Personally i like this one because makes me feel very happy. You could go to new places that you have not gone in past. Try something new! . For example you could visit caves, historical places, art presentations.
Another thing that i would like to emphasize that this society had made you believe that all have to go in specific order and yes it is!, but if you want to enjoy this places and all places, be in the moment ! . Observe details,ask you questions about place.
Also, it would be a good idea, for example when you go to jogging to a park, do it in a funny way. You can for example doing a complete round around trees one, two, three times!. Go for new paths that you have not gone. It is true that parks and public places have paths where people walk, but remember this is society that made you believe that this is place that you can go.
You can go for new paths and have fun doing it!, because you for example do jogging in street because this is place for such activity, and then you get bored because all days is the same thing!. It don`t have to be this way. As i told you try new paths always and get fun doing it, because when you do this your brain is going to become more active as you go for new paths that you haven`t gone.
All of this of course in case is permissive for such places.