Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

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Seeking truth to be Free! - October 21st 2015 ~ 15 posts.

World government is inevitable but it must never be fascist. ~ Benjamin Fulford,

 World government is inevitable but it must never be fascist.Por Benjamin Fulford. 2015.10.20 The political events of the past several years are pointing inexorably towards the formation of some sort of world government. This was made even more clear…

Added by Manuel Tavares on October 21, 2015 at 6:30pm — 1 Comment

Sheldan Nidle Update - 13 Cimi, 19 Tzotz, 12 Manik

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation


13 Cimi, 19 Tzotz, 12 Manik

Selamat Balik! This reality is being swiftly disassembled by the various decisions of a new group of the ancient families and the new royalty of Europe. Their decisions are making it possible to speedily take down the many-headed monster that is the cabal. Those who are involved in the legal aspects of this operation are quite pleased that these vital decisions are…


Added by James on October 20, 2015 at 7:37pm — No Comments

Seeking truth to be Free! - October 20th 2015 ~ 12 posts.

Ask The Masters, 20 October 2015 ~ Toni and Peter

Ask The Masters.By The Celestial Voices.Through Toni and Peter. *20 October **2015* *A preview of the Masters' teachings.* A woman from Singapore seems to be seeking a magic bullet to change her life. The Masters have to rein her in with an explanation of the way the soul's human…

Added by Manuel Tavares on October 20, 2015 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment

Bankrupting Monsanto using free market principles driven by informed consumers...


Health Ranger to unveil plan for bankrupting Monsanto using free market principles driven by informed consumers... action report broadcasting Thursday on


Added by CHRISTINA on October 20, 2015 at 4:45am — No Comments

Jesus through John Smallman - You are just momentarily asleep and dreaming, sometimes horrific dreams.

You are just momentarily asleep and dreaming, sometimes horrific dreams.

October 20, 2015 by John Smallman


Added by James on October 20, 2015 at 2:52am — No Comments

COBRA: Proxy Galactic War in Syria

Proxy Galactic War in Syria


Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Not much can be said about that now publicly.
On the other hand, clearing of their Draco and Reptilian minions is…

Added by James on October 20, 2015 at 2:39am — No Comments

Cobra: The Disclosure Chronicles – The Creation – Part 1 An Interview by Prepare for Change

10-18-15 Cobra: The Disclosure Chronicles – The Creation – Part 1 An Interview by Prepare for Change


Added by James on October 19, 2015 at 1:53pm — No Comments

Seeking truth to be Free! - October 19th 2015 ~ 7 posts.

Extraordinary New Documentary Explains How Aliens Built The Pyramids ~ Higher Perspective.

Extraordinary New Documentary Explains How Aliens Built The Pyramids From Higher Perspective, October…

Added by Manuel Tavares on October 19, 2015 at 10:24am — 2 Comments

Message from Montague on Sunday 18 October 2015

Message from Montague on Sunday 18 October 2015

As the light in your world increases, it exposes all that is evil and corrupt. There is no hiding place now for all who have put in place the plans to destroy humanity and take over the Earth for their own purposes. Everything at the top of the pyramid of control is TOTALLY EVIL. It must be removed. As they cannot exist without your support, it is your duty to refuse to support this evil…


Added by CHRISTINA on October 19, 2015 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

Company to Blanket City Streets With WiFi Connected “Smart Pavement”

Company to Blanket City Streets With WiFi Connected “Smart Pavement”


Added by CHRISTINA on October 19, 2015 at 4:00am — 2 Comments

Seeking truth to be Free! - October 18th 2015 ~ 10 posts.

Internal Expansion. ~ Eliza Ayres

Internal ExpansionBlue Dragon Journal Entry 10.18.2015 by Eliza Ayres A Rose is a Rose is a Rose *Journal Entry 10.18.2015 – Internal Expansion*

Added by Manuel Tavares on October 18, 2015 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Blowing the Whistle, Chpt. 9: Amma, the Mother Saint – Hugging Away Your Personhood

Blowing the Whistle, Chpt. 9: Amma, the Mother Saint – Hugging Away Your Personhood


Since I wrote the article below about “the other side” of Amma, a book has come out that describes one person’s life as a close disciple of the woman known as “the hugging saint.”

The book is called…


Added by CHRISTINA on October 18, 2015 at 8:37am — 1 Comment

Galactic Connection: What Is The Real Human-Insectoid Connection?, October 13, 2015

Galactic Connection: What Is The Real Human-Insectoid Connection?, October 13, 2015


Download or…


Added by James on October 18, 2015 at 5:59am — No Comments

No One Needs A Parasite (Language Warning)

No One Needs A Parasite (Language Warning)

Posted By: Lion [Send E-Mail]

Date: Saturday, 17-Oct-2015 19:01:23


It is only the parasite that requires a host to prey upon.

In case you haven't noticed, Land of the Parasite is exactly what North America has…


Added by CHRISTINA on October 18, 2015 at 5:40am — No Comments

Your Oneness will arise in all its glory and magnificence to amaze and delight you - John Smallman

Your Oneness will arise in all its glory and magnificence to amaze and delight you.

10/18/2015 by John Smallman


Added by James on October 18, 2015 at 4:00am — No Comments

Seeking truth to be Free! - Oct 17th, 2015 ~ 3 posts

Your Oneness will arise in all its glory and magnificence to amaze and delight you. ~ Saul via John Smallman

Your Oneness will arise in all its glory and magnificence to amaze and delight you. By Saul *(Paul)* Through John Smallman…

Added by Manuel Tavares on October 18, 2015 at 1:43am — No Comments

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