Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

2. Say love to you, to the people, to the animals, to Everything!

This is important. When was the last time you said Word LOVE, the purpose with this is that you have to focuse in love in all that you do. The more you do it, the more your thinking is going to change because all words have vibration.

As you remember in mayority of channelings of Blossom Goodchild, this word LOVE, always it is emphasized, they always tell you focuse in love. So this is a good way to begin focusing. If you want say love 100 hundreds of time per day. Or Sing it if you prefer: Love, love , love :)

Remember to change world we have to chage ourselves first. So start practicing!


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The human race have been conditioned to expect something back if we give love freely. I try to give love openly and not expect any return. If you send love to people in your mind without saying it out loud you will be suprised by the outcome.
I learned this from Keenya 's channelings from St.Germaine on You Tube.The people I have done this to seem to suddenly lift in mood and seem really happy. I was quite amazed at the response when I first tried this. This proves that we are surrounded by a field of consciousness as stated by David Wilcock and everything is affected by it. Some call it the torsion field or tachion energy. Even the plants and animals respond if you send them love in your mind. All love given is regiven back as this is a natural law of the Universe.
Thanks Alan for sharing your experiences...... :) :) :) too i have plants here at home.....and i talk to them in a lovely way.....;)......seemed strange at first....but then i comprehended that they are too beings of counciousness like you or me....and with animals too...if i see a dog on matter how ugly it is(cause many people don`t like them because of this).....i try to cheer them up....ant then they feel a positive way.......We should form habit of loving all creatures out there.......Thankss :) :) :)
It's funny you mention about sending love to the plants in your house. I have been doing this for a while and all of a sudden Iam starting to see a bright blue flash beside the plant Iam sending love to. This doesn't happen all the time maybe twice a week and always at night. Iam wondering if the plants are giving back some sort of energy or response.
I know it seems quite strange but it is occuring to me.
I wonder if the plants are now trying to respond more to mankind ?? :) :) :)
Now that you mentioned it, not only with plants this all is been happening, as well animals too. I see birds are more active than ever! and many of them are changing their plumage and evolving as well.

ALAN said:
It's funny you mention about sending love to the plants in your house. I have been doing this for a while and all of a sudden Iam starting to see a bright blue flash beside the plant Iam sending love to. This doesn't happen all the time maybe twice a week and always at night. Iam wondering if the plants are giving back some sort of energy or response.
I know it seems quite strange but it is occuring to me.
I wonder if the plants are now trying to respond more to mankind ?? :) :) :)


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