Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Barry Hesperus's Blog (5)


Our intensely passionate emotions and desires can be like riding a wild horse, or being inundated by a turbulent river, overflowing its banks, producing havoc for us, and for others around us. We become driven by demanding, insatiable, energies, that have a counterproductive, disruptive, impact on our lives. As suggested by Rakesh Sethi1,

“The mind is like a river flowing, full of emotions, good and bad, thrusting every which way wildly, like raging water. The…


Added by Barry Hesperus on July 22, 2012 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Manifesting Inner and Outer Peace

The reality of peace must actually be lived, by being expressed to others with unselfish caring, and responsive harmonious empathic attunement, along with indivisibly related qualities of goodness such as love, happiness, and beauty, because it is not truly real if it is only a static, abstract, presumptive, thought in the mind, without being lived, or expressed, as a dynamic, responsive, energy, through everything that we say and do,…


Added by Barry Hesperus on January 10, 2012 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

Why Good Communication is the Foundation of Enduring True Friendship

Agreement or disagreement is much less important than good communication as a way of enabling people to deeply understand each other, and, thereby, gradually develop the ability to feel inwardly close to each other, as caring good friends. Good communication, as the basis of true friendship, means that one does not keep one’s inner experience to oneself alone, but, instead, actively reaches out to share one’s experience, feelings, thoughts, and needs with another person, as openly,…

Added by Barry Hesperus on January 10, 2012 at 1:30pm — No Comments

The Co-Creative Muse

I find that the best kind of creative inspiration, in any field of endeavor, comes from communing deeply with other life presences, in heartfelt, open-minded, empathic attunement with them. The more deeply we invest our heart, mind, and senses, in…

Added by Barry Hesperus on January 10, 2012 at 1:30pm — No Comments

A Special Message for Christmas and Hanukah: (Bringing Out the Best in One Another; Co-Creating the Sweet Life Together)

Festivals of light such as Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa (African American), Diwali (India), etc, symbolize the rebirth and awakening of the sacred flame of love in the hearts of individual persons, as well as in the collective heart of humanity. This living flame of love and goodness can serve to transform this world for the better, in many ways, from the inside as well as from the outside, as a kind of limitless spiritual blessing power. The gifts that people give to one…

Added by Barry Hesperus on January 10, 2012 at 1:00pm — No Comments

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