Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

March 2010 Blog Posts (124)


I just received a heads up from a patriot. SOMETHING REALLY, REALLY BIG IS ARRIVING ON MONDAY 3/29.

When I get the okay to post I will do.…

Added by jose v on March 27, 2010 at 1:49am — 15 Comments

Children of the New Dream - an interview with Drunavalo Melchizedeck

Diane: So Drunvalo...who are these "Children of the New Dream" that you are so excited about?

Drunvalo: Well there are 3 different kinds of children emerging in the world today that I have been able to identify. The first are called the "Super Psychic Children of China." The second are called the "Indigo Children" and the third are called the "Children of AIDS."

The first one, the "Super Psychics of China," we talked about in the Flower of Life seminars. If you remember,… Continue

Added by Pat on March 26, 2010 at 11:48pm — 1 Comment

TWT: Blood - New Vblog is uP :)

FYI the next installment is up for your consideration. Its about Healing mostly, some ideas about how you can heal yourself. Check it out if you feel the pull. :)
love always

Today, professional vampires tapped my veins in a shinny blood bus with blue bed-seats. I have a powder blue badge of courage. But they say that my donation will save THREE LIVES so yeah, WORTH IT...…

Added by brandy rox on March 26, 2010 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Video of Mothership releasing ORBS over Japan

this is a cool video. It occurred earlier this month.

Added by JEN on March 25, 2010 at 9:45am — 6 Comments

Peruvian Whistling Vessels True Shamanic Instruments (instant altered states?)

Peruvian Whistling Vessels

True Shamanic Instruments

For over two thousand years, different cultures in Peru

produced vessels psychoacoustically tuned. Instruments which

produce vibrations that induce an expanded state of consciousness

different from anything known today. They stopped producing

their vessels when conquistadors entered their land. They

did not share the vessel experience with the invaders.… Continue

Added by JIM4HOPE on March 25, 2010 at 9:13am — 4 Comments

Does this Obama article have any merit????

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NWO New Age Commentary Blog rss Contact Biblio Barack Obama, Former CIA Agent

- by Deanna Spingola, 14 Mar. 2010

I recently had the pleasure of talking with Dr. James David Manning who has been ministering to the people of Harlem since 1981. He is now the Senior Pastor at ATLAH which stands for All the Land Anointed Holy, Manning’s inspired name for Harlem as of September 14, 1991.

Dr. Manning heads the Columbia Obama Treason Trial which is scheduled… Continue

Added by JIM4HOPE on March 25, 2010 at 8:05am — 1 Comment

Those Who Know

Those Who Know

The following section contains quotes from famous and respected scientists, politicians and astronauts regarding UFO and ET phenomena.

The destruction or disappearance of military aircraft during interceptions of UFOs has continued in space. As General Benjamin Chidlaw, former commanding general of the Air Defense Command told Robert C. Gardener (ex USAF) in 1953: "We have stacks of reports of flying saucers. We take them seriously, when you consider we have lost… Continue

Added by JIM4HOPE on March 25, 2010 at 4:17am — 5 Comments

To my Friends, Fellow Patriots and Lovers of Freedom - worldwide,

Open letter from Sam Kennedy, from

  • To my Friends, Fellow Patriots and Lovers of Freedom - worldwide,

    Some time ago I promised a final remedy to enslavement at the hands of corporations posing as legitimate government. Well, the time has finally arrived. This is the most important email I have ever written and it represents…

Added by jose v on March 25, 2010 at 3:58am — No Comments

If Everyone Cared

"If Everyone Cared"

From underneath the trees, we watch the sky

Confusing stars for satellites

I never dreamed that you'd be mine

But here we are, we're here tonight

Singing Amen, I, I'm alive

Singing Amen, I, I'm alive


If everyone cared and nobody cried

If everyone loved and nobody lied

If everyone shared and swallowed their pride



Added by simpleman on March 24, 2010 at 10:30pm — 4 Comments

Need help and advice with something.

Did anyone else or is anyone else going to "forget" to fill out their census form? Because of my own beliefs I really don't want to fill it out and send it in but it says it is required by law. What will happen if I "forget"?

Added by ian on March 24, 2010 at 3:49pm — 6 Comments

My anti-climactical possible UFO sighting

For years I have been hoping to experience a UFO, but the closest I came was always some very exciting dreams. But last week I saw something that I can't quite explain. I was out walking the dog late evening when I saw a light in the sky moving (from my perspective) from right to left at a steady pace. Thinking it was an aeroplane a focused in on it to se if I could make out the flashing wing lights. The light started to fade and I thought it was my proximity to a streetlight… Continue

Added by Kal'Narred on March 24, 2010 at 1:30pm — 3 Comments

2010-3-23 NWO Defeated NOW as Success of RESTORE AMERICA PLAN Done Deal now

(Thanks, fen. :)

Reader fen sends us the following 10-minute YouTube clip, derived from an mp3 of a Restore America Plan conference call, beginning at about 3:11 into the call.

"Even if Sam Kennedy or somebody else disappeared, THIS PLAN GOES FORWARD." ... "As soon as the paperwork is served on all the governments, things start…


Added by jose v on March 24, 2010 at 5:00am — 5 Comments

Looking for the Fifth Dimsension in Cygnus X-3

A Report by Andrew Collins

Sunday, 1 July 2007

A Report by Andrew Collins Sunday, 1 July 2007

Some string theories and other quantum ideas about the nature of the universe postulate the existence of more dimensions that the three of space and one of time…


Added by simpleman on March 23, 2010 at 10:30pm — 1 Comment

Implants, Visions and Thoughts


Added by brandy rox on March 23, 2010 at 7:03pm — 3 Comments

Moon's Water Comes in Three Flavors, Scientists Say

Since the surprise discovery last year of trace amounts of water on the moon, scientists have been redefining their concept of Earth's rocky neighbor. Now researchers say the water on the moon comes in three different flavors.

Until recently the moon was thought to be bone dry. But measurements in the last year from the Mini-SAR and Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3 or "M-cubed") instruments on India's Chandrayaan-1 moon probe and from NASA's recent LCROSS mission have proved that… Continue

Added by peace frog on March 23, 2010 at 1:29pm — 1 Comment

World Mourns As Communist Darkness Falls Upon America

World Mourns As Communist Darkness Falls Upon America

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers…


Added by jose v on March 23, 2010 at 11:59am — 1 Comment

Thursday Meeting with Metatron

Metatron: We met at a Lake in the HighLands in Scotland

There we met with the Spiritual Leaders preparing for the Disclosure and First Contact.

Mother Sekhmet, AA Michael, Maitreya you and I were there with Sananda…

Added by jose v on March 23, 2010 at 2:49am — 11 Comments

Just a little message of HOPE

Newspaper: Belang van Limburg

Place: Antwerp, Belgium

New forest with 6000 trees planted.

They planted new trees in the municipality Assenede , this weekend.

The forest lies beside the Antwerp Heirweg in Oosteeklo and connects with an already existing forest. Schools and associations planted around 6000 young trees.

The agency of Nature and Forest is owner of that…


Added by Lisa on March 23, 2010 at 2:39am — 3 Comments

Dr. Thomas Campbell - My big TOE (Theory of Everything)

Physicist and consciousness researcher, Thomas Campbell, Discusses the nature of reality in terms of consciousness -- this video logically and scientifically explains the normal and the paranormal, mind and matter, physics and metaphysics, philosophy and theology.

Not sure where I found this guy first but what he says is pretty interesting :)…

Added by brandy rox on March 23, 2010 at 12:30am — 1 Comment

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