time keeping, the UTC, is...11:11a.m.!!!
This is not an invention of New Age philosophy. It is a scientific calculation.
As "11:11" is the penultimate time associated with transformation, the idea that that time begins the solstice, ON THAT…Continue
Besimi, Tony, Kamala, Mariel...Dana? And the gang...hope you're all well and keeping the faith. Keep striving for incredible things...I am. Not on the net these days, but wanted to drop by...We had a lot of fun those first few months!
No sooner than right after posting the blog about todays date, 3 /30 / 2009 = 33 11, I sit down to make some calls, and I see a pile of papers off to the side that I'm going to throw out, and on top of this pile a big 33 ($33, EXACTLY, special on their services), sits staring at me from a flyer from Time Warner Cable.
This part is shivery spooky...
At THAT EXACT MOMENT.....................................I WAS ON THE PHONE............WITH TIME/WARNER CABLE!
I'm at the site , listening to classical music on the radio...the front page playlist shuffle goes to the Barber/Orbit music...The same piece begins on the perfect synchrony, note for note, with the music on the site. Impossible...a message? Life changing...the odds go to infinty...a goosebump moment...this just happened, and I'm so pleased to have a forum of friends to share this with!
With freedom comes responsibility; With GREAT freedom comes GREAT responsibility...
I am sorry for blogging inappropriate material to this wonderful website. All future such posts will be placed in the "Lighten up Lightworkers" group as requested.
There's a saying...Sometimes you need to cut off a finger to save a hand.