Saviors Of Earth

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Law Of One (Oneness)


Law Of One (Oneness)

Books channeled by Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty between 1981 and 1984. This forum provides a platform to discuss the 106 books.

Members: 125
Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2023

An index and search function can be found at
Because the books are transcripts of tape-recorded exchanges, they tend to jump around from topic to topic. As a result, it can be difficult to find the particular thought you are looking for. To make searches easier, a searchable database is available.

Other material is avaiable at the L/L Research site

The Law Of One often makes reference to the cosmic laws. Here are some I have been able to track down:

The importance of cosmic laws can be found here:

At the bottom right hand side of each session you can click to the next, It may also be interesting to read the Re-listened version at the top of each page. The wiki version is a straight, unedited version which captures Don’s questions and Ra’s answers through Carla as best as possible. (The recordings of the first 17 sessions are very faint.) All copy corrections made by the original team have been disregarded on the wiki version. While it is interesting to compare and contrast the two versions, it is not accurate to say that the wiki version is better or more complete. Indeed, a first-time reader may well find the Introduction and the editing done to simplify reading the material to be helpful. For the Ra scholar, the new material found in re-listening and the various re-wordings suggested by the re-listening is fascinating.

Discussion Forum

Free Will

Started by Tony Aug 15, 2010. 0 Replies

Oneness Blessings

Started by Tony. Last reply by Christopher Glenn Bowers Aug 2, 2009. 8 Replies

What does oneness mean to you

Started by Tony. Last reply by Tony Apr 27, 2010. 6 Replies

Oneness Music video's

Started by Tony. Last reply by Lisa Trudell Feb 20, 2010. 4 Replies

Oneness Video's

Started by Tony. Last reply by Tony Dec 19, 2009. 8 Replies

Oneness Meditation video's

Started by Tony. Last reply by Tony May 28, 2009. 1 Reply

The 106 sessions of the Law Of One

Started by Tony. Last reply by Tony May 28, 2009. 3 Replies

Returning the content

Started by Tony May 28, 2009. 0 Replies

Comment Wall


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Comment by Tony on October 14, 2010 at 10:55am
Integrating the I AM Presence
By PatriciaCotaRobles Humanity has recently recently experienced very powerful shifts of energy, vibration, and consciousness. This has allowed us to transcend our human egos. Now our I AM Presence, our true God Self, is taking dominion of our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies. As this integrating process unfolds day-by-day, our lives are being transformed.

Through the consciousness of our I AM Presence, we realize that we are One with ALL Life, and that there is no separation. We clearly understand that with every thought, word, feeling, or action, we are either adding to the Light of the world or the shadows. We now know, that our belief in separation is what has caused the pain and suffering people are experiencing all over the world.

It is time for us to accept our Oneness with ALL Life. And it is time for us to give our I AM Presence supreme authority in our lives. This will allow us to experience a new level of Divine Intelligence and Reverence for ALL Life.

Now, we must be PRESENT in every moment of our lives, and feel aligned with our I AM Presence BEFORE we respond to any situation. We can accomplish this by saying...

"I AM my I AM Presence."

"From this level of Divine Consciousness, how will I respond to this situation?"

"How will I add to the Light of the world with my thoughts, words, feelings, actions, beliefs, and attitudes in this instance?"

Then with listening Grace, we will hear the Divine Guidance of our I AM Presence.

Without the interference of our human egos, we can communicate with our I AM Presence in new and profound ways. In the past, this was extremely difficult, but that is over. Everything has changed! Now we need to just listen to our hearts and trust our I AM Presence.

An easy test to be sure we are responding to the guidance of our I AM Presence, and not merely connecting with the past etheric records of our human egos, is to ask ourselves...

"Is this response free from fear?"

"Is it the most positive way of handling this situation?"

"Does this response involve the highest good for all concerned?"

"Am I adding to the Light of the world by responding in this way?"

If our answer is "NO" to any of these questions, the guidance is not coming from our I AM Presence. We are just responding to the memory and the residual habits of our obsolete human ego.

Instead of responding from that old habit, we need to center ourselves and ask our I AM Presence for guidance once again. We can do this as many times as we need to until we are able to answer "YES" to all of those questions.

Our I AM Presence is very practical, so the guidance will involve viable options and solutions that will enhance our lives and the lives of others. The inner guidance from our I AM Presence will always reflect a Reverence for Life and the highest good for all concerned.

The Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection is the most powerful tool available to help us accelerate the integration of our I AM Presence. It is the perfect balance of our Father God's Blue Flame of Power and Divine Will, and our Mother God's Pink Flame of Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life. This Sacred Fire will transmute the etheric records and memories associated with the negative behavior patterns that were left behind by our human egos.
Comment by Tony on August 16, 2010 at 5:26pm
The Q&A with HH can also be found here on the site:

Not sure if it relates one on one with the link given by Christopher
Comment by Christopher Glenn Bowers on June 9, 2010 at 3:13pm
Here is an interview with Carla Rueckert on youtube, the first of 3 segments. And also, a link to the Hidden Hand interview that is quite good, and intriguing considering who and what Hidden Hand claims to be... Enjoy!
Comment by Christopher Glenn Bowers on June 9, 2010 at 3:21am
I am also a student of the L of O sessions and was so pleased to see a group here started some time ago, and then it kind of fizzled out, but is so good to see it ignite again. Has anyone read the Hidden Hand Q&A session from Above Top Secret? HH said that the Law of One material is the most accurate source available today.

The HH Q&A is a treasure in its own right and well worth a read. Brandy, I may be out of line when I say this, but you may do well to not pursue being a channel. There are so many ways that distortion can come in to play. Very tricky stuff, and you would need to know how to protect yourself during the process so you and others are not mislead. One does well to seek knowledge from One's own Higher Self, OverSoul... Just a thought....

Love, Light, and Peace with no opposite, Chris
Comment by Tony on June 9, 2010 at 2:01am
Willam, thank you for your comments. The link
is mentioned in the group description above. All, feel free to join in or open a new discussion in the appropiate section above.
Comment by brandy rox on June 8, 2010 at 9:40pm
mahalo for your comment William. I am familiar with the information you shared. There was much information transmitted though, and the process of how they go about studying the cards was explained. I think they got through enough information to get us started. I think it is awesome that you know about the tarot, because I had like zero background when i first read the Law of one series.

the guide thingy was also given to l&l research and their guy said he would like to offer it to anyone who wishes to study on their own.

maybe another group of three could gather to finish the work they started? I have recently been made aware of the gift of channeling. so im on the look out for a questioner and a scribe.. know anyone?
Comment by brandy rox on June 8, 2010 at 7:46pm
didja notice on the there is a handy archetypes study guide compiled by yours truly :D i was so excited
Comment by Ravi Raju on June 8, 2010 at 2:43pm
Thanks Tony.. that does really help incase you need to find something specific that you might want to read over again..

Comment by Tony on June 7, 2010 at 5:34pm
Ravi, the p.s. was aimed at you specifically ;-) !
Comment by Ravi Raju on June 7, 2010 at 5:14pm

I would not suggest an index search for the ones who are new to the 'Law Of One'.. as first time readers would not understand some of the phrases / words they use to describe certain truths until you have gone through the gradual progression of reading the L-O-O from the Book-I (Ra Material) their explanations and language / use of words gets complicated as the sessions progress into Book-IV ...

this is my personal opinion though..

These books never seem to amaze me as you seem to find new information in what you've already finished reading as your understanding of the ultimate truth evolves by the day.. as long as you're on the path..


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